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Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“I like the name..” she said shyly, holding her jacket close. “Does she like it here?”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Of course. You’re welcome to continue as long as you like.” He said gently.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“Yes please.” She said softly, moving to hold onto the console gently.
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Ginny Weasley: I suppose I could be considered a magical creature.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“I am too.” He said softly, finishing up another slice of pizza.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She smiled a little and took her stuff to the room, changing into a cute pair of capris and a tank, bringing her denim jacket just in case. She paused, and stood at the mirror in the corner and worked on getting her hair in a ponytail before moving back to the console room.
Posted in Arty’s Nerdy Hangout Posted 5 years ago
@Ginny Weasley: A Weasley! Hello there :3
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“They have gotten better over the years.. since Jack has taken over. They use to eliminate anything different than themselves..” he said softly.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Arty stepped inside and moved to the side for the Doctor to come in. “I’d like to take these to my room if that’s ok..” she said softly.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He smiled warmly at that, “Very observant.. that was most likely them..”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Once they got to the tardis she smiled softly, “Thank you..” she said gently, taking the umbrella so the Doctor could unlock the tardis.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
He was quiet for a moment, thinking before telling her about Torchwood and what they do. “Jack will flirt with anyone.” He ended off, smiling a bit.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She nodded, “I always keep it on.” She said softly, “No biggie.” Once they made it to the doors after the last purchase she smiled. The storm really was beautiful..
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“It’s still nice.. I have friends there.” He said warmly, smiling gently.