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Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

Vreg for president of Voltra!
Free trash burgers for everyone!

I second this.
The only time I'd vote for Vreg is for this.

no one wants a trash burger? they're organic
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

i wanted to accuse vregory since he'd be easier to imitate if an evil entity was to possess him,
but i would have never voted for him cause we gotta protect that sweet inocent trash baby.
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

i wonder what the animated art for the other npcs would've looked if we hadn't had them knocked out.
vregory looks cool here
Posted in spoopy piles of arts!! [shop, CHAT] Posted 6 years ago

@cedes: if you're still doing spoopy art i have some volts i can throw at you :D
my current avy would be nice or ye can riffle through my avatar closet. o3o
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

@Berinhard: ima copy rallaa and vote for:
Vreg - Feels Good Man on Vontell
Von - Soothesayer
Hero - Fireball
Vyc - Guard Breaker

cause they look like good moves,
and i agree with the healing vontell, vontell using soothesayer and the other two attacking. o3o
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

i agree with snakeweaver, use the healing. can't lose any of our allies.
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

looks like i can roll now okay hope this is a good one.
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

meh voting and choosing attacks is confusing i guess i will roll when it's time to roll instead,
is it rolling time?
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

@Rallaa: isn't voting for attacks the same as having a discussion on attacks.
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

so from my understanding so far,
right now we're discussing what attacks to use,
whichever attacks that are most discussed/popular will be the ones used.

then when it's time to roll
we each can roll 4 times:
a D8 dice for vregory
a D12 for vontell
a D20 for hero
and a D10 for vyctor.

also that we can do all the die rolls in one post.
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

i kinda want vregory to do Trash Smash cause i like how it ryhmes.
vontell's Soothsayer sounds interesting, healing is always good in battle.
hero's Omnithwack made me giggle.
vyctor's Fist of the Frozen North sounds cool
Posted in Act 8: Berinhard's Ring of Fright Posted 6 years ago

I don't think I'm awake enough to deal with this,
g'luck in beating evil Bernihard
Posted in What are some things you like to do alone? Posted 6 years ago

everything. i am a bit of a hermit and a loner so i do things by myself most times.
plus i have like no friends irl that live close. :vanora_sweat:

tho when on the rare chance i do have a friend visiting,
i like hanging out and doing everything together since visits don't last long.
Posted in ACT 7: Escape the Caravan! Posted 6 years ago

discount candy is the best.
i also got some other stuff.
everything was $24 and my receipt says i saved $56

power outage wasn't too bad, i got comfy in bed to cuddle my cat,
my dad tho was annoying and wanted to set up the generator.
but dude it was like nearly midnight, go the f to bed.
luckilly power came on so i didn't need to drag out all the extension cords >.>

on the forum theme topic. hazer told me in settings it can be changed,
i see default, blackout, cirque ad infinium, and dark cirque.
blackout is old event so they probably will keep the cirque themes too.