@Wildfire: not really, i was taken off of citalopram a while back bc i was put on it thanks to a mix-up. i didn't have any allergic reactions or anything, but i guess it's a decent backup.
i have pulled all-nighters before even while on zoloft. staying in bed for a good portion of the night helps me a lot in regards to actually staying up all night. i might pull one tonight in order to catch up with some work tbh.
@Pelontrix: at least you know how you react to the drug... if nothing else.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do ... whether that's staying up all night to get work done, or something else.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do ... whether that's staying up all night to get work done, or something else.

@Wildfire: ye. still a pain in the ass.
at least they're not the size of my acne medication, which is like fucking horse pills.
at least they're not the size of my acne medication, which is like fucking horse pills.
『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: i tend to over think often and i always think "more lines the better"
but since i am now getting into painting it's getting confusing...
The simple one is closest to my [comic style.]
I'm trying to have better and more simple options with my art so with these freebies
i can practice the new styles.
But i like how it came out so far. other than the hand pose lol.
I do not have a ref for it so i am kinda guessing
Currently working on this piece. Not a freebie but redoing an old sticker concept.
I really like how it's coming out.

@Wildfire: i tend to over think often and i always think "more lines the better"
but since i am now getting into painting it's getting confusing...
The simple one is closest to my [comic style.]
I'm trying to have better and more simple options with my art so with these freebies
i can practice the new styles.
But i like how it came out so far. other than the hand pose lol.
I do not have a ref for it so i am kinda guessing

Currently working on this piece. Not a freebie but redoing an old sticker concept.
I really like how it's coming out.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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growing up, my dad noticed my unresponsive demeanor when there was a lot of noise. So he always had a noise-canceling headset for me. Cx
@Wildfire: OH yes, right. Not great being outside in that. lol! I feel like we had these exact convos last spring. lol
I'm busy today trying to get my property line figured out. Previous owner had some 'grandfathered' in privileges that might f--- us over if we decide to sell. :T
@Pelontrix: LOL - yeah, the really big pills can be a pain to take - there are some that are so big there's just no "getting used to" swallowing them. I'm glad you're no longer having to deal with pills of that size :3
Kid noises are things you get used to if you have kids of your own, or if you're around them a lot... but yeah... they're special kinds of noises...
@MoodyB: Oh - the "comic style" is cute! Definitely simpler, but it's good and it should give you more options to get more work done and 'out there' :3 And you're revisiting some of your old artwork - that can be quite a learning experience. I'm glad you like how it's coming out - it has a very different vibe than the last couple of things you've shown me. :3
@Koah: lol - we probably did have the same conversation last Spring. I love this weather... but omg all the pollen!
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about the previous owner's "grandfathered in" property privileges. I'm guessing you didn't know about this when you bought it. I hope it's nothing too severe.

Kid noises are things you get used to if you have kids of your own, or if you're around them a lot... but yeah... they're special kinds of noises...
@MoodyB: Oh - the "comic style" is cute! Definitely simpler, but it's good and it should give you more options to get more work done and 'out there' :3 And you're revisiting some of your old artwork - that can be quite a learning experience. I'm glad you like how it's coming out - it has a very different vibe than the last couple of things you've shown me. :3
@Koah: lol - we probably did have the same conversation last Spring. I love this weather... but omg all the pollen!
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about the previous owner's "grandfathered in" property privileges. I'm guessing you didn't know about this when you bought it. I hope it's nothing too severe.

I should probably switch to tea, coffee isn't tasting good anymore. <.<
Our previous owners built the house right on the property line, sparing no room. The neighbors and my husband assessed the line and it's bad. The 'main' door we use to go in and out of our house- the property line touches it.
So no fence in our future, it seems. This is a mess we'll have to sort out in the next couple years.
The line cuts through our driveway aswell. On the edge, but still, we use those areas as parking since our property was advertised as that space being ours.
Anyway, Good morning. It's a new day. How are you?
@Wildfire: i actually still take the horse pills for my acne, just keep forgetting to.
i dry swallow them, too, because i am not sane(tm).
@Koah: i am on energy drinks and only energy drinks because i like energy drinks. can't stand coffee or tea, personally, though that might change as my tastebuds do.
i dry swallow them, too, because i am not sane(tm).
@Koah: i am on energy drinks and only energy drinks because i like energy drinks. can't stand coffee or tea, personally, though that might change as my tastebuds do.
@Koah: Oh... ouch! How was that ever determined to be a good thing or a reasonable property line... and how was that not conveyed to you guys when you were looking at the house? That sounds like a real mess. I really hope you can get it sorted out easily and quickly :3
Yes, it's a new day, and mine is busy... busier than expected. I have some work to do on my site (coding & graphics, etc.) which I'm about to tackle now, I have an appointment for a haircut this afternoon (kind of like the trees, etc., my hair has suddenly decided to just explode with its growth XD ), I just did some grocery shopping (ugh $$$), and now I have to vacuum the house because I am taking my Mom to "Sunken Gardens" tomorrow and instead of me picking her up then going, she has decided to come here and the house is overdue for some attention... it's Spring in the house too because it's covered with shedded dog hair ...and dog toys (because a certain lab mix keeps dragging ALL of them out of their "toy box" XD )...

Yes, it's a new day, and mine is busy... busier than expected. I have some work to do on my site (coding & graphics, etc.) which I'm about to tackle now, I have an appointment for a haircut this afternoon (kind of like the trees, etc., my hair has suddenly decided to just explode with its growth XD ), I just did some grocery shopping (ugh $$$), and now I have to vacuum the house because I am taking my Mom to "Sunken Gardens" tomorrow and instead of me picking her up then going, she has decided to come here and the house is overdue for some attention... it's Spring in the house too because it's covered with shedded dog hair ...and dog toys (because a certain lab mix keeps dragging ALL of them out of their "toy box" XD )...

@Pelontrix: lol - that is kind of insane... get some water!!! XD
So what are you up to today? doing anything fun or exciting?

So what are you up to today? doing anything fun or exciting?

@Wildfire: absolutely not downing these with water because the last time i tried downing them with a liquid, i ended up choking.
pain in the ass.
also, no, not doing much at the moment other than fucking off over to the job center on the seventh of march. appointment with the DWP got cancelled, probably because they don't think i'm disabled enough without a proper diagnosis of whatever the fuck. (i'm diagnosed with depression, still waiting to see a specialist about the ADHD shit). the benefit of that is that i don't have to worry about having a fucking appointment with some big scary guberment official that i don't know shit about, right after an appointment with the mental health nurse.
i forgot to ask for a sick note, so i'm probably going to have to ask for one if i can get another appointment.
pain in the ass.
also, no, not doing much at the moment other than fucking off over to the job center on the seventh of march. appointment with the DWP got cancelled, probably because they don't think i'm disabled enough without a proper diagnosis of whatever the fuck. (i'm diagnosed with depression, still waiting to see a specialist about the ADHD shit). the benefit of that is that i don't have to worry about having a fucking appointment with some big scary guberment official that i don't know shit about, right after an appointment with the mental health nurse.
i forgot to ask for a sick note, so i'm probably going to have to ask for one if i can get another appointment.
Then I had a tooth fall apart while I was talking to someone, little pieces of my tooth just trickled into my hand. o_o'
I quit mountain dew and energy drinks that night. XD I had to switch to a new caffeine. I hated coffee, but now I crave it. My tooth is fixed and all that.
@Wildfire: Our property line was wrongly advertised to us. :c so it's going to be a fight with our realtor. :x
I feel you on the dog hair! my huskies are taking turns shedding. The only one not shedding right now is the one that sheds the worst. o_e I'm sure his coat will start shedding soon.
Sounds like you're going to have fun tomorrow though. C:
I keep debating on doing anything with my hair. but.. I know my hormones are a mess right now and I don't want to make decisions while I might not be 100% myself. XDD
@Koah: speaking of dental health, i really need to keep up with brushing my teeth. i got a hole in a couple of my front ones.
plus sometimes my teeth feel kinda weird.
also need to keep up with my meds bc i got acne at the corner of my mouth, and it's scabbed over and all, but it makes opening my mouth more than a little bit mildly painful.
plus sometimes my teeth feel kinda weird.
also need to keep up with my meds bc i got acne at the corner of my mouth, and it's scabbed over and all, but it makes opening my mouth more than a little bit mildly painful.
@Pelontrix: oh... ugh. :( Oh... dealing with those types of situations and agencies is no fun. It sounds like you've got things working out for you, though... at least in terms of not having to deal with more than one of these things pretty much at the same time. It sounds like a mess though - but those things often are (in my experience).
@Koah: Oh yeah... I would definitely be having some words with the realtor, etc. about what was marketed versus what you were sold. What is making this property line thing come up now, though? Did your neighbors say something? I wish you luck. :3
Yeah, tomorrow should be nice. It's supposed to be 77*F and sunny and we're going to basically a big garden. I just hope the allergies stay at bay enough for me to actually enjoy it. I haven't been there in at least a decade :3
I don't blame you for postponing any decisions on your hair, etc. - it's a smart decision. I keep mine short-short, so it's not such a big deal for me to keep it up, or even if I do something different... it's not like I have to go through a painful growing out process XD

@Koah: Oh yeah... I would definitely be having some words with the realtor, etc. about what was marketed versus what you were sold. What is making this property line thing come up now, though? Did your neighbors say something? I wish you luck. :3
Yeah, tomorrow should be nice. It's supposed to be 77*F and sunny and we're going to basically a big garden. I just hope the allergies stay at bay enough for me to actually enjoy it. I haven't been there in at least a decade :3
I don't blame you for postponing any decisions on your hair, etc. - it's a smart decision. I keep mine short-short, so it's not such a big deal for me to keep it up, or even if I do something different... it's not like I have to go through a painful growing out process XD

@Wildfire: DWP is a pain in the ass.
@Koah: whiskey (a giant fuzzball of a cat) sheds a LOT. we've actually found bits of fur everywhere bc sometimes it'll get tangled with itself. it's almost hilarious, but at the same time, i should see about getting a hairbrush for the big guy.
i actually want to get a haircut at some point, mostly shorter so that i can get that sweet taste of gender euphoria, but at the same time, idk how my family would react since i'm not out to them yet.
@Koah: whiskey (a giant fuzzball of a cat) sheds a LOT. we've actually found bits of fur everywhere bc sometimes it'll get tangled with itself. it's almost hilarious, but at the same time, i should see about getting a hairbrush for the big guy.
i actually want to get a haircut at some point, mostly shorter so that i can get that sweet taste of gender euphoria, but at the same time, idk how my family would react since i'm not out to them yet.
@Pelontrix: Yeah... it has been a while since I've had to deal with it, but I remember it being just ... sooooo not worth my time or energy with the BS they expected demanded and all the hoops they wanted me to jump through ... hoops that were not only completely irrelevant but semi-destructive in my ability to get a job. I'm sorry you're having to deal with them.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
77*f sounds amazing! <3
I've had all sorts of hairstyles. Short, long-ish, half shaved, dyed. etc.
My favorite which matches 'me', is white/platinum just below my ears and not quite to my neck.
@Pelontrix: Your cat sounds like a Mainecoon or a norwegian forest kitty. <3 I love big fluffy cats!
I only have 3 huskies. They have more personality than most people in my house. XDD
I imagine your family would be alright with you changing up your hairstyle. but then again, I don't know your family. X3
My mom just rolled her eyes at me when I'd go get my hair done in some weird way. -shrugs-
@Wildfire: you're british too?
also, yeah, it's definitely a pain in the fucking arse. i got lucky with the job at trisphee but it's not exactly stable work, so i'm going to have to figure out a way to make money on the side as well. they don't have the money to pay salaries or hourly work.
@Koah: yeah, we suspect whiskey has some maine coon ancestry, since he apparently took after his grandfather, which looked a lot like him, but he is also a moggy. i'm not in the business of going to websites and asking for a kit to prove ancestry, though, i sure as hell don't want the government having data on my cats.
his grinch feet are very large, though.
also, yeah, it's definitely a pain in the fucking arse. i got lucky with the job at trisphee but it's not exactly stable work, so i'm going to have to figure out a way to make money on the side as well. they don't have the money to pay salaries or hourly work.
@Koah: yeah, we suspect whiskey has some maine coon ancestry, since he apparently took after his grandfather, which looked a lot like him, but he is also a moggy. i'm not in the business of going to websites and asking for a kit to prove ancestry, though, i sure as hell don't want the government having data on my cats.
his grinch feet are very large, though.
please ping me for the love of god.
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