Vii's posts
Posted in The feels
Posted 7 years ago

So, today was my last day at work for a while. The owners are selling the place, and the new owners are closing the place down for renovations. It's not 100% guaranteed that I'll have a job at the end of it all, but the new guy said he wanted to keep me and a couple others, so here's to hoping.
I was outside taking a break with one of my fellow coworkers, a woman in her 60s named Red. Since I started working there we've kind of bonded; we have a lot in common and get along really well. We finish our smoke and she says, "I want to give you something." And gives me this cute little woven trinket case, which I open to find a pair of earrings she'd worn earlier in the week, and I'd commented on them.
Guise. Those earrings belonged to her grandmother. I was like "holy cow, dude, are you sure?" and with tears in her eyes, said she really wanted me to have them. I honestly felt kind of bad taking them but at the same time, I'm so touched that she entrusted me with something that is so old and has such sentimental value. Q-Q I'm going to miss everyone while we're closed (especially if not everyone comes back) but Red is among those I'll miss the most.
I've been looking forward to this little vacation for a while now, but leaving today felt so...surreal. I'm eager to see the changes the new owners make, but I'm also just that's another chapter of my life closed.
We're all planning a bowling party here soon, which will be fun. 8D

Posted in Omg so that happened
Posted 7 years ago

Heeeyyy that's awesome! I love the Reynolds ever since Blade Runner. Even if it's just some PR guy, you have contact with his official page which is lit!

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court
Posted 7 years ago

@Mad Hatter: The 5 min warning for sure c':
Love me a good cuppa tho!

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court
Posted 7 years ago

That's so ominous o.o

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court
Posted 7 years ago

It's all the shrooms I say! The shrooms are to blame!

Posted in If I disappear for a bit in 2 weeks...
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: Only someone who is absolutely heartless xD I tend to make those embarrassing squeaky-female noises that most females do when they see precious creatures. x3

Posted in If I disappear for a bit in 2 weeks...
Posted 7 years ago

I ain't even mad. Nothing is as cute as newborn animals.

Posted in I enjoy the smell of curry being made
Posted 7 years ago

I was even able to get my dad to like it after some exposure. I cook with it frequently!
The key to a really good curry is using all the other spices that go along with it, which I can't remember the ingredients of because I don't xD, but that depends on which type of curry you're going for anyway. Chinese 5 spice works good too tho c: I just kinda mix my own concoction of paprika, cinnamon, ground coriander, tumeric, and lots of black pepper...
My curry is never as good as the stuff at our local Thai place. Sooooo good, can't wait to go this weekend. xD
But hey if you're not the terribly shy type, I'd go with what others have said and compliment their cooking and ask for the recipe! ^-^ I'm sure they'd be flattered.

Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen]
Posted 7 years ago

3fast5me lawd
Then again I'm at work and am only poking in when things are slow xD

Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen]
Posted 7 years ago

@RainbowPanda: Hate the game, not the player xD
takes one to know one tho
@The Youngest Granny: Rainbow Panda lol I've always called her by her initials xD

Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen]
Posted 7 years ago

Can confirm. RP has gone mad.

Posted in Word Disassociation
Posted 7 years ago


Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago

Oooo morse code! This one was a doozy until I realised it was backwards, too! |D

Posted in Ch. 11 Knave's Alibi
Posted 7 years ago

@Theory: Lol it's okay! It was in a spoiler so honestly it was my fault. xD