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Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko looked his direction and sighed. She wanted nothing more than for him to get better. To see him smile. To hear him laugh. To see him happy. Was that asking too much? Perhaps. Turning to her side, her dark eyes watched him sleep peacefully beside her. She lay still underneath the protective cover of his arm, tired but happy. His words floated around in her head. He was changing, and so was she but he'd finally stop soon, and she'd keep going. While she worried about it, she didn't want to think about it right now. Instead she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come over her.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 6 years ago
"I'm just making that soup I promised. Something warm will be nice right now when it's so cold out. Besides, it will help prevent you from catching a cold." Clint explained to her, eyes on what he was doing. "If you're not hungry though and would prefer to just sleep, you can go ahead and get some sleep mads. I won't get upset." He said to her. Her health was important to her. Sure skipping meals wasn't good, but if she was really tired, then maybe heading in wasn't such a bad idea.
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 6 years ago

@addy: Hehe you're welcome. I mean every word though, I always enjoy looking at your art pieces! They're super nice! :o

That second mugman looks evil. I'm guessing that's probably the bad ending?
Both are really cool though! :3
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 6 years ago

@addy: Perhaps, because that is rather odd. Hmm
Anytime I see your art though, it brings a smile to my face. So never stop what you're doing okay?
I love it and always look forward to your next piece. :3

You're welcome Addy!

marches into this thread

Good evening all!
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@totalanimefan: Or a combination of both. xD
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@totalanimefan: Yeah, we have more freedom to do what we want. Life just seems cruddier the older you get. xD
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@totalanimefan: Mhm, life tends to be a roller coaster eh? I hate doing adult things though. Life was much simpler and more fun as a kid. lol
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@totalanimefan: I've been busy and distracted with life.
Been okay though. I think. Heh I mean, I'm still alive so I guess I can't really complain.
Made a phonecall to check in on health insurance stuff. Just playing the waiting game right now. :/
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko nodded, Yes tomorrow wasn't going to be better really. If anything, it would probably be worse. She thought of the gifts waiting to be open and knew people would find it silly to shop for someone who couldn't see. However, Kaneko was a girl of tradition; and she wanted to make him happy. "Every day that passes by, you do get better though. Even if it doesn't seem that way." Her voice was soft, comforting. Her hand in his cold one. "As long as we keep making you that tea, and as long as you get plenty of rest then you will be fine." Kaneko reminded with a smile on her face.
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@totalanimefan: Hey there! How are you?
Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1) Posted 6 years ago
((He's going to have to eventually.))

Mia listened to what Takashi was saying and looked at Mitsukuni who said nothing. His back turned to them as he continued to gaze out the window with Usa-chan. "'s okay. This is not your fault. It is mine. I am truly sorry for getting in between you both. It was not my intention." She began softly. Her eyes lowered to look down at her lap. "Thank-you for telling me though. I'll be sure to keep my distance. I'm sorry for having caused this...really, I am." Well this was a horrible way to start the school day. Not to mention now things would be awkward in class. However, Mia was determined to fix this. Even if it meant staying away.


"Good morning Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi greeted with a smile then went to sit at a table and look over her work. While she did this, the twins made their way over to Kyoya. "She said she'll join." Hikaru informed quietly.
Posted in AddyArts! Posted 6 years ago

@Addy: They don't show up. Unless you right click and select 'view image'
I love your art though. It's so nice! ; u ;
Posted in The Naked Hangout - [Happy Pride!] Posted 6 years ago

@shampoo: Oof it's been so long! Sorry!
The holidays were very nice for me. Full of family and yummy food! o u o