Count Trashula's posts
Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: We live across the street from a store that's at least in my top 5. Not as expensive as Walmart, has a decent amount of variety, and covers all our basic needs. Not as inexpensive or quite as much interesting stuff as Lidl and Aldi, but I have very few complaints. If they paid more, I'd probably apply to work there...

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I FINALLY MADE IT ;v; looks like I got back just in time, too.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, about 35 mins. Whenever we move again, we're thinking of going in that direction, though, since the city the Aldi is in has more there than where we are now. I still wish there was a Lidl there; the one near us is close enough, but if we moved up that way, it'd be an hour away.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: The nearest Aldi is about 20 miles away, so it takes a little bit to get there. The Lidl is actually a bit closer, but in the opposite direction. We just ended up at Aldi the other day because we wanted to see if Target had anything good out for Halloween. Sadly, they did not, and the cheese we bought at Aldi had mold on it. >:^( Though aside from that, everything else we got there was really good. I miss living really close to both Aldi and Lidl; I used to be able to walk to one and drive to the other in about 10 minutes.
I don't buy dairy often, but Aldi's cheese selection is unbeatable. The best thing about the store is the stuff that comes and goes, like seasonal flavors and the "special aisle" Aldi finds and whatnot. Always something good in there.
I don't buy dairy often, but Aldi's cheese selection is unbeatable. The best thing about the store is the stuff that comes and goes, like seasonal flavors and the "special aisle" Aldi finds and whatnot. Always something good in there.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I really don't know why they closed this one. Maybe just too small of a population... From what I read, a lot of people really loved having it around, and it was the only Lidl people in the larger city above mine could reasonably go to. Seems strange to take that away, but I'm not the one in charge so I'm sure there's something I'm missing. :^P Oh, well. At least if I end up moving to that city, I'll still have Aldi.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I'm still mad that they closed down the Lidl in my city before we moved here. It cost me a job transfer, as well as easy access to my favorite store! The next closest is 20 minutes away, which really isn't bad. I still couldn't transfer, though, and since we live across the street from a different grocery store, we haven't really been to the Lidl much since moving. But I'd been waiting for Lidl to come to the US; it's like Aldi but better. Except for the things Aldi has that beat theirs lol. If you ever go to a Lidl, don't bother with their dessert hummus. It's all gross. Do get the big pretzels.

Posted in Haha whoops
Posted 3 years ago

@Alien: It's why I try to stick with second shift jobs; I get some daytime and some nighttime. Too bad they're kind of hard to find. Always one extreme or the other, and I am never doing overnights again if I can avoid it. That was the worst. Sometimes I envy day shift people, other times I just resent them. It's incredible how many seem to have actual disdain for anyone who doesn't adhere to their schedule, even if it's for a job.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@koneko: They're pretty good. I kinda prefer Lidl, but sometimes Aldi has stuff I can't get anywhere else. I just wish we lived closer to one of the two, since the stores near us cost a bit more.
@Totalanimefan: Oat milk is definitely my favorite. I always try to keep an eye out for new oat milk "dairy" products...
@Totalanimefan: Oat milk is definitely my favorite. I always try to keep an eye out for new oat milk "dairy" products...

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

Recently got a pumpkin spice creamer from Aldi. It's made with almond milk, which isn't my favorite, but it was the only non-dairy option they had. It gets a little cloudy if you don't shake it every time, but it tastes really good. Got some vanilla Starbucks coffee and they go great together. It almost makes the hassle of dealing with our coffee maker worth it :U

Posted in What do you ACTUALLY call them?
Posted 3 years ago

It occurred to me that I rarely call anyone, especially my pets, by their name.
For talking to people, I usually just say what I need to say, unless I'm trying to get their attention from across the room or we're in a group or something. In that case, I usually just use their name... but not for the person I live with, who's been my best friend for many years. We call each other the same nickname, or variations of it (at this point it could be anything that starts with the same letter, but usually the same few), and have been doing so since high school. At this point, it feels more natural than using actual names.
Then there are the pets. We have two cats, Goblin and Gremlin. They rarely get called that. I feel like I could fill a book with the nicknames they get called. Some are shared nicknames that get used for both, others are unique to each cat. The most frequently used nicknames are at least related to their actual names, but many aren't. I am tempted to make a chart of all these names...
do you normally call your friends and/or pets by their given names? I apparently do not.
For talking to people, I usually just say what I need to say, unless I'm trying to get their attention from across the room or we're in a group or something. In that case, I usually just use their name... but not for the person I live with, who's been my best friend for many years. We call each other the same nickname, or variations of it (at this point it could be anything that starts with the same letter, but usually the same few), and have been doing so since high school. At this point, it feels more natural than using actual names.
Then there are the pets. We have two cats, Goblin and Gremlin. They rarely get called that. I feel like I could fill a book with the nicknames they get called. Some are shared nicknames that get used for both, others are unique to each cat. The most frequently used nicknames are at least related to their actual names, but many aren't. I am tempted to make a chart of all these names...
do you normally call your friends and/or pets by their given names? I apparently do not.

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: They always seem to happen when I'm away, then I'll come back to find I've missed it by, like, one page. But now there's two in a row, so if the pattern holds, I have a chance lol

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago

@koneko: belated happy birthday, then! That sound like a nice way to spend the day.
my day just started, so coffee also sounds nice...
my day just started, so coffee also sounds nice...

Posted in Haha whoops
Posted 3 years ago

We've been staying up too late for a few weeks now. Usually the only thing that can fix it for me is sleeping very little for a few days so that I'm eventually too tired to stay up again. but of course, a single day of staying up later will throw me right back into the pattern. I'm pretty sure I'm just naturally inclined to be a night person, which isn't a good sign for future job prospects...

Posted 3 years ago

well, it's october now and apparently christmas is in full swing. I swear I saw one of my neighbors with a little christmas tree on their porch. I'm gonna keep telling myself they just happened to have conical bushes and are one of those people who puts lights in their bushes year round... but I think I'd have remembered if there had been lights on that thing before october.