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Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“So they cut their best employee.” He said quietly. He had been here as another face.. he remembered seeing her.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She blinked a few times at the protective arm, letting the Doctor lead her up to the TARDIS. Once they got inside she looked over, “You sure you don’t mind if I take a quick nap?”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“I haven’t yet.” He said gently, ordering food and paying for all three of them. “They fired her.” He said softly, watching them work on their food.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She took the hand gently, standing up. “Tell Chris I said bye.” She said softly before they left.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“Well don’t be anymore.” He said softly, smiling warmly. “I haven’t contacted the owners yet.” He said softly.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Arty nodded a little, “Alright.. thanks for letting us stay for pizza.” She said softly.

Jack was busy typing away at the computer, sending out a mass email. “Don’t be strangers. Come by any time.”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The Doctor watched him walk off before looking to Trin. “No one should talk to you that way.”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
She looked over at Trin, and then the Doctor. She didn’t want to take away their time together either. “I.. don’t mind heading up myself so you guys can keep catching up..”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The Doctor looked over, “I’m sure her scene was justified, and it seems you are trying to start another one. Please do not start anything.” he said quite plainly.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“I don’t want to wake Christopher.” She said softly. She could wait for his nap to be over.
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
The Doctor let Trin in first, and he followed right after. “Best place for fish and chips..”
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
“I’m awake.” She mumbled, years of needing to be a light sleeper did that. She kept her eyes closed though, just relaxing. She felt safe enough to do so here.

Jack smiled gently, light sleeper? “I will put them on the watch list for all Torchwood areas.”
Posted in Fish and Chips and..Fired? Posted 5 years ago
“No big deal. Just curious if you liked it.” He said warmly, smiling as they walked.
Posted in Adventures in Space and Time Posted 5 years ago
Jack nodded gently, looking at the screens. “If you need me to carry her up there now.. I will- and she’s also welcome to nap in the spare room.” He sent the information to the tardis so the Doctor would have it as well. “All of the info went to the TARDIS..” he said softly, reading it over. “Looks like they erase most of their tracks but they have been doing experiments for a while..”