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Posted in Hang out with Tink! Posted 1 year ago

@totalanimefan: I saw the forum on the main page and got carried away reading the conversation. I'm sorry to butt in like this, but something inside told me to chime in. ^^;

I'm glad things are better now, too. I found myself falling into a very dark place, which is why I sought therapy.

All of that aside, I hope everything is going well for everyone! Happy Friday! ^^

Posted in uh hey there. Posted 1 year ago

Hello, welcome back to Voltra. ^^

Posted in Hang out with Tink! Posted 1 year ago

Hello! I don't mean to butt in, but I agree with Total. If you're not happy and have no interest or passion in this field, it'd probably be better for you to pursue what you want. You have one life to live and time is so precious, it's best not to waste it doing something you might find yourself hating. Something else to consider is once you're in the field how will you manage to help others if you're not passionate about what you're doing to help them? You might find yourself regretting not pursuing education and I fear that's a void you will find yourself continuously trying to fill. This is a truth I had to confront last year (at age 28) and confronting it changed my life for the better. My degree is in animation, but after graduating I tried to pursue the dental field because it seemed more appealing to those around me (and because of the money). Deep down I hated it and was unhappy, but after speaking with a therapist and an advisor they both suggested I reconsider pursuing art. Getting back into art and rehashing my goals has been a work in progress, but I'm the happiest I've been in all of my 20s. Whether art makes me money or not, I wouldn't trade this for anything because I felt lost trying to pursue something that wasn't for me. Fortunately, my pursuits of dental assisting and getting into dental hygiene school failed, and after all of that effort I've only managed to land a job as a dental receptionist, but that's okay. I'm able to get by decently while working on my passion on the side (I also see the failure as a sign that I was meant for something else).

I'm just another stranger on the internet and I can't tell you what to do, but if you're not happy I really hope someday you'll reconsider doing what you truly want. I say this not only from experience, but also from a genuine place. In my opinion, your happiness matters more than pursuing something your family wants you to. Because when you're at work loathing your job, that's something you'll have to sit with, not them.

Posted in Hello Again~ Posted 1 year ago

Welcome back! Your avatar is so pretty. ^^

Posted in Dentist appointment Posted 1 year ago

I work at a dental college, so ~3.5 hours is about the expected length of the student's appointments for their clinicals. I had no idea an appointment could be that long at a regular office (unless a procedure was being done).

Posted in French Toast Giveaway!~ Posted 1 year ago

@Ruby: I've been pretty busy lately, so I've not been able to participate as much as I'd like. I've been doing puzzles today to earn French toast, but I'd love some extra help, too. ^^; Thank you!

Posted in Yuck or Yum [Brunch Edition] Posted 1 year ago

Yum, preferably unsweetened.


Posted in Yuck or Yum [Brunch Edition] Posted 1 year ago


Cinnamon apple oatmeal with honey?

Posted in How Do You Create Your Avatar? Posted 1 year ago

Do you have a method behind creating your avatar? Do you have a certain theme in mind beforehand, or a preferred aesthetic, or look at photo references, or do you just play around with items until they start to look good together? It's always nice seeing the variety of avatars on here, everyone is so creative I've probably complimented everyone's avatar at this point lol!

I've had my current avatar for about 2 years now and I want to play around with changing it soon. Maybe I could get some ideas here so that I'm not as overwhelmed. (Off the top of my head, I really like angels, clouds, stars, flowers, pink, blue, and gold. If anyone has any suggestions for items in those categories feel free to share. :3)

Posted in Happy September! Posted 2 years ago

I hope you enjoy your day! I bet this will be a nice, refreshing break for you. ^^

This weekend: Today my friends and I are going to a Y2K themed party. I'm really excited and hope it will be fun. Then I might visit home for the rest of the weekend because it's been a while.

This month: I'll be volunteering, going to concerts, attending emo night events at local bars, hopefully will check out an anime rave party, and might sign up for a new class.

This season: I'm looking forward to hopefully cooler weather and trying fall drinks from as many coffee shops and cafes as I can. :3

Posted in Howdy Posted 2 years ago

Welcome to Voltra! :3

Something like Towns would be fun to have around.

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 2 years ago

Tokyo Midnight - MY FIRST STORY

Posted in Voltie Streamers? Posted 2 years ago

@qiqi agatha: Thank you for the links! :)

@toe: After skimming through some songs by the artists you're inspired by, it'd be interesting to hear an experimentation of all of their sounds together. :3 I mostly just doodle characters and comics, and try to make illustrations when I can. I haven't had much time to do any personal art lately.

Posted in Voltie Streamers? Posted 2 years ago

If you're shy and dont want to set up a whole vtuber set up, or use cam (which you really dont have to do), I would recommend looking up "png vtuber". Its like a image that reacts to you when you speak and it can be really cute. You can make it really simple or more complicated. Its really fun to change between different models xD

I bet your streams are so fun to watch, I love watching horror games and survival horror games! What survival horror games do you like to play? :3

Also, thank you for the recommendation! I'm gonna take note of this and look more into it. ^^