Xnovax's posts
Posted in A Modern Twist on a Feudal Fairy Tale (Take Two~) (Kimmi x Nova)
Posted 6 years ago
Inuyasha pondered on which movie to pick for tonight, as Kagome texted her lab partner. Once he thought of one, he got up and went digging through his movies until he found one they both liked. He opened the dvd tray and set the disk inside, then closed it and set the tv to [aux] so they could watch it. Inuyasha settled down on the edge of his bed and pat the spot beside him.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago
Natalie played with her hair for a moment as if thinking, before gasping. "I could braid it, and put some of my little shells and pearls in the braids!" She chirped, giggling some as she continued to brush Sirene's long beautiful hair.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago
Sora smiled and nodded, glancing at his friend when they pulled up onto the shore. "We should take them to the mayor's house, he'll know what to do." Riku folded his arms loosely, causing Sora to frown. "Well, at least they'll have a place to sleep." He said with a pout.
Angel walked over to Amrynn and gently held her hand as the boys had their little moment. Sora gestured to the girls to follow them, then began to walk down the beach which led to a path and a sidewalk. Riku waited for the girls before following Sora, and Angel gave Amrynn's hand a tug as she followed Sora.
Angel walked over to Amrynn and gently held her hand as the boys had their little moment. Sora gestured to the girls to follow them, then began to walk down the beach which led to a path and a sidewalk. Riku waited for the girls before following Sora, and Angel gave Amrynn's hand a tug as she followed Sora.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago
Hayden carefully held the puppy in his arms, making sure to have any meds they were giving her. The poor thing looked like a ball of white fluff as it tucked itself within his arms and jacket as he and Aria picked up the puppy food and toys. He kept stroking it's fur with his index finger as if trying to reassure the puppy that she'd be alright.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled some at her words and relaxed against his pillows once he felt the bed shift as she got up. He did enjoy listening to her read. Carefully, he reached over and picked up his cup of tea before sipping from the cup and closing his eyes once she settled back onto the bed and began to read. He loved this story, like any story she read to him.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie chuckled and watched him as he looked over his list. She glanced at the small kitten and smiled some. "We'll be right back, I promise." She murmured quietly, and followed behind Clint when he walked out of the house, closing the door behind her and moving so Clint could lock it. Maddie walked over to the car and waited for Clint.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Kyoya got up from his desk after a minute and went over to Tamaki, and his group of girls. He placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned close to the blond as if telling him something. The blonde male glanced at the dark haired male and nodded lightly, then he excused himself and the two disappeared into a room connected to the host room.
Takashi curiously glanced over as the door closed. Something was going on that only certain members knew about, but he couldn't deny being curious.
"Well, it's either I stay with you or Tamaki.. I don't really know anyone else." She murmured with a light shrug. Alice blinked and her cheeks darkened. "S-school? I'm in my nightgown!" She stated, glancing down at herself and wrapping her bed jacket around her tightly. Wait a minute.. Did Kyoya set this whole thing up? She was still a bit flustered when she noticed Kaoru's smile and smiled a little in return. She calmed down some and glanced at Hikaru. "Can I wear your jacket, Hikaru?" Alice asked shyly. "It'll cover much more than this bed jacket of mine.." She murmured quietly.
Takashi curiously glanced over as the door closed. Something was going on that only certain members knew about, but he couldn't deny being curious.
"Well, it's either I stay with you or Tamaki.. I don't really know anyone else." She murmured with a light shrug. Alice blinked and her cheeks darkened. "S-school? I'm in my nightgown!" She stated, glancing down at herself and wrapping her bed jacket around her tightly. Wait a minute.. Did Kyoya set this whole thing up? She was still a bit flustered when she noticed Kaoru's smile and smiled a little in return. She calmed down some and glanced at Hikaru. "Can I wear your jacket, Hikaru?" Alice asked shyly. "It'll cover much more than this bed jacket of mine.." She murmured quietly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie came out of her room shortly after and tilted her head. "I like to her think I don't take as long as most girls." She teased. She was wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans, her green hoodie and she was slipping on her shoes right now.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen smiled and lightly kissed her forehead after she had kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Kaneko." He said gingerly. He nodded some when she mentioned reading to him. "Only if you're up for it.. If you need rest, we can just lay together."

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi smiled some when she seemed to understand his vague answer. It was the best one he could give at the moment. H
Alice relaxed some once inside the car, then so was Hikaru and the car started moving. She lightly placed a hand over her chest where she could feel her heart racing after the excitement, and did her best to calm down. "Trusting you is one thing that won't change.. And Kaoru.. You're always looking out for me and want to know I understand that now.." She said softly, glancing at Hikaru.
Alice relaxed some once inside the car, then so was Hikaru and the car started moving. She lightly placed a hand over her chest where she could feel her heart racing after the excitement, and did her best to calm down. "Trusting you is one thing that won't change.. And Kaoru.. You're always looking out for me and want to know I understand that now.." She said softly, glancing at Hikaru.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen shook his head lightly and gently held her hands. "I feel better when you're next to me.." He murmured softly, and truthfully. He knew she couldn't sick from him, not like this anyway.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie smirked and shook her head at his tease. She ran a hand through her black hair when he spoke and lowered her gaze. There was the lecture she was waiting for, one of them anyway, for not eating. She wasn't really hungry right now.. Maybe she'd eat after they went to the store. Maybe.
She glanced at Clint as he finished and took the plate to the sink and curiously watched him as he went to call his work. Maddie smirked lightly, then got up from the table and headed down the hall to her room to get cleaned up. She got some clothes and closed her door before changing.
She glanced at Clint as he finished and took the plate to the sink and curiously watched him as he went to call his work. Maddie smirked lightly, then got up from the table and headed down the hall to her room to get cleaned up. She got some clothes and closed her door before changing.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi chuckled quietly as he finished his cake and took a drink from his tea. " all of our costumes are hand made by the mother of the twins. " He said casually. Takashi glanced at her when she spoke next and briefly lowered his gaze to his cousin, remembering when Tamaki came up to the smaller boy and invited him to the host club.
He glanced back at Mia. How could explain it without sharing that part of their lives? He was sure Mitsukuni wasn't ready for her know that about him. "Tamaki is a charming prince kind of man, most people don't take him very seriously.. Here, there are certain girls that love to be charmed by the princely type, and Kyoya handles everything business related without being looked down on for his seriousness." He tried explaining.
Alice opened her eyes when she heard Hikaru and looked down at the red haired male. She knew that.. She trusted him. What was stopping her? Sure, she wasn't very brave but she knew there was nothing to be afraid of. "Alice?" Her mother voiced from behind the door.
Alice closed her eyes and pushed off of the ledge once more, allowing herself to drop from her window and into Hikaru's arms. She only opened her eyes again after feeling his strong arms around her.
He glanced back at Mia. How could explain it without sharing that part of their lives? He was sure Mitsukuni wasn't ready for her know that about him. "Tamaki is a charming prince kind of man, most people don't take him very seriously.. Here, there are certain girls that love to be charmed by the princely type, and Kyoya handles everything business related without being looked down on for his seriousness." He tried explaining.
Alice opened her eyes when she heard Hikaru and looked down at the red haired male. She knew that.. She trusted him. What was stopping her? Sure, she wasn't very brave but she knew there was nothing to be afraid of. "Alice?" Her mother voiced from behind the door.
Alice closed her eyes and pushed off of the ledge once more, allowing herself to drop from her window and into Hikaru's arms. She only opened her eyes again after feeling his strong arms around her.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen shook his head lightly and carefully set the cup down on the night stand near the bed. "No.. This is helping in ways my remedy didn't. It's just taking some time to adjust, like any medicine." He said calmly.