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Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Mitsukuni frowned. He looked up at his cousin and then looked down at Usa-Chan on his own lap. "I don't like her." He murmured and rubbed his eyes with tiny fists. "But you like her Takashi! And...and you will hate me if I don't let you talk to her. I know you will. Even if you say you won't, you will be mad if I make you choose one or the other." He didn't look back up at his cousin. He couldn't. He was being so unfair to Takashi. And yet his cousin wasn't raising his voice or anything. "Well she was coming between us! She is.." He murmured, hanging his head.


Kaoru listened to her question and then looked at Hikaru who was deep in a conversation with Haruhi who didn't look impressed. "He will. I can promise you that much." He answered. "Look...she brought you here for a reason I'm sure. If you do have to go back..well just tell us when and where you'll be so that we can think up a plan." He said, trying to cheer her up. Hearing her cough only made him worry more though. "You should drink some tea...or water. Get some rest Alice."
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
At the time that Maddie had woken up, Clint was fast asleep. The kitten had made its way into Maddie's room and had curled up beside her, but when Maddie woke up it hopped off and slowly stumbled off towards Clint's room. It meowed and meowed outside his door over and over until that door opened and a sleepy Clint walked out. "Mm..what you want?" He asked. His voice sounded so tired, but he followed the kitten in the dark until he reached Maddie's room. "Ah...Maddie...another nightmare?" He asked, stepping into the room and sitting on the edge of her bed.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko watched him rest and covered up only his feet. It was a superstition in her family growing up that if you slept with your feet uncovered, you'd catch a deathly cold and die. She wasn't sure it was true, but she didn't want to ever risk it. Her soft humming resumed, filling the quiet room. If she could somehow help him sleep better with her humming, then she'd hum all day just to make sure he got the rest he deserved. This was what love was about. Her fingers stroke his hair gently and she placed a kiss atop his head. Loving someone meant being with them no matter what.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Despite eating so many sweets all the time, Mitsukuni didn't weigh much. It was a gift. He looked up at his cousin with wide amber eyes. He still didn't understand why Takashi liked Mia so much. What was so special about her? "You like her.." He said quietly. Takashi liked her, and he knew that he could easily forbid Takashi from seeing her but that wouldn't be right would it? "How can you be so sure that she does?" He asked. Hearing Takashi say that he would always come first normally made him feel better. This time however, the younger cousin was not convinced. "Are you going to go look for her and invite her the the club after school? Are you going to invite her to eat lunch with us?"


Kaoru looked at both his twin and Haruhi as they babbled on about the food and the taste. "Well that was kind of her." He said, running his fingers through his hair and poking at his lunch. "Look...things were said without much thought. You were upset, you thought we were doing something we shouldn't have been doing. Your reaction was normal." Kaoru answered. "I don't think he is angry with you. Perhaps a little wounded...but I don't think it's something that can't be mended next time you show up. I'll tell him you're sorry. But...I think it would be best you apologize in person. When you can that is."
Posted in smol chibi bribe -full Posted 6 years ago

@bean: Thank-you! x400
I'll go ahead and start the trade now then.
Oof! Don't worry, it's kind of late for me right now too.
(Well it's only 7pm here but still. lol)
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
"Tell me about this girl you seem to like so much." Mitsukini said. He picked up his fork and stabbed his food then brought it to his lips and ate it happily. "Why are you being so nice to her? Why are you wanting to spend so much time with her Takashi? Why am I being replaced? I don't like it!" He whined. "You already have the club members as your friends, why her? She's nobody special.." He frowned and looked down at his food. "She just showed up and now you want to spend a lot of time with her and I don't understand why." Mitsukuni looked at his cousin. "Do you really like her Takashi?"


Kaoru was relieved when he heard Alice's voice on the other end. She sounded a little tired. "It's Kaoru. I wanted to call to check up on you. You're not at school Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked. "Wait let me try some of that, Haruhi." Hikaru's and Haruhi's voices could be heard in the background as they both shared their food with each other. Hikaru would have offered Kaoru but he was busy so he didn't bother him.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
Clint ate his serving of soup calmly. Sometimes he'd look around for the small kitten and relax when he saw it. He was going to have to get it a few things wasn't he? He never really had a pet of his own, but how hard could it be? "Thanks, have a goodnight Mads." Clint answered, raising a hand in a silent goodbye. "Hopefully she doesn't get sick.." He said to himself. Once he had finished his soup, Clint took his bowl to the sink and started to wash it in silence. He glanced out the window. Still raining hard out. With luck, it would be that way tomorrow and he could stay home to look after Maddie. Clint dried off his hands, cleaned up the place, locked the door, turned out the lights and headed to his room to get ready for bed. Afterwards he crawled into bed and tried to get some sleep.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
"Perhaps you should sleep. You need to get as much rest as you can." Kaneko began, a small smile on her face. "I'm sure you must get tired of hearing me say that to you." He added quietly, gently wiping down his chest with the cool rag then his neck very carefully. "You have nothing to worry about, I won't leave your side while you sleep. It's okay." Kaneko smoothed out his hair after dropping the hand towel back into the bowl of cold water. She wasn't sure if this would help reduce the fever any, but he said he was feeling some difference and that was all that mattered.
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
Class had been as Mia expected it to be. It was boring, and often times very quiet save for the sounds of pens and pencils gliding across paper. The clock ticked in the distance, it was annoying to some but for her it was relaxing. When the end of class arrived, Mia turned in her assignments then grabbed her things and headed out for lunch. Her stomach growled in anticipation. Smoothing out her sweater, Mia walked off in the direction of the crowded cafeteria where she grabbed some lunch and walked to a table to sit and enjoy her lunch. The lunch she grabbed was a simple chicken sandwich. It smelled nice though and it was a little warm so she had high hopes. Besides, this was a prestigious school so it was bound to have good food.


Mitsukuni hummed softly to himself, a grin on his face as he quickly ran out of the classroom, leaving Takashi to turn in his work for him. Outside of the classroom, he was hopping from one tile to the next. Back and forth, waiting. And when Takashi was out, he left with his cousin to grab their lunch. Afterwards he dragged his cousin to sit with him by a water fountain. "Okay Takashi, let's talk." He said seriously. His cute and innocent expression gone.


"Are you going to call her now?" Hikaru asked as both twins and Haruhi walked to a table with their lunches. "Let's sit down first." Kaoru answered and looked down at Haruhi's lunch. "What leftovers did you bring this time Haruhi?" He asked. The three of them took their seats and she revealed to them her not so fancy lunch. It consisted of leftover egg rolls and some steamed veggies. "That's it?" Hikaru asked, causing her eyebrow to twitch. "Oi! I can't afford anything better." She murmured. Kaoru picked up his phone then and dialed Alice's number, hopefully she would answer but he'd understand if she didn't.
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@shampoo: Ooh that's really cool! ^ u ^

Thank you! It's just something I threw together. I might just change it soon though. Maybe.

I'm drinking tons of water. I had a smoothie earlier though with extra protein. I should work out more. :/
I had tea yesterday though. It wasn't very good. D:
Oof really? Dang, that sounds really bad!

It was 'The Living Desert' it's about 30 minutes from where I live.
I saw so many animals. Giraffes, cheetas, Hyenas, porcupines...umm...meerkats, a falcon, a brown eagle, a bald eagle, zebras, vultures, umm... What else did I see? I saw a bobcat, mountain goats, a lynx, a kookaburra, a tortoise, a bat eared fox, mexican wolves... I saw a lot. xD
I can't remember the names of all of the animals.

I do have heating pads, yes!
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko hummed to herself while she cared for Allen. She still didn't know if this would actually help in any way or not but she had still wanted to give it a try. Over and over, the hand towels were dipped in the cool water and wrung out before being used to rub his hot skin. "Is it helping even just a little bit?" She asked in a quiet voice, smiling softly after noticing his eyes were closed. He must have been enjoying it, or perhaps he had fallen to sleep. Poor Allen was probably just exhausted. His body was fighting as hard as it could to fight off the illness but it didn't seem to be working. Anyone who was ever sick could tell you that they would only want to sleep all day and night from how drained they felt.

@kozi: Sorry for the late reply! Got distracted with life. Hope you managed to get plenty of sleep though! D:
I was thinking of recycling an avatar of mine but we'll see. shrugs
Ugh, I have a slight headache and I just feel so out of it and drained mentally.
Not sure why.

Oh thanks very much! It's just something I threw together.
Mmm cotton candy. Haven't had that in a while. xD

Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@shampoo: What character? o . o
I was thinking of reusing an avatar of mine. We'll see though. lol

Yo! I've been so creatively drained.
And I have a headache right now actually which just sucks.
I haven't been able to really focus at all today. I've just felt so out of it all day and my legs hurt a lot too.
I'm sure that's because of walking so much at the zoo yesterday.
Posted in Psst, guys! Posted 6 years ago

@vermii: Peanut Butter is pretty good. I'm not too crazy about it though.
It's something I'll have if I'm craving it. I guess that could be said about a lot of things. Hah