Vii's posts
Posted in tfw you're like 50 volts short
Posted 7 years ago

Same, I'm about a buck fiddy from my next event item. xD I usually try to cannonball into someone's event chat, and there's almost always enough going on to keep you posting--before you know it, that wallet is t h i c c

Posted in I cannot seem to escape anything
Posted 7 years ago

Try a bath with some Epsom salts, and/or ice it frequently throughout the day to help keep the swelling down and ease the pain a bit. c: shoulder problems suck because they make it hard to function but then even laying down hurts q-q

Posted in Going to a comic con today!
Posted 7 years ago

Ayyyeee congrats! I'm totally jelly! Hope you get to see some cool stuff - I'm sure it'll be a blast. Conventions are always interesting!

Posted in Please tell me this is normal LOL
Posted 7 years ago

My imagination definitely has a will of its own, as I'd say most people around here probably do. (Some people in the world tho idk they have like 0 imagination)
It's definitely "normal" in a relative sense of the word, but as others have mentioned, if you feel like it's too much, you can try clearing your mind with some meditation or even distracting yourself with a new hangup. xD

Posted in How do you think..?
Posted 7 years ago

@Glume: YES I feel the exact same way! It's pure innocent curiosity, and you think on the one hand "well they'd probably appreciate people taking interest and trying to educate themselves" but you don't want to offend anyone, or make then feel isolated. Q-Q I used to serve a blind customer at my old job and accidentally said "see you later" one day. It didn't dawn on me until he said it too and I was like "...but...?? Ohhhhh--" RIP I felt so bad but he was gone by the time I realised what I'd said. xD
Thankfully he had a sense of humour, and I think most people with disabilities do, but still c': I don't want to seem like I'm "trying too hard" but I don't want to step on any toes.

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Ana! ^-^
@Dipper: That is the question indeed, and a very hard one at that. There are so many possibilities! Almost too many to choose from! And that's why it takes me a while to finish a layout sometimes xD

Posted in Go Ask Alice
Posted 7 years ago

@Vesta Rose: oml I always get trolled with those videos about "click here to watch" etc etc and you know it's just a bunch of viruses lol.
They've certainly become more complicated in the past few years. Torrents were solid until what I like to call "the normie influx"--essentially, the moment when all those people who used to say "the internet is for nerds" began regularly using the internet. xD
I'm just in it for the memes

Posted in Meet & Potatoes [With Discord]
Posted 7 years ago

Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew
I had something clever planned earlier but forgot :X

Posted in Go Ask Alice
Posted 7 years ago

WHEEEE totally got cut from work like 2.5 hours early
today is a good day 8D

Posted in How do you think..?
Posted 7 years ago

Oooo this is something I like to ponder frequently! Most of the time I'm guided by my inner voice. If I do see imagery, it's fleeting and nonspecific, so perhaps I'm one of those that acts more on instinct--though I'll sit and think about something for a long time before actually doing it lol
I do have this little background voice which often pipes in if I'm being judgemental or small-minded. Helps me to walk in the shoes of others and try to be more compassionate ^-^
I do wonder do those who are blind imagine humans to look? Obviously they have tactile senses and can at least feel a physical "geography" if you will... But I wonder if they imagine colours? If they dream in colours?

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago

Had to take the screen protector off my phone... Here's to crossing my fingers that I don't drop the darn thing before I buy a replacement *knocks on wood*
WORK IS S L O W and I don't even care

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago

@RainbowPanda: That could definitely be part of it too. Hope your headache goes away! They suck :C
Have fun everyone ~ I'm off to play some Skyrim before work. ^-^

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago

@RainbowPanda: Oh yeah you definitely need some H2O then--coffee dehydrates you o:
@Dipper: Don't stop viilievin'

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago

@Dipper: I wonder why it does that--must be inserting the code in a weird spot. Might be something I can fix in the future o:
@RainbowPanda: Have you had enough water today? If not, drink some water! Fatigue and headaches are the most prominent signs of dehydration.