Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen fell quiet as if deep in thought. After sitting there a moment, he slowly finished off his juice and set down the empty.glass before standing with the help of his chair. His eyes were bothering him, as well as his head beginning to hurt and he could feel his craving coming back, but he tried to push all things back. He needed to focus. "Maybe.. This is where Iived .." He murmured quietly.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie glanced at him and carefully handed him his cup of coffee, then chuckled. "No, I won't be running off." She said after catching his comment. "Maybe some food for him though.." She murmured, teasing, as if contemplating the idea. She shook her head. "I'm kidding, Clint. I promise I'll stay right here." She said with a small smirk.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen sat quietly, curious about this photograph she had found. Listening as she explained, his thoughts wandered to the to the images and dreams he had seen of the boy and the parents since being ill. Were they connected? "A boy.. and his parents?" He spoke quietly. "Like the boy I mentioned seeing?" He asked, both nervous and curious if the answer. Why would there be an old photo?

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi's stomach growled shortly after his cousin spoke up. "Don't worry, we're almost to the club." He said, understanding how the younger felt since neither of them had eaten much.
Kyoya shook his head lightly. "She is not going to die, not if I can help it. Since she has agreed to join our club, I can help her without playing favorites. First we need to get her away from her mother, then I will have my father's hospital take her in and examine her properly." He explained. "This is still a secret, alright? When shrine ready to tell our lord, she will." He said. Soon it would be time to open the doors. Tamaki and the cousins should be strolling in at any minute.
Alice slipped out of bed and opened her window just enough to peer outside, picking up her phone. She was surprised to see the car that the twins drove, then she remembered the phone conversation with Kaoru that afternoon. Was this because of that? Unfortunately, Miranda had seen them as well when she went to check the mail. The woman went inside and headed upstairs to Alice's bedroom, obviously not happy and wanting to know what was going on. She was yelling, mostly in French and Alice's phone fell from her hand as she backed into the sill while trying to explain that she didn't know anything.
Kyoya shook his head lightly. "She is not going to die, not if I can help it. Since she has agreed to join our club, I can help her without playing favorites. First we need to get her away from her mother, then I will have my father's hospital take her in and examine her properly." He explained. "This is still a secret, alright? When shrine ready to tell our lord, she will." He said. Soon it would be time to open the doors. Tamaki and the cousins should be strolling in at any minute.
Alice slipped out of bed and opened her window just enough to peer outside, picking up her phone. She was surprised to see the car that the twins drove, then she remembered the phone conversation with Kaoru that afternoon. Was this because of that? Unfortunately, Miranda had seen them as well when she went to check the mail. The woman went inside and headed upstairs to Alice's bedroom, obviously not happy and wanting to know what was going on. She was yelling, mostly in French and Alice's phone fell from her hand as she backed into the sill while trying to explain that she didn't know anything.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi smiled some and offered her his arm, like a gentleman, and led her back into the school entrance and then down the halls to the host club.
Kyoya glanced at Haurhi when she spoke, but didn't say anything until the twins had left the room. "Haruhi, we do not have the time to make a plan." He explained calmly. "There is a secret between the twins and Alice that I'm not obligated to keep but chose to, however now it is a need to know. Alice is ill, she needs a doctor and her mother has been keeping her from that care for the entirety of her life." He explained.
Alice sneezed and sat up in her bed, glancing at her phone as if getting the feeling something was up.
Kyoya glanced at Haurhi when she spoke, but didn't say anything until the twins had left the room. "Haruhi, we do not have the time to make a plan." He explained calmly. "There is a secret between the twins and Alice that I'm not obligated to keep but chose to, however now it is a need to know. Alice is ill, she needs a doctor and her mother has been keeping her from that care for the entirety of her life." He explained.
Alice sneezed and sat up in her bed, glancing at her phone as if getting the feeling something was up.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie set up the coffee pot and started the batch. It took a few minutes to brew, and she used those minutes to think quietly while she was alone in the kitchen. She heard mewing and glanced down at the small fuzzy kitten and smiled some. "Don't worry, you'll get some food." She murmured softly before fixing Clint a cup of coffee like he had requested.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen set down his half empty glass of juice and glanced in the direction of her voice. He could tell it was indeed important and he nodded lightly. Whatever it was, he'd listen. "Kaneko, you can tell me." He murmured calmly, gently taking her hand and holding it.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie was happy to be free from her burrito and stood with Clint's help. She shook her head and smiled some. "No, I'm okay. Thanks for unwrapping me." She said, rubbing the back of her head lightly. "How about some coffee?" She asked before heading out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's not that.." He murmured. "I just didn't notice it over the delicious eggs and waffles." He teased as he ate a bit more of his breakfast. He ate slowly without saying much else, or hardly touching his juice unless he needed it. He still finished shortly before Kaneko and relaxed in his chair, sipping on his juice. He always enjoyed eating her home cooked meals.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 6 years ago
Kaito nodded and smiled some. "Yeah." He murmured with a quiet chuckle. He watched Fijore leave the guest house and wandered around the small house. It was a nice little place, and he wouldn't have to leave his new friend. He had a bed and windows to look outside. A roof over his head and meals.
He sat on the edge of the bed and took a moment to make sure this was really happening.
He sat on the edge of the bed and took a moment to make sure this was really happening.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Takashi smiled some at her words and nodded lightly. He was happy to know she'd give them another chance. "Thank you, Mia." He spoke casually. "If you're free, we were going to head to the host club." He said to her, hoping she'd be free or willing to accept the offer.
Kyoya smirked and looked at the man on the screen. "Your daughter will be in good hands, I assure you." He said, then the call was ended and Kyoya closed his laptop. He glanced at the twins and adjusted his glasses. "Don't waste any time. Go get her." He sounded like he was ordering them but he wasn't, and they would know what he meant. "I'll work something out for the club activities." Kyoya said with a light smirk. They didn't have much time.
Kyoya smirked and looked at the man on the screen. "Your daughter will be in good hands, I assure you." He said, then the call was ended and Kyoya closed his laptop. He glanced at the twins and adjusted his glasses. "Don't waste any time. Go get her." He sounded like he was ordering them but he wasn't, and they would know what he meant. "I'll work something out for the club activities." Kyoya said with a light smirk. They didn't have much time.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 6 years ago
Free food, and a place to live? Kaito glanced at him and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Why was he so good to him? He already saved his life and now all of this.. Did friends do this for other friends? It really seemed like too much for him handle. Kaito wasn't sure how to respond.
His thoughts halted when asked about entertainment and he smirked. "The great outdoors is enough for me." He said casually, falling back into his usual self. "and I'm still reading your journal." He noted with a small smile.
His thoughts halted when asked about entertainment and he smirked. "The great outdoors is enough for me." He said casually, falling back into his usual self. "and I'm still reading your journal." He noted with a small smile.

Posted in Amusing My Past
Posted 6 years ago
Kaito nodded to his words and chuckled. "Alright, I'll wait until tomorrow." He promised. He blinked and glanced at him at the offer of a tv and shook his head lightly. "No tv needed, doc." He smirked lightly. He'd need do something about food though. Heh.
"Thank you." Kaito said casually.
"Thank you." Kaito said casually.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen tilted his head. Bacon? "I missed the bacon.." He murmured as if confused, then he shrugged an continued to eat. It was normal to miss something when sick, right? He wouldn't let it get to him. "You're quite welcome." He said casually, taking a drink of his orange juice. It tasted different and it really caught him off guard, but it wouldn't show. He coughed briefly and soon recovered. It seemed his..craving and the juice weren't going to mix and he'd just have to deal with it subtly as to not worry Kaneko too much. He continued to eat his breakfast.