Xnovax's posts
Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie slowly sat back up and slid off the bed to go wash her face. Then she she went back to the bed, sat down with the soft blankets around herself and picked her borrowed book. She'd read this book until Clint returned, or she fell asleep. Whichever happened first. She was perfectly content with staying here and reading. Reading kept her mind off of other things. A lot of other things.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie blinked at his tease, and other words, then watched him leave. Her cheeks darkened some and she laid down on the bed, her hands over her face. Much like a high school school girl having a crush on a cute boy. It was silly to think about really.. She thought of him as a brother, nothing romantic. Right? Then why did it feel like she'd just agreed to a date?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
There was something to think about. No one really did though. Tamaki was always in his own little world. Takashi thought quietly as he listened to her words. He was to speak when the blonde approached and gracefully placed rested his hand along the back of an empty chair, until Mitsukuni had joined the table. "Tamaki Sou, king of this club." He introduced himself, then gently took her head. "I have no queen, but the room is filled with princesses and so we treat them as such." He explained. They had Renge..but she was hardly a 'queen'. Takashi glanced at his cousin briefly then lowered his gaze. He forgot to offer Mia tea!
Alice stifled a smile and glanced at the Haruhi and the younger of the brothers. "A secret." She teased playfully, wearing a faux smils. When Kaoru spoke, she lowered her gaze and shook her head. "You haven't done anything.. It's what I've done all these years.." She said quietly. "I've been keeping a secret from you. My reasoning is irrelevant..and until I can manage to tell you the truth..I don't think.." Her chest was tightening up again with the her anxiety and guilt raising, but she refrained from moving. This was all too much for her first day. "I'm not a very good friend at all.. Good friends don't keep secrets."
Alice stifled a smile and glanced at the Haruhi and the younger of the brothers. "A secret." She teased playfully, wearing a faux smils. When Kaoru spoke, she lowered her gaze and shook her head. "You haven't done anything.. It's what I've done all these years.." She said quietly. "I've been keeping a secret from you. My reasoning is irrelevant..and until I can manage to tell you the truth..I don't think.." Her chest was tightening up again with the her anxiety and guilt raising, but she refrained from moving. This was all too much for her first day. "I'm not a very good friend at all.. Good friends don't keep secrets."

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie blinked when he spoke and glanced at him. He was asking if she'd like to go out sometime? Interesting. He was right though, her anxieties wouldn't let her relax so easily in public. Staying here and watching a movie sounded good too. Maybe she's start with that. She smirked lightly and nodded some. "A movie here sounds just fine, after you get off work of course." She said casually. "Now go have a good time, and don't worry about me." Maddie teased casually.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
((finally! HA Haha! :vanora_icon: ))
Allen honestly couldn't even begin to think what was going through her head right now. He could barely gather his own thoughts. One thing was certain, he did love this girl in his lap. Now, if only he knew what to do next. His thoughts wondered back to the man from earlier, and began to think. He couldn't just leave the body there..could he? After Kaneko went to sleep, maybe he'd go out and bury him? Even if he didn't deserve it. The other animals didn't deserve being exposed to a rotting corpse in time, or whatever happened to the body. Then again, he could just put him in the lake and be done with it. No, wait.. The fish and other sea life didn't deserve that. What to do? Either way, this moment was far more important. Allen lightly poked her nose with his own and then kissed her forehead. "I love you, Kaneko, and I'll keep saying it." He promised.
Allen honestly couldn't even begin to think what was going through her head right now. He could barely gather his own thoughts. One thing was certain, he did love this girl in his lap. Now, if only he knew what to do next. His thoughts wondered back to the man from earlier, and began to think. He couldn't just leave the body there..could he? After Kaneko went to sleep, maybe he'd go out and bury him? Even if he didn't deserve it. The other animals didn't deserve being exposed to a rotting corpse in time, or whatever happened to the body. Then again, he could just put him in the lake and be done with it. No, wait.. The fish and other sea life didn't deserve that. What to do? Either way, this moment was far more important. Allen lightly poked her nose with his own and then kissed her forehead. "I love you, Kaneko, and I'll keep saying it." He promised.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi offered her a small smile. She thought their goal was nice, she liked it. Right? He wondered. He quietly listened to her and glanced at her. She seemed to get the basics now. "That's why our 'king' formed this club. It was something different, and he thought making the girls feel more welcome was something he could give them." Though it was a tad embarrassing, sometimes guys came too.
Alice blinked when Hikaru had hugged her, and couldn't help blushing lightly, followed by murmuring something in french to hide her fluster. She was making him worry again.. Alice hugged him back and glanced at him. "Promise? Promise you'll come for me?" She said, blushing more when the pair arrived and lowered her gaze some. What was she doing, asking something like that? They weren't children anymore.. "No." She murmured quietly. "I'm afraid I've been a terrible friend to you, Kaoru.." She said quietly. It was too late to let it go after saying such things.
Alice blinked when Hikaru had hugged her, and couldn't help blushing lightly, followed by murmuring something in french to hide her fluster. She was making him worry again.. Alice hugged him back and glanced at him. "Promise? Promise you'll come for me?" She said, blushing more when the pair arrived and lowered her gaze some. What was she doing, asking something like that? They weren't children anymore.. "No." She murmured quietly. "I'm afraid I've been a terrible friend to you, Kaoru.." She said quietly. It was too late to let it go after saying such things.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shared a small smirk and nodded, quite content with herself. She managed to talk him into spending some time with his friends, cool! She'd be fine by herself for a bit, she did manage a day without him while he was work. So, she was confident in being alright while he was out. She quietly listed to him dial the number of his friend, and glanced at him when he hung up. Maddie nodded lightly and gave a small casually wave. "Yeah. I'll just be in my room, reading." She said before heading down the hall and into her room where she sat on the bed and opened her book.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen felt a smile tug on his own lips as he heard the words. Gently, Allen moved his hands to cup her cheeks and lightly pressed his cold lips to her warm lips. The words he thought he would never hear. She loved him. Being alone for so long, and then meeting a sweet, caring girl like herself. A girl he easily came to love and long for.. He had to be the happiest vampire alive. After a few moment, he slowly broke the kids and pulled back just enough to then place his forehead lovingly against hers.
Allen felt a smile tug on his own lips as he heard the words. Gently, Allen moved his hands to cup her cheeks and lightly pressed his cold lips to her warm lips. The words he thought he would never hear. She loved him. Being alone for so long, and then meeting a sweet, caring girl like herself. A girl he easily came to love and long for.. He had to be the happiest vampire alive. After a few moment, he slowly broke the kids and pulled back just enough to then place his forehead lovingly against hers.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi thought over the words Mia spoke and tried to think of a better way to explain. Most of the girls here just wanted someone to pay attention to them, while others required something else. Jeez.. If he were Tamaki, he could explain this a bit better. Besides, Takashi wasn't really used to talking this much. "Not exactly, I'm not sure how to explain it otherwise though." He bowed a little in apology, then sat straight again. "The goal of the club, is to help the girls of this school feel more comfortable here." He said casually.
Alice was getting slightly annoyed with herself for acting this way. "How am I supposed to feel about all of this? Suddenly coming back to Japan after mom re-married, and being enrolled to a school where three of my best friends are also enrolled.. Still keeping secrets.. Not knowing if I'm going to be taken away again, or even wake up tomorrow." The quiet words came out faster than her mind could process. "Being honest with someone, means firstly being honest with yourself. I can't even do that. She lightly placed a hand over her chest, ignoring the feeling arising within herself. She didn't understand why she was getting so upset. She hasn't even noticed the approaching pair.
Alice was getting slightly annoyed with herself for acting this way. "How am I supposed to feel about all of this? Suddenly coming back to Japan after mom re-married, and being enrolled to a school where three of my best friends are also enrolled.. Still keeping secrets.. Not knowing if I'm going to be taken away again, or even wake up tomorrow." The quiet words came out faster than her mind could process. "Being honest with someone, means firstly being honest with yourself. I can't even do that. She lightly placed a hand over her chest, ignoring the feeling arising within herself. She didn't understand why she was getting so upset. She hasn't even noticed the approaching pair.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie was briefly stumpted. Good to know? She wasn't really expecting that response, but she should've figured he'd say something like that. She nodded lightly to his question. In her opinion, yes, she thought it'd be good for him to get get out and spend some time with old friends. Really, how often did he really do something besides work, horse chores, and paying bills? Now there was a curious thought. Maddie blinked. This was something to think about.. What would happen if he did get drunk? Well, if he said he'd have one drink, she'd trust him. "That sounds like a plan. One drink, then come home." She suggested, agreeing with him. When he came home, she could make something simple and then he could go to bed.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen took a slow shaky breath as he held her, and listened to her words. "Know this, being weary of those around you does not make you afraid." He said quietly. He really was dear to her.. She even ran away with him. He loved her enough to give his life for her, but he wouldn't say it. She was likely to respond very negatively and strongly to that thought. What came next though, even made his unbeating heart skip a beat. She.. Allen focused his eyes on her dark ones, even if he couldn't see her. "Kaneko.." He murmured softly. "May I kiss you?" Allen asked softly, his own cold cheeks warming a bit.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie listened quietly as he spoke. It really was none of business, but she was happy to listen. She followed him over to the table and smirked lightly. "Even so.. It must be nice to hang out from time to time." She said casually before glancing at him. "Why not go out for a bit with them? You don't have to drink or get wasted like they do. If you want to I mean.." She said with a light shrug of her shoulders. "Eventually, there will be a day when you no longer can have this time together." She said, mentally kicking herself. Dang it! She was starting to sound like a fortune teller again! "Um.. Sorry.. I guess it's a habit to say stuff like that.." She murmured softly.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi scooted the chair closer to the table, then sat down in the chair next to her. She seemed nervous, but that understandable. He shook his head lightly at her question, and glanced at her. "Not always." He spoke casually. "We're a host club, sometimes we have a theme to follow and dress as, but other days we just sit and talk with the girls. They seem to enjoy it." He explained simply, hoping he didn't confuse her.
Alice sighed quietly. He could still read her like a book. She shook her head and offered a small smile. "I-I want to.. It's a bit much to handle but I'm alright. Putting this together must have been some work, I'd hate to waste this moment." She spoke quietly, even though her heart was racing. It'd be alright. She'd be alright, so long as her mother didn't show up. Alice gripped the end of her uniform and lowered her gaze to her lap. "I'm happy you and Kaoru have expanded your world a bit. They seem like very nice people, everyone here I mean." She murmured shyly.
Alice sighed quietly. He could still read her like a book. She shook her head and offered a small smile. "I-I want to.. It's a bit much to handle but I'm alright. Putting this together must have been some work, I'd hate to waste this moment." She spoke quietly, even though her heart was racing. It'd be alright. She'd be alright, so long as her mother didn't show up. Alice gripped the end of her uniform and lowered her gaze to her lap. "I'm happy you and Kaoru have expanded your world a bit. They seem like very nice people, everyone here I mean." She murmured shyly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen continued to hold her, and lightly rubbed her back soothingly. "I'm sorry.. Kaneko.. I know I'm reckless and acting on my own to protect you, but I realize now how selfish I've been.. Even if they find us, I won't ask you to hide it run away." He murmured quietly, holding her against him. "We can't worry about that now, or we'll be afraid for the rest of our lives. We can't live in fear.. I know it's easier said than done, but they'd never truly be safe. Never. Unless he and every other vampire vanished.