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Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The Doctor smiled softly, “Trin has been a wonderful companion.” He said gently, making sure to walk at the same speed as her so she wouldn’t feel left behind. “Does the lamp work?” He wanted to make sure she liked it.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Jack frowned, “That’s why she looks different..” He glanced at Artemis, noticing the soft glow still happening. “Anything we can do to help?” He asked softly before looking over to the computers as they went off. Information on the group apparently popping up on the screens.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He smiled warmly, “Fish and chips it is.” He turned to Jack. “How’ve you been by the way?”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She had been trying not to do the same.. but wound up drifting off sitting there with him in her lap anyway.

Jack glanced over, watching her sleep. “How is she, really?” He asked the Doctor.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Arty smiled, finishing up her food and letting him sit on her lap. Today had been exhausting.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The Doctor shook his head. “He flirts with everyone. Would you like to go for fish and chips?”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She blinked again and tried not to squirm. “Thanks..” she said shyly. That.. she never thought she’d have family again, honestly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He grinned warmly. “Jack this is Trin. Trin, this is Jack Harkness.” He said softly.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She blinked a few times, looking between the three of them. “Family?” She asked very softly. She had family now?
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He blinked a few times and turned to look, smiling softly. “Did you sleep ok?”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She looked up, blinking a few times. “I would never let anyone hurt someone close to my friend...” she said softly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Fish and Chips sounds amazing. Let’s wait for my companion to wake up though.” He said softly. He didn’t want to leave her out.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She smiled softly, setting her plate down after she finished eating. “Thank you both.” She said gently, watching Christopher. She really was so glad that they hadn’t touched him at all. It made her feel much better about what happened to her.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He sat up from the console, a few wires in his hand. Hm. He set everything down and headed for the doors. “Hello Jack!”