Count Trashula's posts
Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

@Lina: Me either. I've found the best way to do it is to just wait until they're asleep lol
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, he's totally back to normal now. I wonder how his sister will fare when it's her turn...
@Ava: Aw man, I can imagine... We've only taken our cats to the vet once for a checkup before now (we've only had them for about 6 months and they're just barely a year old), and luckily we were allowed to go in. But it's different when there's anesthesia and long wait periods involved, especially with the underlying concerns that something might be wrong.
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, he's totally back to normal now. I wonder how his sister will fare when it's her turn...
@Ava: Aw man, I can imagine... We've only taken our cats to the vet once for a checkup before now (we've only had them for about 6 months and they're just barely a year old), and luckily we were allowed to go in. But it's different when there's anesthesia and long wait periods involved, especially with the underlying concerns that something might be wrong.

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: Thanks! I been really wanting to practice more lately.

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@Ruby: Glad you like it! It was a lot of fun to color lol

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@Ruby: art moods are fickle, alas

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@blue: aye, that'd be neat! But what I'm talking about for mine is making a more realistic decayed body, so the skeleton is necessary in this case.
@Lina: Same, I usually miss most of the events and barely manage to get the items. Gonna try this time!
@Lina: Same, I usually miss most of the events and barely manage to get the items. Gonna try this time!

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@Ruby: thanks! Working on something for you now
@Shark: dang.. i've seen a few book suggestions online, but i'm always so picky about actually choosing to start a new thing. But spooky stuff is good stuff.
h e l l o
Doing OK so far.. how are you?
@Shark: dang.. i've seen a few book suggestions online, but i'm always so picky about actually choosing to start a new thing. But spooky stuff is good stuff.

Doing OK so far.. how are you?

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@CooperationIsKey: If I end up being able to get the materials (and the time) to do it, I'll definitely share.

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

@Spider: well ty :^P
@CooperationIsKey: and ty as well
Corpsing (in this context, anyway) is basically taking a model skeleton and altering it to have a more "dead body" look. After learning I could do this fairly cheaply with plastic sheets, a heat gun, and some wood stain, I am eager to give it a shot.
@CooperationIsKey: and ty as well
Corpsing (in this context, anyway) is basically taking a model skeleton and altering it to have a more "dead body" look. After learning I could do this fairly cheaply with plastic sheets, a heat gun, and some wood stain, I am eager to give it a shot.

Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Can't make up his mind... that sounds like a cat, all right XD
Yeah, he's doing good. After almost rolling off the counter from flopping around trying to get pets, he's just taking a nap now. Stinky little Goblin.
Yeah, he's doing good. After almost rolling off the counter from flopping around trying to get pets, he's just taking a nap now. Stinky little Goblin.

Posted in the ol' chat-n-draw
Posted 4 years ago

I'm not very good at posting during events or returning to my own threads, but this is me trying anyway. Chat, earn seeds, maybe even get free art, who knows?
If you want a chance at getting an experimental art freebie of some kind, just post a visual reference in this thread. No promises on art consistency, and I apologize in advance if I don't get around to everyone, because I probably won't. I'd like to keep this very casual and just do whatever interests me.
There's a link to my regular art shop in my signature if you want to see what my art looks like (or pay for something a little more polished). There's also a link to my art request if you're up for a trade, wink-wink.
In the meantime, what are y'all up to lately?
I have mostly just been really excited for spooky season (while also dreading the prospect of needing to find a job asap. The joys of adult life, I guess). Got a plastic skeleton and would really like to give corpsing a try... I would also love some horror novel recommendations if you have any.
If you want a chance at getting an experimental art freebie of some kind, just post a visual reference in this thread. No promises on art consistency, and I apologize in advance if I don't get around to everyone, because I probably won't. I'd like to keep this very casual and just do whatever interests me.
There's a link to my regular art shop in my signature if you want to see what my art looks like (or pay for something a little more polished). There's also a link to my art request if you're up for a trade, wink-wink.
In the meantime, what are y'all up to lately?
I have mostly just been really excited for spooky season (while also dreading the prospect of needing to find a job asap. The joys of adult life, I guess). Got a plastic skeleton and would really like to give corpsing a try... I would also love some horror novel recommendations if you have any.

Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: well she got to cuddle him on her lunch break. He's slowly getting back to normal, but still a little loopy. He has the Jack Sparrow walk lol

Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: that's sweet ;v; hours later, he's still being ridiculously cuddly with me and going to my friend's door to cry (she works at home, so he hasn't seen her for more than a couple of minutes since she took him to the vet).
@Lina: aye, cuddly as they are, they don't like us messing with their faces or paws too much. We can pet them all we want, but the minute we get out something that looks like a wipe or a pair of clippers, they're outta here.
@Lina: aye, cuddly as they are, they don't like us messing with their faces or paws too much. We can pet them all we want, but the minute we get out something that looks like a wipe or a pair of clippers, they're outta here.

Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

He has been super affectionate since he came home. He must have missed us. I also noticed the vets trimmed his claws and cleaned his ears..

Posted in My son is at the vet
Posted 4 years ago

@Lina: I just came home with him and he's fine. High off his ass, but fine. Vet said there was nothing really wrong with his teeth, blood work was normal. Gave him some powder to add to his food and help keep his teeth clean, and said if he doesn't feel like eating after 24 hours to call them. But he's starving since we weren't supposed to feed him before bed, so eating isn't a problem. He's just not very good at it right now and keeps circling between his and his sister's bowls, wandering away to play or meow at nothing, etc.. and keeps flopping around losing his balance. poor little man ;v;