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Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/25 06:22:03 )
Behh stop being so desperate, we get it you want out but your negativity is starting to affect moods. And start acting like a leader. Starting to lose respect here

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/26 06:03:08 )

Donator — MOOCOW Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/27 14:21:43 )
That moment when you get asked on Tuesday to work on Friday night.

It is now Friday night (7pm) and even after numerous messages to them I haven't been given a start time.

So I have waited all day to still not work.

Please @ me when you talk to me.
I'm a terrible person with memory like a sieve.

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/28 05:50:03 )
If you're going to say i need to fix something, thrn give me examples on what i did so i can try to know what i did wrong and work on fixing it. Just don't say i don't know and expect me to fix it.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/28 20:25:33 )
Why am I never happy with anything i do?

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website] | [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Tumblr]

Donator — nyan? Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/28 20:35:20 )
neko says;
Grow up. Damn. You are not special. Stop acting like a victim when people are mad at you for reasons that are 100% your own fault.

sell me rigs please♥

Donator — she, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/30 07:41:02 )
I am so over everything right now. My supervisor giving me complete hell for being on light duty due to being on workman's comp, for an injury I couldn't stop. HR for dragging their feet on making another doctors appointment with a doctor who doesn't speak my language, is two hours away from me and treats me like absolute crap. For a job that gave me a task on "light duty," that's out of my pay grade that hasn't been done for two years, and is the job of a clinician - not a line staff. I am over it. Now after being told we were closed the day after Thanksgiving that we are to work and I'm assigned a work site that I don't know, can't pass meds at and don't know the clients, by myself for eight hours or more if a cover doesn't come in. I am DONE with this fucked up company and how they treat their employees.

My relationship is falling apart at the seams and I can't do a fucking thing about it. I've had anxiety attacks all weekend and my girl friend at my throat telling me to get the fuck out, over and over. Then begging me to stay. I am DONE with life. I'm just so done with it. All of it.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/30 12:38:02 )

I hate being intimately related to two narcissists (father & younger sister).

I hate that I feel obligated to keep them in my life, just because we are blood-related. I hate that I care about them, even when they lie, manipulate, and are just complete fuckers to me and everyone else. I wish I had the gall to completely cut them out, forever, and not feel guilty about it. I don't want them to die, I just want absolutely no-fucking-thing to do with them.


Donator — she, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/4 05:44:31 )
My first day back to work was hellish and the new staff they have back there is not going to last, and I have this gut feeling that I can't trust her.
Ugh. I hate this.

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/4 10:07:51 )

Donator — she, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/4 23:45:36 )
I don't know why I try, why I try to be a better person and build my life with you, when you constantly tear me down, and blame me for things not going right in your life. I didn't tell you to stop being friends with her, all I asked was for boundaries, because it made me uncomfortable that you would tell her that she was beautiful, while lying in bed next to me. This has turned into a year long fight, and today was the last straw for me. Don't tell me you can't be friends with her, because it was her or me. I never made that stipulation or expected it from you.
Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — they/them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/5 11:55:36 )

honestly? i want my life back.

my mental health gets worse and worse every day, i have seen two different doctors about it and they won't do anything besides blame it on medication.
which i stop taking and they continue to blame it on it anyways. i'm not sure what to do any more, the nights get worse every day, i feel all these feelings that never shut off, i worry about the stupidest things, and panic over nothing for no reason almost 24/7. when life is just worrying, and random emotions for no reason, it becomes very tiring very fast, and i'm so done with it. i just.. want my life back. i'm so, so, so tired..


Honki o misete miro.

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/7 02:13:05 )
feeling slightly guilty. do they read my rants lmfao
i still don't agree w it, but i'm not making it. so i guess i have no right to complain. >-+o

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/7 14:33:31 )

Are you okay? It’s been….how many days? I don’t even know. I lost count after 21 days. Thinking back and doing the math now though, it’s been 39 days counting today; Nov 6 2017. The last time we spoke it was Sept 29th 2017. After that, you just vanished. I tried sending you messages but you never answered. I stopped trying to send messages after a few days though, I didn’t want to bother you. I’m really worried about you, I have trouble sleeping at times. Sometimes I need to take pills to sleep properly. You wouldn’t be the first guy who just vanished or ‘ghosted’ me. I think that’s what you call it? I don’t think you’re like the other guys I’ve talked to. You have always shown me that you’re different.

I didn’t want to write this here, but when I stop to just think, my mind always comes back to this and I decided maybe writing this on here would help. I doubt it though. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I hope you message me back someday just to let me know you’re okay…even if you want to say you hate me or that you don’t want to talk to me anymore. Anything, I just need to know you’re okay. You know, I always try to tell myself that you’re probably busy with work and things that you’ve talked to me about. I know you like to visit people after work but…even when you were busy you always sent me a message before you arrived at work, or during your lunch break, or even after work on your way to your car. You would sometimes call while you were driving back home.

I don’t know, I just miss all that. I miss you in general. You know I’m a huge worry-wart. I wonder if you even realize how worried I must be right now. Maybe you forgot me. Sometimes it’s much easier for me to think that you just died which is sad because I know how much death scares you. It’s why you and I never talk about it remember? Still, it’s easier for me to think that you’re dead, rather than to think that you might not like me or want to talk to me anymore. Maybe I’m stupid for thinking that way. Please be okay. I miss you…lots mister.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/7 16:07:47 )

Why is it that whenever something good happens to me you have to bring me down? You seriously need to have better things to do then try bringing me down. I could win the lotto yet you'd be there to constantly remind me it's not tax free.
I shouldn't be surprised though. You've cost me countless hours of wasted time having to redo things because you want it "your way." There's a reason I do stuff but you're too deaf to even try and listen. You know you've been a tyrant and you could care less. You're probably the reason my sewing machine doesn't work. Told you NOT to mes with it by the nope. If I have to sue you so be it. -

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/7 22:21:24 )
gurl you need to source that stuff. does recolor me even allow this? profiting off their assets offsite.
ok maybe you don't need to source it BUT this last one *hard sideglance*
how do i frame this without sounding like an ass by pointing fingers
idk okios, maybe spend hours writing a well worded PM
*hard sideglance at the people who bought em too*
not sure if gullible or being nice as a friend
u know when
friends buy ur stuff
when no one comes in.
happens to me too.

but if I do call you out on it, it's gonna be awk af because it's a small community.
hey mods. how u doin

also some of these post styles. *ad blocks*
no data 4 u.
- sincerely,
my mobile

no offense. these kilobytes add up quick ok. and ya don't even float the images which means more scrolling. gurl bye.

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ฺกโ‰ฆ)ใ‚žโœฉโ—„-gallery-โ–บ

Donator — Pokemon Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/8 04:39:04 )
Lots of cussing so be careful lmao

It always makes me feel 10x better ranting about this fucking bitch before I go to her class. I GAURENTEE she will fucking start the class with "okay so I know I make this class AS EASY AS POSSIBLE but you guys still dont turn in the assignment!" Like who gives a fuck. These are adults in college. If they dont want to turn in a god damn assignment then let it be. Wasting the first 20 minutes of class to bitch about that is fucking annoying and you do it every god damn week.

THEN she will constantly try and be funny and make jokes. CONSTANTLY. through the whole fucking class. So 50% of the lecture time is her making jokes and going on tangents. Like jesus christ I get you have tenure but can you please focus.

I feel like she hates me too or something. She started taking one point off my assignments for the most petty shit ever and its one point so I dont care, but at the same time I do because you couldn't just not be a cunt?

UGH i hate her so much. I could rant for hours on her. anyways


art by: blinkini (idk why i never put this here 3 years ago)

Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/8 06:05:48 )

Why're you everywhere? Isn't it bad enough that you've harassed me at least once and played the victim?! You prob still have people eating out of the palm of your hand. It's sickening.

Thanks Lunakiri
In character unless ~

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/8 11:51:21 )
I accidentally dropped my mobile phone this morning and the home screen has a small crack now at the bottom right corner. Poor phone. Sigh.
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

Donator — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/9 07:59:16 )
God it was a disaster when I got back. I've cleaned more in the 5 minutes I've been back home than my roommates have done in the day I've been gone. Fucking lazy.

Ping me!


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