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Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

mdom just got two balls at once oh no
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: i pass to you
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

that or they ping someone new not in the thread but online.
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

watch lin give the ball to people in the same group XD
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

like who is all participating?
two groups can pass it in a circle.
that way we don't get confused on who to ping.

if i get the ball from -Person A- i will always pass it to -person B-

like that
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

two balls how! what omg
maybe we should strateqize
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

ah got to help my mom with something dont' throw to me
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: catch yo
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

pass to me! i'm ready :D
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

@Shadami: bounces it to you
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

me me! passs
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

i'm open! -readies oven mitts-
@mdom: catch!
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

@SnakeWeaver: uh i think i have the flame ball but here for you now catch
Posted in Act 11: Lin's Blaze of Resolve Posted 6 years ago

if she doesn't pass that ball of flame soon, at least we get the second chance period right?