Vii's posts
Posted in Tis the Season
Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: I do love me some friendly creepy crawlies. We never kept them as pets, but my dad and I would always leave the spiders alone in our house so they could eat all the annoying insects xD Pythons are cute, I used to have a friend with a little ball python and I love their little puppy faces. I'd actually love to get a rat, too, since they're so easy to train and enjoy doing just about anything with their owner. 8D
@nyreen: Dang you got lucky on that one xD especially considering the fact that you'd have been in the spray radius. xD
My dogs are all large enough to scare most creatures away (thank goodness--it's why I love bigger puppers), but one of them totally bolted after a group of coatl-mundi when we were out hiking one day. I was plowing after her through ankle-deep mud and screaming her name but she wouldn't listen D: eventually, she stopped and the critters escaped deep into the trees, thankfully. Ever since then I'm almost too anxious to go hiking in that particular area c':
Posted in Mushrooms instead of fuses
Posted 7 years ago
@Fielkun: Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Took it for granted that the currency code would be pulled with the items. Can't believe I never noticed xD It's all fixed now, and I'll be adding the footer to my "event currency checklist" for the next time around! c':
I'll lock this thread up since the issue has been solved ~
Posted in Ch. 8 Flower Garden
Posted 7 years ago
*sweats* uhhh uhhh I'll vote for D!
Posted in Pantry Dump Dinners.
Posted 7 years ago
Most of my pantry dump dinners end up as some sort of beans-and-veggie concoction served over rice or noodles, or the old staple Garbage Soup xD I try to always keep some broth handy for that particular reason.
Always feels good clearing out the pantry/fridge tho so I can restock it and actually have room.
Posted in Tis the Season
Posted 7 years ago
@Zuggy: Scottsdale is a couple hours north, near Phoenix. I never saw snakes when I lived up there (it was only a year tho). It's more of a metro area, more heavily developed so depending on where you go, you won't encounter much wildlife (still lots of lizards everywhere and of course coyotes), though if you head out into a wash in the morning or take a hike in the desert you'll probably (eventually) come upon one.
It's a lot more rural and spread out down here, and in the 1.5 years I've lived in this part of Tucson, I've only (personally) encountered two--one got in our yard close to the house last year, and then the one I mentioned today--but like I said my bf's dad has found a lot of them, I think something like 16 in the past two years. Our property is large and loaded with desert plants, too, which is part of it--plenty of shady places to hide when the sun gets too hot.
@butterfly: for real tho I didn't even see it until I got like 10 feet away, and thought it was dead but then I saw the tongue and was like NOPE, NOT TODAY
Posted in welll well
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome back! The Wonderland Event is going now, and depending on how long you've been gone you may have missed the Blackout Event as well. Otherwise things are still pretty much the same c': oh yeah and Voltra had a little bout with time travel, too. xD
Posted in Tis the Season
Posted 7 years ago
@sunny: For real tho. Everyone is always warning me about walking through the yard and I've always been kind of naive about it but now that I've actually encountered one I'm spooked.
@Zuggy: I live in Tucson, so any walk through a patch of desert will usually yield snakes. My solution is to stay inside, and stick to trails if I'm ever hiking. xD
@Glume: So true, I feel bad for the way the poor things are demonised out here. Some people go out of their way to abuse them and it breaks my heart. Like why you so full of hate. I'm one to just turn around and let them be, though when it comes to my dogs I'd rather be safe than sorry--which is why my bf's dad will kill the ones that come into the yard.
But yeah, nature is scary and I prefer to leave it alone. xD
Posted in Ch. 7 Caterpillar's Diction
Posted 7 years ago
Wheeeeeee I love Crossword puzzles!
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Pleh I was at work and totally missed all the riddles :/ and was too tired when I got home to bother xD BUUUT IM OFF TODAY so I'm excited to see the next chapter! 8D
Posted in Different Websites
Posted 7 years ago
I also love reading Wikipedia articles. If I'm ever eating or drinking something "exotic" I'll usually look it up and read on its history while eating it xD
Most of the time, I'm here on Volt, RISE, working on my RP site, or on imgur/reddit. I hate to admit it but I also often dose myself with stupidity via Facebook q-q
Posted in Tis the Season
Posted 7 years ago
Took my dogs for their morning walk through the yard and right as we finish our circle, what do I see chillin' in the dirt?
A gosh-dang baby maraca-danger-noodle. Two of the dogs sprinted right past it as they did their usual run up the driveway, and I think one of them stepped on it as part of its head/neck was kinda flattened. I thought it was dead until I saw its lil tongue pop out. I grabbed my other dog and noped all the way back up the trail.
My bf's dad has killed over a dozen in our yard over the past couple years, so it's nothing new, but the time of year is officially here where I have to be extra careful walking the dogs u_u and I definitely don't want to get near one NOpe
(For those of you uncultured, a maraca-danger-noodle is a rattlesnake.)
Posted in Pizza Rollsssss
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: BRUH McDonald's has THE BEST fries out of any fast food chain. (Wendy's curly fries are amazing, but they're kind of over-seasoned RIP) I love when the fries get kinda squishy and greasy |D
@Fielkun: Potatoes are awesome. You can eat them so many ways! Sometimes I'll get a big craving for potato chips. I like mine with salt and vinegar cB
@Addy: THE POWERS of suggestion c': tacos are amazing too though.
Posted in Pizza Rollsssss
Posted 7 years ago
@Raxton: Someone pls get Rax some pizza rolls STAT
Essentially it's a little nugget of dough filled with cheese and pizza fillings c: A delicious snack! Though not as good as the real thing.
Posted in Pizza Rollsssss
Posted 7 years ago
I love pizza, and could probably eat it twice a week and not get sick of it. (I did get sick of it once when I was broke and living alone, after eating it for three days straight. My hair and skin got so greasy q-q)
Me rn:
Do you ever eat junk food? I do sometimes, but try to eat healthy as much as possible.
What's your favourite junk food? Do you like pizza rolls? Do you consider pizza rolls or chicken nuggets to be superior?
Much serious topic yes