Vii's posts
Posted in We all eventually die
Posted 7 years ago
It's a very sobering thing to think about. I'm already a quarter through my life and... it's honestly terrifying to think about because I ain't done sheeit. xD I think about losing family and pets and I don't know how people can cope or ever smile again, but they manage...

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: I don't know, let me try something real quick!
*draws moon runes on the ground and dances around them*
IDK IT'S NOT WORKING we need Sailor Moon
*draws moon runes on the ground and dances around them*
IDK IT'S NOT WORKING we need Sailor Moon

Posted in There is this big...
Posted 7 years ago
I heard somewhere that the moon is able to chase the giant glowy away, so all we have to do is summon the moon!

Posted in Applied For My First Job
Posted 7 years ago
Oh, best of luck getting the job, hun! Hope you're able to get the experience you need.

Posted in Woah, that just happened!
Posted 7 years ago
That's awesome, I'm glad this opportunity has presented itself to you! Sometimes the universe just works nicely that way c: good luck!

Posted in Anxiety: A Rant
Posted 7 years ago
Bingo. Total pet peeve when people say "all you have to do is x!" Like "yeah wow thanks I forgot it was so easy why didn't I think of that"
Most of the time people mean well but sometimes they're just idiots.
Most of the time people mean well but sometimes they're just idiots.

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago
@RoseyWitch: Ah, thank you so much! ^-^ always makes me feel good when people enjoy my designs!
Everything looks good to me, so I've queued you up and will get started once I've finished Luna's! :D
Everything looks good to me, so I've queued you up and will get started once I've finished Luna's! :D

Posted in Black Out Ending [PART 2]
Posted 7 years ago
Daaaaamn son totally have a 1000000% crush on Spark

Posted in Where are my trans?
Posted 7 years ago
I'm not personally trans, but I have a couple trans friends IRL. I support you all and hope you're able to be yourself and live the life you deserve to live! <3 Nobody else can put you in a box and tell you who to be or how to live.

Posted in Old Anime!
Posted 7 years ago
InuYasha was the anime that really got me into the medium. Before that I grew up on Dragonball Z, Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, and ZOIDS, as well as a few Gundam shows; G Gundam was my fave Gundam tho.
InuYasha is amazing. I love the older anime, and still prefer them.
InuYasha is amazing. I love the older anime, and still prefer them.

Posted in omg
Posted 7 years ago
I...literally did not even notice LOL
Wonder how long it would have taken me on my own? xD
@Faust Sheep: dat avi doe 10/10
Wonder how long it would have taken me on my own? xD
@Faust Sheep: dat avi doe 10/10

Posted in Dream Job(s)
Posted 7 years ago
@Juneberry: It's lovely that your were inspired by your teachers to share the compassion they showed you. So few people are truly motivated or dedicated to helping people with special needs and we definitely need more understanding instructors.
@nyreen: Maps are actually kind of fun, though it's definitely tedious when you want things to be geologically and geographically accurate/realistic c': but yeah, things like the lore and religions are always the most fun! You can just let your imagination run wild. c:
@nyreen: Maps are actually kind of fun, though it's definitely tedious when you want things to be geologically and geographically accurate/realistic c': but yeah, things like the lore and religions are always the most fun! You can just let your imagination run wild. c:

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open!
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Whoop whoop! Just letting you know that I'm about halfway done with your profile. The structure and everything is in place, so now it's time to add colours/images, clean things up, and add some finishing touches. Hopefully I'll have it finished for you tomorrow! ^-^