Shadami's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

i mean. camping isn't bad either. but its cold. and eww bugs. and no internet. xD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: might be worth giving him that tool to use for resetting/coping with things wether he uses it now or not. :] maybe some where in the future it'll be exactly what he needed and he has the toolset to use it then. or its super handy right now. :]

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: it has been incredibly helpful for me . keeping on top of things. seeing that i'm getting stuff done. not panicking . not forgetting stuff.
my memory has felt really flaky because i'm trying to do to much. xD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

I've picked up bullet journaling FINALLY this year. I've been wanting to. tried a few times. and just never got into it for various reasons. But i finally found what feels right for me with it. and then.. covid. and i slacked off xD I'm hoping to fix my journal today.

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Hopefully, he heals up nice and fast.

and yeah! Take a break day! ^-^
OMG ITS ALMOST 2 ALREADY?!?! how did time go so fast . oh goodness. I'm kind of taking a break day myself xD I've felt a little overwhelmed lately, and need to force myself not to push myself to hard and fast when i'm just revovering. don't want to get sick again.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

i have gotten a new appreciation recently for the stickies note marker things. they're so much fun!
and my bullet journal. i really do like writing in journals physically more than typing stuff xD

Posted in Let's go exploring for dem confetti
Posted 2 years ago

My dad printed the page i showed him out and colored it immediately xD and my mother in law (ex mother in law?...) absolutely loved it as well and said it was something she would actually enjoy coloring. so i think i'm doing a good job.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

i haven't found that middle ground yet with digital books. I try with dnd books to have the pdf for online games. and its the closest i've gotten. but i usually still end up picking up the physical copy from next to me and flipping through it to the pages i want. xD maybe i'll find the right tablet/kindle/ect at some point :3

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

@Totalanimefan: i hope your week isn't so busy you can't find time to relax <3 cause yay important!
I'm working on taking more healthy mental breaks and stuff to take care of myself better. so I'm on a remind others to just in case they need a reminder. If that makes sense? cause yay love your self and take care of yourself in this crazy speedy world.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: same thing with books :3 i love holding (and smelling) and feeling the texture of real books. laying upside down or at weird angles. not worrying about a tablet screen with no flipping pages and instead dealing with frustration of the screen turning cause of a weird angle. ect.
but yes. I think i understand ^^

Posted in Fins and Whiskers - An Event Hangout
Posted 2 years ago

I don't need to call you konfetti xD but it was just a funny thing that happened in my brain so i figured i should share.

Posted in ❀ CONFETTI {thought dump with me + maybe doodles}
Posted 2 years ago

@Jolly: Sadly my parents are doing a "this world is a fire show and we need to stick together as a family" and because i desperately needed a house... they bought me one and are moving in when they retire in 3 and a half years....
So i have until then to make them at least SEE my point of view and let me be myself and not try to force me into their little box of who i am they have in their heads.
or find a new place to live . or get the money to buy THEM a different place to live.

Posted in • Sunny’s Event Giveaway (Post for prizes!!!) (Current Crates and Volts!) •
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Taf ! ^^ i'm sure you're super amazing at these kinds of threds. so much posting speed!
I may have decided to just get one of the art boxes because the video i was watching had a discount code. and I'm gonna support her. and also. i deserve to get things I want and will make me happy for myself sometimes. I don't have to put all my effort and energy into other people.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├
Posted 2 years ago

I love the texture of the real stuff. But when i basically got forced into digital or nothing because of space and money, i have a whole new appreciation for the digital xD