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so many nice commons,
i am broke now,
started the day with 10,000 volts,
now have less than 50 :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Zuzu's Fashion (Avatar Closet) Posted 6 years ago

woo made my 100th voltra avatar :vanora_xd:

@mizu: beep
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Raxton: you're welcome ^u^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

@Raxton: g'morning, and yes it's okay i shall send a trade shortly then ^u^
Posted in Selling/trading: various items. Posted 6 years ago

i've got ohms to sell, just 500 ohms currently, first come first serve. o3o
Posted in It freaking snowed. Posted 6 years ago

I got snow back in september but it melted yay, but then of course it came back now that it's november :vanora_sweat:
i am not ready for winter. i need a warmer jacket, or more sweaters, i also need mittens, i got lots of scarves at least,
but most of all i really need new winter boots. i found some warm shoes but they won't be enough when snow gets knee deep :/
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

I decided to dress in a dark evil-ish avy and hope it brings me luck in dice rolls :D

@Fozzy: oh that's good to hear. so they are archived but it's not public yet.
i look forward to the day when i can check out past events, ones i've missed and such.

i really liked this event, it had alot of story to it,
after the event forum closes what happens to the old threads? i think they are deleted right?
would be nice if there was an archive forum. i would love to re-read some of the event npc threads.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

i have no idea what that number means it has the letter e in it XD
6.5331862e 77 is also the answer i get when i plug 6^100 into a calculator.
wait i found it, it means 65331862 3500070906 0966902671 5805782053 7143710472 9548715430 7196636949 7141477376
(78 digit long number wow)

which means getting 6^100 is a one in a six hundred fifty-three quattuorvigintillion, three hundred eighteen trevigintillion, six hundred twenty-three duovigintillion, five hundred unvigintillion, seventy vigintillion, nine hundred six novemdecillion, ninety-six octodecillion, six hundred ninety septendecillion, two hundred sixty-seven sexdecillion, one hundred fifty-eight quindecillion, fifty-seven quattuordecillion, eight hundred twenty tredecillion, five hundred thirty-seven duodecillion, one hundred forty-three undecillion, seven hundred ten decillion, four hundred seventy-two nonillion, nine hundred fifty-four octillion, eight hundred seventy-one septillion, five hundred forty-three sextillion, seventy-one quintillion, nine hundred sixty-six quadrillion, three hundred sixty-nine trillion, four hundred ninety-seven billion, one hundred forty-one million, four hundred seventy-seven thousand, three hundred seventy-sixth chance.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

if you do the math ping me, i am too lazy to calculate anything XD

i used to be good at math but got spoiled from using a calculator.
i was able to do math in my head or on paper, or even using an abacus lol
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

it's too late at night for me to do the math XD

tho anytime of the day is either too late or too early to do math. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Hazer: i'm kinda surprised i didn't XD
you're amazing to have gotten 666 at the end of 40 rolls,
and not like 666 in the middle or something lol

i didn't think that through, highest i could get is 600 and only if i got like 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
and the odds of that happening is very very slim XD
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago

I am not sensible XD

354 i wonder what the odds of getting a 666 total lol