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@sunny: I can talk alot when I'm actually online ^^;;

Now i just need to catch back up with those top all time posters. xD i was only a couple thousand behind them at once point. ahhhh the sadness of going afk for about 3 years. xD

Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago

@blue: oh my. gosh. yes. xD this is hilariously accurate.

@Alchemists Fire: I want to do them as well. But I know that i just don't have the time. I decided that this will be my inktober. ( i still won't use the offical prompt list after the plagerism and controversy i heard about) I'm using the 100 heads to 1 - practice faces cause i'm crap at them, and two - practice my inking.

@Jolly: yes exactly. But I'm stuck in a weird reverse in that I don't have a job at all because of life also getting in the way of life. xD
I am desperately working on making everything connect in a way that i can at least juggle everything less stressfully

@Totalanimefan: now to convince her of that :3

@sunny: I'm kind of amazed how many posts i've already gotten. BUt i just loved that number xD

@Totalanimefan: I managed to get to the store in between drop off and pick up at the pre-k.
Just finished my lunch, and waiting for the 3 year old to finish hers. then gonna try to trick her into a nap with me xD so that i know she's safe and less cranky.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago

- Did you realize Voltra has been around for five years?

I had not realized it had been so long. TIme has really been flying by. I remember when Dragoness was telling me about it in... alpha? beta? and then joining once it opened! It's been amazing.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago

Questions of the Day (1):
- Did this event surprise you?

It absolutely did. but I also haven't been paying attention because of life.

The questions are fun! Hello Cooperation :D your signature is so bright and colorful!

@Totalanimefan: i'm feeling better than yesterday at the moment. I'm super tired and want a nap though xD
I didn't end up sleeping well, kept waking up confused where i was, it was strange.

My fingers are crossed on books/coloring books/ youtube/ ect home work stuff to take off. Or hopefully get more art comissions. My days are so exhausting I don't even have time yet to get a job.
It's been so frustrating, cause i barely even have time to work on those. I'm working 7 am until 9 pm taking care of my girls. running errands, getting them to school. making meals. cleaning house. Can i just get paid to be a mom xD pleasssee?

@Vyctor: I'm going to go with big round (turtle xD)

Oh my gosh. xD look at my post count. what a number.

@Jolly: i have to get a job first xD
Which i'm desperately working towards because my life has changed drastically by removing the toxic ex. xD

Hopefully in that time I do get them to understand me better and we can function in the same household.

@Wildfire: oh for sure ^^
i just felt like it may have been put in the image as a deception option even though I definitely have baked with it :3

also its fun to experiment with "not normal" foods for baking :D which is probably how things like applesauce brownies got first made