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Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

i'm glad i came back in time, just grabbed some food lol
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

@Hachi: catch the flame ball!
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

looks like i missed most of the excitement, but i am here to play when the round starts again.
just let me go get my oven mitts.
Posted in Dipping Doodles and other Dire Dreadfulalities Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: wut do ye mean, bad? nope they be adorable. thank ye for drawin me. ^u^
Posted in Dipping Doodles and other Dire Dreadfulalities Posted 6 years ago

best of luck drawing people
Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors Posted 6 years ago

everyone in the circus has such tragic backstories o .o
Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors Posted 6 years ago

found ya
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

woo we all made it out alive. yay
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

i wanna say left but lets go with mdom's coinflip and go right
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

since left might be a dead end, run run run as fast as we can forward.

also side note, i have to wonder if this maze has a ceiling, cause i would cheat and climb to the top. XD
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

that was brilliant godawful XD

i think we should go left again,
there's not many options if we go back.
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

Um to the right i think.
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

I knew it had to be a trick.
Back we go asap!
Posted in Act 9: Viperous Vengeance Posted 6 years ago

"something eating or perhaps someone" i am kinda suspicious of that "something"
so i say to the right