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Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
The shower had helped, Clint quickly got dressed after drying off and tossed his laundry into the basket in his room. This was his way of making sure their clothes didn't get mixed up. Afterwards he walked to the kitchen to start up on that soup he had promised to make. It was cold out and the fireplace alone was not going to warm them up enough. "You're very quiet mads, everything okay?" He asked from the kitchen.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
((Because look at that face. lol He's too precious.))

Seeing that Mitsukuni wasn't answering, Mia focused on Takashi. He only shook his head, perhaps it was best that she didn't know what happened. Maybe Mitsukuni was just not feeling well. Maybe he had a bit too many sweets for breakfast. Well, whatever the reason, she hoped that he'd feel better soon.

"My morning is going very nicely so far, thank-you." Mia answered politely. "I am hoping I did well on the homework assignments for my homework. They weren't too difficult though. Just a tad confusing at times but maybe that's just me." She added with a chuckle. "I hope your morning is going...well?" She commented quietly. Somehow, she got the feeling that Mitsukuni just didn't like her and she didn't want to end up tearing the cousins apart. "Mori-senpai, w-would it be alright if I spoke to you privately at some point in the day?" She asked.


The twins headed into the school, making their way to the club room. They needed to speak to Kyoya. They bumped into Haruhi on their way over. "Leftover lunch?" Hikaru asked, pointing to the wrapped up box in Haruhi's hands. Haruhi pouted and looked away for a moment. "Yes. Nothing wrong with leftovers you know. They're just as good as...not leftovers." She said simply, following them to the club room. "Don't you ever get tired of it though?" The twin asked. Haruhi thought about this, "Well...not really no. I guess I've gotten used to them by now."

@kozi: Same. My shoulder blades are complaining the most. xD
I just made some black cherry tea. Hopefully will help me be warm.
I should work on art as well. I need the practice but ehh...x n x

@kozi: Oh gosh, it's gonna get colder though isn't it? I mean, rain..on a cold day. shudders
Ah yes, the days when we had no responsibilities. Good times. o w o
Then we grew older and all that was fun, became a chore. lol

@kozi: Guess so. D:
Be sure to dress up super warm and stuff.
And wear a scarf, and a beanie, and a face mask.
o u o b
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko felt her heart flutter in her chest at his words. He really was a sweet person. Vampire or not, she couldn't see herself loving anyone else. A soft chuckle was heard, "I will be there shortly. I shall only wash the dishes before heading right over." She answered, smiling at the kiss on her forehead. It was always the little things. She really was a hopeless romantic. Kaneko stood once his footsteps had retreated. She carefully picked up the empty dishes, the pots and pans and took to the sick to start washing them clean. Afterwards, she dried off her hands and made her way to their room where Allen was waiting as he promised. "How are you feeling? Still very ill?" She asked softly.

@rallaa: oooh okay, I'll make a note of this now before I forget.
I do enjoy watching lets plays. You really see if it's worth buying a game or not after seeing a bit of gameplay from it.
Although, watching it and playing it are very different experiences.

@kozi: Yas, very yummy! o ^ o
You're welcome! I need to change mine too, but I don't know if or when I will.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey was seething, he said nothing. Just stared out the tinted window as they pulled up to Mia's place. There she was, waiting patiently and smiling. It made the younger one sad. Why was his cousin so interested in her? She was just some strange girl who showed up one day. What was so special about her? He would have asked his cousin these things, but it wouldn't change the fact that his cousin was liking this girl.

Mia smiled and thanked the driver then slipped inside and made sure to buckle up. "Thank-you for the ride, Mori-senpai." She said, noticing Honey was there as well. "Good morning Mitsukuni." She said politely. Honey didn't answer and Mia frowned, "Is..something wrong?" She asked, looking at the taller male.


"At least we got the homework done. I was starting to think we never would." Hikaru said. Kaoru laughed and shook his head. "We were going to finish it. It just took a little longer than we thought it would." He said. Glancing in his brother's direction for a split second, "Is everything okay?" Kaoru asked. Of course his brother would ask, he was worried about him most likely. "I'm fine. She wants to join." This surprised Kaoru. "Did she just send you a message saying that?" He asked. "Yeah." Hikaru answered. "I thought she didn't want to after the way she left. But hey, that's great news! I'm sure Kyoya and Tamaki would be happy to welcome her." Kaoru said, pulling into the school parking lot. He parked the car and switched off the engine. "Come on. We should go tell him now before class starts."


The drive to school was pretty quiet. Apart from her father asking her about her friends there and when would she ever bring them over. Haruhi shook her head quickly. She didn't want to imagine how these prestigious people would react to seeing her small home. "Maybe someday. We'll see." She answered as they approached the school. "Thanks for the ride. I'll probably catch the bus home, so don't worry." She said to her father as she exited the car.

@kozi: Omg, the struggle is real.
I would make cinnamon rolls...but I'm not hungry. ; n ;
Your avatar is very nice by the way.

@kozi: Just trying to keep warm. I'm so cold. My hands feel like icicles. D:
Also feeding my cats now cause like, they're crying right outside my bedroom door.

@rallaa: Hmm, I'll have to look into it then.
Maybe it really is a good game. o u o b
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"Pfft, you're probably right mads. He probably just tolerates me since this is my house. Ahh but who am I kidding, I'm a sucker for cute things." Clint wondered if he should work on dinner later. Was she even hungry? "Umm, I'll work on dinner afterwords. Some soup sounds good I think.." He said but made his way over to his room. He grabbed some clean clothes, his pajamas, and headed to his bathroom to take a hot shower. He didn't realize how cold he was until he stepped underneath that water.

@rallaa: Ello there!
Earthbound, I've seen that name around a bit. But I've never actually looked into it. o n o

@kozi: Hey, what's up? 8B
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Honey was ecstatic when his cousin showed up. He waved goodbye to his parents and skipped away towards the large limousine. Once seated inside comfortably, he received news that they were on their way to pick up Mia. That girl from before. Annoyed, Honey huffed and crossed his arms across his chest. "You've been wanting to spend more and more time with her. Why don't you just invite her to the kendo club that way she could take that away from us too!" He spat, turning his body away from his cousin. Was he being childish? Very. But he didn't care, he was upset. This girl shows up and already takes his cousin away from him.

When the limo pulled up, Mia felt she wasn't dressed appropriately. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater in an olive green color and some simple navy jeans. Her hair was brushed and left down. She just hoped that this really was alright with Takashi. He didn't need to pick her up, but her parents clearly thought it was very gentleman like of him to do so.


Kaoru started up the engine and as they headed off to school, Hikaru noticed the message. He read it and frowned. 'I'll talk with Kyoya. What happened, happened. And...I don't want to talk about it. - Hikaru'
Hikaru sent the text and stared out the window with a bored look on his face. Hopefully a day at school would cheer him up a bit. "Of course I slept well." He answered and glanced towards his brother who was driving. "What about you?" Kaoru kept his eyes on the road. "I did. After the homework and dinner, I was exhausted." Kaoru admitted.

Meanwhile, Haruhi was getting a ride to school from her father. However, while they waited, Haruhi hurriedly put together a lunch for herself. She was starving so it was a larger bento box with leftovers of course. Afterwords, she grabbed a white cloth and used it to cover up the bento box. This cloth would serve as her napkin. She tied it up and grabbed her things then stepped outside and got into the car.

drinks some tea and noms on biscuits.
Hello everyone.