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Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

aww poor Io seeing visions of Lin dying, maybe lin was being targeted by the darkness guy,
probably told Io he would protect Lin or stop the visions if Io gave into the darkness
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

i was distracted but now i don't have any books so gotta wait till more clues lol
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

i should've posted faster since i was holding onto the book two clues ago XD
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

here it is XD
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

i haven't found the wolf book yet, but i will keep looking till it's time for the next one. o3o
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

i like mermaids so maybe i was drawn to that book. i will hold onto it till it's time XD
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

sorry kent i should've kept hinting at it :vanora_sweat:

also what books have we found cause i found one called siren.
but the books we got hints for was starling, raven, ermine, and stallion
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

littlewhitedragonlet, i was hinting at the game animal crossing. XD

also y'all are quick at finding the stallion book.
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

littlewhitedragonlet, think of games, and which game do take a train to where you have neighbors.
also a game where you're the mayor. that's my hint. XD
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

found it
Posted in Act 13: In the Wake of Butterflies Posted 6 years ago

riddles and a scavenger hunt, usually i am good at something like this but the riddles are pretty cryptic XD
Posted in That family member you hate Posted 6 years ago

My dad, which ye probably know.
He's grumpy, alcoholic, has no patience, lost his licence due to d.u.i.,
he's a racist, homophobe, bigoted, a$$hole. etc

He never closes the bathroom door when he's in there, also leaves pee on the seat.
When he can't find something, he looks for two seconds before complaining and swearing about always losing things,
blaming the messy house. Also insists 'it can't be there i already looked.' but guess where it freakin is? hmm
He drinks a bottle or two or three a night, wasting money even tho he gets the cheap wine.
He's talkative and goes on and on and on, nagging about stuff.
If something bad happens, he's all doom and gloom, like chill, complaining won't help the situation >.<

When he goes on racist rants, it's so hard to keep quiet,
I will tell him off sometimes but other times it's like talking to a stubborn brick wall.

Another thing I hate is I'm the babysitter, i gotta babysit his drunk ass when I'm home from work,
where I babysit an actual kid who is so much better behaved.
I can't go to bed early when I'm home cause my dad doesn't eat all day and drinks on a empty stomach,
so when he staggers inside from hanging out in the garage with his friends, I end up making him food.
If I leave him to fend for himself he makes a mess and lots of noise,
when my mom is trying to sleep since she has to be up for work at 5am.

He's a loudmouth as well, probably cause he's going deaf, talks loudly on the phone for hours,
has the volume up on his tv which he falls asleep to, and we can hear it all the way upstairs.

My brother complains when my dad uses the computer cause he just plays solitaire,
and always turns off the computer even tho my brother wants to use it next and then he has to wait as the computer boots up again.

and i think i will stop here, or i'll be typing all night >.>
Posted in Act 12: Breaking the Barrier Posted 6 years ago

yeah when i saw the code say break the barrier i was a bit hesitant.
Posted in Act 12: Breaking the Barrier Posted 6 years ago

well sh*t we may have solved all the puzzles but we didn't solve how to save Io.
hopefully Ran will be able to help since she's the last circus troupe member. o .o