Count Trashula's posts
Posted 3 years ago

I love Halloween, maybe too much. I look forward to it year round, but it also gives me anxiety bc something always goes wrong. I'm really disappointed that we're living in a townhouse now, so no yard or porch to decorate. We did the best we could with the tiny area in front of our door, and we managed to visit a haunted attraction and put together goodie bags to pass out, so it's not a total loss. But I'm still waiting for the day when I can spend my favorite holiday the way I really want to, decorating my own yard and porch (and obvs being the best one in the neighborhood) and maybe having some friends over for a Halloween party while we pass out candy... Maybe someday.
In the meantime, I've been living on candy corn and pumpkin spice coffee, wrestling the cats into costumes, and trying to maintain my Halloween spirit despite my neighbors already having out Christmas decorations. It hurts my heart, I tell ya.
In the meantime, I've been living on candy corn and pumpkin spice coffee, wrestling the cats into costumes, and trying to maintain my Halloween spirit despite my neighbors already having out Christmas decorations. It hurts my heart, I tell ya.

Posted in nano cat toy best cat toy
Posted 3 years ago

RIP nano
Our cats have one of these; it has a little furry 'tail' attached to the end. They love it until it disappears under the furniture, then they get bored and leave lol
Our cats have one of these; it has a little furry 'tail' attached to the end. They love it until it disappears under the furniture, then they get bored and leave lol

Posted in Trashy Art Request
Posted 3 years ago

Well, for all the good it'll do me... bringing this thread back up again! Some edits have been made to the OP and character profiles continue to be updated.

Posted in How many people have you lost to conspiracies?
Posted 3 years ago

I don't know how far along my dad was already, but over the past couple of years he definitely got worse with the whole right-wing, bigotry/covid-is-a-joke/the-left-has-an-agenda... thing. I don't know if he bought into any of the wackier conspiracy theories, but watching him spiral deeper into the "trump 2020" crowd was enough. I used to think--no, I know--he was the less conservative of my parents, the less likely to care about stuff like that, and the more likely to accept his kids for who they were. I think drinking and loneliness really got to him over time.
Then there's my grandma's best friend, who was always like family to me (more so than my actual family, anyway). I haven't cut contact with her, but I unfriended her on Facebook after seeing all the questionable stuff she kept sharing on there, including some outlandish conspiracies about the vaccine and bill gates... Our relationship has been reduced to "pleasantly superficial" for a long time now, but seeing that stuff has made me even less willing to open up to her any more.
Then there's my grandma's best friend, who was always like family to me (more so than my actual family, anyway). I haven't cut contact with her, but I unfriended her on Facebook after seeing all the questionable stuff she kept sharing on there, including some outlandish conspiracies about the vaccine and bill gates... Our relationship has been reduced to "pleasantly superficial" for a long time now, but seeing that stuff has made me even less willing to open up to her any more.

Posted in Job Interviews Are Scary
Posted 3 years ago

I hate interviews. It's always the "tell me about a time when..." questions that get me, because I don't always have experiences that fit those situations. And supposedly you can just make one up, but doing anything on the spot is hard for me, and having to practice and memorize stories (especially fake ones) beforehand just makes the whole thing more nerve wracking. That, and "tell me about yourself", cause "myself" doesn't have much to tell. My experience is limited and that's pretty obvious given the fact that I'm here looking for the lowest-level position y'all offer. I'm not even gonna be making a living wage; why do you care where I see myself in 5 years?
I wish interviews just consisted of simple questions about experience and availability. Nothing abstract, nothing irrelevant to the position being applied for, and nothing a new employee is going to have to be trained to learn anyway.
I remember my first interview, as a teenager trying to get a job at a movie theater in the mall. I had no idea what to expect, and they asked me "If you were in charge of this company, what changes would you make?" You're asking this of a 16 year old kid who's never been in charge of anything, or had anything to do with your company besides watching the occasional movie. I think that's pretty ridiculous. I know a lot of these questions have some ulterior motive of figuring out what kind of person you are or how you'd handle x situation, etc etc but honestly if you want someone to be a "perfect fit for the job/company", start by treating your employees better and training them more. You're not gonna get an expert who adores your company walking in the door hoping to scrub toilets for 9$/hr, nor do you need one to do those things.
A simple "Can you legally work here? Are you able to do these tasks? How well do you work with others? What is your availability?" would save us all so much time and trouble. Especially since half these places make you take an hour-long assessment test just to apply in the first place!
I wish interviews just consisted of simple questions about experience and availability. Nothing abstract, nothing irrelevant to the position being applied for, and nothing a new employee is going to have to be trained to learn anyway.
I remember my first interview, as a teenager trying to get a job at a movie theater in the mall. I had no idea what to expect, and they asked me "If you were in charge of this company, what changes would you make?" You're asking this of a 16 year old kid who's never been in charge of anything, or had anything to do with your company besides watching the occasional movie. I think that's pretty ridiculous. I know a lot of these questions have some ulterior motive of figuring out what kind of person you are or how you'd handle x situation, etc etc but honestly if you want someone to be a "perfect fit for the job/company", start by treating your employees better and training them more. You're not gonna get an expert who adores your company walking in the door hoping to scrub toilets for 9$/hr, nor do you need one to do those things.
A simple "Can you legally work here? Are you able to do these tasks? How well do you work with others? What is your availability?" would save us all so much time and trouble. Especially since half these places make you take an hour-long assessment test just to apply in the first place!

Posted in early etsy xmas shopping... a thread >v>/
Posted 3 years ago

I normally would be doing exactly this, but since I'm out of a job right now, xmas (and birthday, since everybody has to go and be born during the holiday season) gifts are gonna have to stay pretty small this year, and be limited to people I know are gonna get me something, too. But hopefully by next year I'll be in a better position to play Santa. I have a lot of gift ideas stored up for at least a couple of people.
Also I'd probably go with the journal; it's themed but practical and seems like you'd get the most immediate use out of it.
Also I'd probably go with the journal; it's themed but practical and seems like you'd get the most immediate use out of it.

Posted in How many volts is a lot?
Posted 3 years ago

I guess it depends on who you ask. I'd consider a few hundred k to be a lot on this site, though, for sure. I don't think most volties feel the need to carry that much, since the economy on this site has been fairly stable so far. But I could be wrong. A "how many volts do you normally have" poll would be pretty interesting...

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

Sweet, crates and bundles for my hoard >o>

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

too smart for me :( we need one of those signs you flip that says "the cat has [been fed]/[not been fed]", like they have for dirty/clean dishes lol

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

sneaky cats got a double breakfast today. my friend fed them when she got up, then half an hour later when i got up, they were screaming at me for food, so i assumed they hadn't eaten yet and fed them again.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@KittyBeary: me, thinking I'm gonna have some free time to work on stuff; cat: MAAAAAAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
it's half an hour before feeding time, right on schedule...
it's half an hour before feeding time, right on schedule...

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@KittyBeary: you would think we never fed them in their lives...

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@KittyBeary: oh lord.. our cats have a very reliable internal clock, but they have it set half an hour early. every day, same time: MAAAAAAAOOOW, MAAAOOOWWW 30 minutes before feeding time. I think she believes "half hour of screaming" is just part of the ritual to summon the food.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: dang, not too soon i hope D:
cats screaming at me thinking it's dinner time; they've still got half an hour!
cats screaming at me thinking it's dinner time; they've still got half an hour!