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@Wildfire: I'd love to see the rugs you made.

Good Morning. My daughter just went to school in her costume. My son has an online class today where they wear their costumes and show off.
Otherwise, Halloween stuff starts for us tomorrow.
@Wildfire: We used to move so much that my kids never kept enough to make a mess. Now that we've been in our house for over a year... omg. OTL This is the first time since they were toddlers that I had to purrrggge. 2 garbage bags of donation[stuff they've forgotten about] and 2 garbage bags of trash[broken toys and papers n things]

It's always nice to visit parents. <3 I'm glad you had a pleasant time with your mom today. :)
I've been on and off the phone with my sister today, she's catching me up on her christmas shopping list and letting me know her plans for the holidays.
@Wildfire: Your day sounds nice overall though. :3 Even though it made you tired.

I ended up finding my glasses, drinking a small coffee, and tackling my kids' disastrous room.
I got about 2/3rds of their room done.
Normally their room doesn't ever get bad enough where I have to step in and do a purge.
@CooperationIsKey: oh okay. I used to live in a tornado state. I remember the sirens. I don't miss them. XD
@CooperationIsKey: omg nooo... I hate tornados! Is it a legit warning or a practice warning?
Good morning.
I just woke up too, I need to figure out where I put my glasses last night.
@Purpsy: This item was difficult to use. It just sort of came together on accident.
The space item I'm iffy with is the Spaceship Ai... -shrugs- I haven't been able to use it.
I would have never thought to put together the items for your avi~ :D It's so Halloweeny.
@Purpsy: I love the slimy skin look. hehe
I totally fell in love with the space-themed items a few months back.
@Purpsy: Hi!
I love your avi today! :D
@Wildfire: Awesome! I love that you made your own rug. :3
My wall is almost done, I miiight add a second layer of gloss paint, but I think it should be fine without.
lol! hamburger the hamster. I love it! <3

Sorry- I'm a bit AFK, I'm working on a home project.
@Another Movie Addict: oh my gosh, you should get so fishing line and hang him from the ceiling. hehe. Then it'll look like it's floating. <3 XD
I love stuff like that!
@Another Movie Addict: OMGOD that hamster is far larger than I thought it was going to be! Lol!!

@Wildfire: The trend went wild some time at the end of 2020. There were young adults all over tiktok and instagram doing them [on my algorythm].
Especially in the lgbtq+ online personality peoples. Rainbows and whatnot in maze-like lines. It was wild.

@star2000shadow: I definitely need to clear a spot for my new freezer. it's really large and the spot I had made for it was too small. So I have more organizing and moving things to do before I can begin to use it.
@Wildfire: I definitely need the luck. I'm glad to have boughten a laser to keep lines straight while I tape. I'm utilizing a little bubble scale thing too.
B UT! once this is taped, the paint can go on! and this wall will be finished!
I don't get the fad of taping and painting walls during the pandemic. omgosh, watching people tape elaborate and scaled designs onto their walls was fascinating... and confusing. I don't have that kind of patience. XD