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Posted in Weather: Smoke; Air Quality: Deadly Posted 4 years ago
I feel you- last year, Oregon was smoked out right when I moved into the state. I just about left when we got enough rain to drop the smoke for a day or two
It's smoky this year, but not as bad as last.
I'm sorry you're going through it right now.
We ended up boiling herbs to drop the indoor smokiness when it was thick last year. I recommend it. :d House smells good, and the air feels less dry.
@Purpsy: -sips on tea- <3 :3
@Wildfire: I'm sorry I keep leaving our conversations hangin'.
It feels like I keep forgetting the internet exists since I've been so busy lately. XD
@Wildfire: oh my gosh, I somehow forgot Florida doesn't have much for seasons. XD
My trips were rather on the chaotic side. My kids are sick of traveling. Now I need to find things to do around town with them.
I went and saw my friends' new baby and helped my new roommate move out of his old place and into ours.
then I drove 12 hours to be in a wedding and explore my old stomping grounds. So many emotions on that last trip.
@Wildfire: lol! Is it summer?! I dunno, I've been driving all over the place the last 2-3 weeks.
county fair is soon.. so I'm assuming it's summer. lol
I've been good, healthy, just exhausted from travels and the emotional rollercoasters of those trips.
I am back in my routine and available to chat. <3
I missed Voltra.

@Wildfire: How's your summer going?
@Wildfire: I'm okay, I'm well enough that I'm taking my June plans and planning them out now. re-doing my cancelled plans.
@Wildfire: lol! how's your decluttering going?
@Wildfire: I've been working on decluttering today.
Good morning. Afternoon?
Posted in Beauty's Boutique - [B Some/S A Lot] Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Can I send you a trade of 2K for Mom Fashion? :3
@Wildfire: yeah, I definitely just learned a valuable lesson in 'takin' it easy'. I've been so used to only being sick for a couple of days that this re-wired my brain on how to behave when sick. e.e
@Wildfire: I'm still hackin' up a bit.. kinda like a cat with hairballs.. but otherwise, my energy is making a slow return.
I won't be driving or getting out of the house for a few more days. But I'm back.

@CooperationIsKey: That's one thing I can't comfortably do, is sit at the bed with my laptop. lol. c: I get restless. XD
@CooperationIsKey: omg, for real... I'm an active person generally, so just sleeping in makes me anxious. so over a week of bed rest was torture.
Uneventful is good in my book. Means less stress. C: