Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Feeding...she was okay with that. Of course, she'd worry every time he walked out that door. She trusted him though, and she knew he didn't want her to see him, thinking he'd frighten her. It was a really sweet gesture. Would she be frightened? Perhaps, but he'd never hurt her. They had been through so much together, it was impossible to think he'd turn around and hurt her in any way. To love someone, vampire or human was to make sacrifices and compromises. You couldn't have everything, but if you truly loved the person and were happy, then what more could you ask for? She and Allen might as well be married. It was a silly thought though, because she didn't need marriage to know that this was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Kaneko busied herself to eat and finished it up, soon after finished her tea as he hugged her. The hug was a surprised but it made her feel so warm. It brought a smile to her face. "I love you very much, Sir Allen." she said to him quietly, turning her head and kissing his cheek.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
Honey had gotten dressed for school and had his bookbag ready as well. In his arms was Usa-chan, his rabbit. He had gotten a call from Takashi which of course was for a ride to school. The two of them always went to school together so of course he agreed to it. Mia was surprised when she had gotten the call and after much though, had agreed to wait for him outside her house. She told him where she lived and after making sure she was dressed properly, Mia stepped outside to wait by the iron fence entrance to her house.
Kaoru was the first to wake up. "Hikaru, come on we need to get up and get ready for school." He gently shook his brother's shoulder and struggled to get him to go shower. Eventually he did though. While he was getting dressed, Kaoru went and showered as well. Yesterday had been pretty quiet for them. After what had happened, Hikaru didn't really talk about it. Even when they had gotten home and were comfortable, he talked about other things. Kaoru had decided not to bring her up, for respect to his brother. Once both brothers were dressed and gad eaten some breakfast, Kaoru led the way out to the car. "Did you sleep well?" He asked his brother once they were in the car.
Kaoru was the first to wake up. "Hikaru, come on we need to get up and get ready for school." He gently shook his brother's shoulder and struggled to get him to go shower. Eventually he did though. While he was getting dressed, Kaoru went and showered as well. Yesterday had been pretty quiet for them. After what had happened, Hikaru didn't really talk about it. Even when they had gotten home and were comfortable, he talked about other things. Kaoru had decided not to bring her up, for respect to his brother. Once both brothers were dressed and gad eaten some breakfast, Kaoru led the way out to the car. "Did you sleep well?" He asked his brother once they were in the car.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko looked at Allen, listening to him when he spoke up. She nodded, it was true that his skin was much colder now but she just assumed it had to be from how cold it was outside. They wouldn't be able to sit together? Kaneko frowned and looked down at her food. "I see..." she said quietly. She never knew it would get to that point but..if that was what had to happen, then it had to happen. There was nothing any of them could do to stop it. " that time you'll only focus on..feeding right?" She asked him curiously, eating some more of her food and drinking her tea quietly. He'd still love her, that was reassuring. However, Kaneko couldn't help but start to think. If he no longer ate human food, then what would he eat? Would he really only survive off of blood? Was that really the life vampires were left with? A life of immortality but no appetite for actual food? "Thank-you for telling me this Allen. It probably wasn't easy, but I appreciate it. I...still have much to learn I guess. But, I'll still be here of course. I'm not leaving, regardless of what happens."

Posted in [ DEVIL ] LISH // art auction & hangout - auction ended.
Posted 6 years ago

@devil: Yes, next time!
Then I'll be able to show of my amazingly terrible bowling skills. :D

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint looked up when Maddie spoke up and nodded. Quickly, standing up and brushing himself off. "Huh? Yeah, of course. We had a umm..very serious conversation. I don't think he likes me but it's totally okay." He answered and looked at her. "Still can't believe you did that. I'm just glad neither of you got hurt." He commented quietly. He remembered he needed to shower a nice hot shower so that hopefully he wouldn't get sick in the morning. "If it's still raining like this tomorrow, I think I'll just stay home."

Posted in [ DEVIL ] LISH // art auction & hangout - auction ended.
Posted 6 years ago

@devil: Sounds like a lot of fun!
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :)
Well Christmas was spent at home, we had family over..and my sister came over which was nice. We opened presents, and I forgot to make cinnamon rolls. D:
For New Years Eve, I wanted to go with my cousin to the casino for bowling.
But she said no. So I stayed home and did some light reading. Then I had family come over yesterday for a late new years party.
It was nice I guess. ; n ; I still wanted to go bowling though. Oh well, maybe next time.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint gently reached over and pet the top of the kitten's head with his index finger. "You are one lucky little guy, you know that?" He said and chuckled as he lay there on the floor near the kitten. "You had a girl run off after you and then she brought you home. Most guys would be lucky to get her number." He said and laughed softly. He watched the kitten eat the food and drink the milk easily. "Must have been really hungry huh?" He asked it, as if expecting the kitten to answer back. "I need you to hold down the fort while I'm out at work alright? Can I trust you with that?" He asked the kitten who eventually waddled away to take a nap. "Good, glad we had this talk then."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko sat there, eating her meal and enjoying her hot tea. The meal and the tea did help keep her warm on a cold winter day such as today. She listened to what he was saying and smiled softly, that was very kind of him to say. "Thank-you. I do try my best to make a good dish and...I always cook with you in mind. B-because I want to make something that you'll truly enjoy." She said, shivering a bit. Goodness it was cold, she could imagine how cold it must be outside. He was still ill, she wondered if the fever had gone down any. When he mentioned not being able to taste her food, she stopped eating and looked at him. "Allen? W-what do you mean by that?" She asked softly, almost afraid to know the answer.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
@xnovax: Hope you feel better soon!
Honey was being called 'so cute' and all sorts of adorable nicknames. All he did was be his childish self and show off Usa-chan to them. He blinked and looked up at his taller cousin upon feeling his large hand on the top of his head. Right, the promise. What was it again? Oh right, to brush his teeth. Of course he'd brush his teeth. He smiled up at his cousin and then turned his attention back to the girls who were swooning over him.
Kaoru frowned and knew this wasn't the best time to just walk off. They had guests to please. "Hikaru, please don't be sad." He said, cupping his brother's chin and placing a kiss on his forehead. Making whoever was watching squeal in joy. Haruhi was not impressed of course. She found this to be rather strange. But after being in the club, she had sort of grown accustomed to it. Hikaru nodded, his brother was right. He had to put on a happy face. A positive act. He couldn't depress the guests with his sulking around.

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
@xnovax: Ehh, it was nice I suppose. What about yours?
Honey smiled at the girls that crowded around him and his cousin. "Takashi got me a surprise cake today you know! It was chocolate, but it had strawberries and I didn't even know that the cake existed. It was like magic! And it was so good too! And he let me have it all to myself!" Honey said, telling them all about how Takashi surprised him with a wonderful cake.
Hikaru frowned, flinching at her words. "Sorry I thought...w-we thought you would like the surprise." He said and nodded slowly, "Right well..don't worry we won't do this again. We'll let you make your own decisions." He said. At least she looked pretty calm now, hopefully she would be okay. "I should...g-go back and get Kaoru. I actually want to head home early. Got some homework I need help with so I might as well have him help me. Umm...sorry again, for all of this. Won't happen again. I promise." Defeated, Hikaru walked back into the club room and went to sit by his brother who was currently entertaining a few guests. However, upon seeing his brother return, Kaoru looked at him and could tell something was wrong. "Is everything alright?" He asked his brother. Hikaru only shook his head and allowed himself to be hugged. "She was really mad." Hikaru whispered.
Honey smiled at the girls that crowded around him and his cousin. "Takashi got me a surprise cake today you know! It was chocolate, but it had strawberries and I didn't even know that the cake existed. It was like magic! And it was so good too! And he let me have it all to myself!" Honey said, telling them all about how Takashi surprised him with a wonderful cake.
Hikaru frowned, flinching at her words. "Sorry I thought...w-we thought you would like the surprise." He said and nodded slowly, "Right well..don't worry we won't do this again. We'll let you make your own decisions." He said. At least she looked pretty calm now, hopefully she would be okay. "I should...g-go back and get Kaoru. I actually want to head home early. Got some homework I need help with so I might as well have him help me. Umm...sorry again, for all of this. Won't happen again. I promise." Defeated, Hikaru walked back into the club room and went to sit by his brother who was currently entertaining a few guests. However, upon seeing his brother return, Kaoru looked at him and could tell something was wrong. "Is everything alright?" He asked his brother. Hikaru only shook his head and allowed himself to be hugged. "She was really mad." Hikaru whispered.

Posted in [ DEVIL ] LISH // art auction & hangout - auction ended.
Posted 6 years ago

@devi: Sorry I haven't been around. I've been kinda distracted.
How have you been though? Have a nice holiday?

Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 6 years ago

rolls through
Man, I haven't been around in a while. Oops

Posted in OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Posted 6 years ago
@xnovax: Sorry, been pretty distracted and not been feeling well. Not to mention I've been focusing on looking after my cat. She's better now though.
Honey of course was his adorable self, anything to please the girls who wanted his attention.
Back at home, Mia was busy at work, finishing up whatever homework she didn't do at the academy's library. Her thoughts wandered to Mori and what he was doing. She smiled thinking of him, but the smile faltered when she thought of Mitsukuni. Had he really gotten upset with her? Was he not going to allow her to sit with them now? Maybe she'd find out tomorrow.
Hikaru frowned as he listened to what Alice was saying. He wasn't sure what Kyoya had exactly told her but it clearly wasn't what Alice wanted to hear. "Alice please calm down. I..I know you're upset but we only wanted to look after you. I thought maybe you weren't happy with your mother. My brother and I could see that clearly when she went to visit you. We thought maybe if you joined we'd be able to look after you better and your mother would no longer have control over you. We would be able to help you get your dad here so he could get full custody of you. I-isn't that what you want?" He asked her. He noticed she was getting worked up and he began to panic. What was he going to do now? How could he get her to relax? "Please calm down Alice. I don't want you end up at the hospital again. You don't have to join okay? If you don't want to then you don't have to. We won't bring it up again then. Just...relax. Try to calm down."
Honey of course was his adorable self, anything to please the girls who wanted his attention.
Back at home, Mia was busy at work, finishing up whatever homework she didn't do at the academy's library. Her thoughts wandered to Mori and what he was doing. She smiled thinking of him, but the smile faltered when she thought of Mitsukuni. Had he really gotten upset with her? Was he not going to allow her to sit with them now? Maybe she'd find out tomorrow.
Hikaru frowned as he listened to what Alice was saying. He wasn't sure what Kyoya had exactly told her but it clearly wasn't what Alice wanted to hear. "Alice please calm down. I..I know you're upset but we only wanted to look after you. I thought maybe you weren't happy with your mother. My brother and I could see that clearly when she went to visit you. We thought maybe if you joined we'd be able to look after you better and your mother would no longer have control over you. We would be able to help you get your dad here so he could get full custody of you. I-isn't that what you want?" He asked her. He noticed she was getting worked up and he began to panic. What was he going to do now? How could he get her to relax? "Please calm down Alice. I don't want you end up at the hospital again. You don't have to join okay? If you don't want to then you don't have to. We won't bring it up again then. Just...relax. Try to calm down."

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko blushed softly at the kiss. It was something so small and yet it warmed her to her core. She took a seat and softly blew on her food, stirring it a bit to help it cool a little faster. His compliment brought a smile to her face. "Thank-you sir Allen, I'm pleased that you like it." She thanked him. She didn't think her cooking was amazing, but knowing that he enjoyed it was all she needed to hear. She didn't need anyone else to like it, if he liked it then she was doing a good job. She wondered if he had a favorite food. She would ask, but she was also afraid to ask. She didn't want to bring up old memories he may be trying to forget.