Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Oh yes, Two steps from hell is wonderful. We listen to them as well.
Not all the time, but every now and then. We have recently got into a group called:
[size=10]Cigarettes After Sex
They are quite nice to listen to. Our favorite song of theirs is:
'Nothing's gonna hurt you baby'
I recommend giving it a listen to. Very calming.
We forgot to roll last time, so we're doing so now.[/size]

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint watched her go. He closed the door and set the alarm then leaned back against the side of his car, watching her leave and walk into the store. How long was this going to take? Maybe she was one of those girls who knew what she wanted, got it and was out in less than thirty minutes. Maybe. He didn't mind though. Clint looked at his phone and looked through his messages, replying to one from a co-worker. Yes, I'll be at work tomorrow. I'll try not to be late but I can't make any promises. Some stuff has come up, personal stuff but it's nothing to freak out over. I'll see you tomorrow. He didn't need anyone, not even his co-workers knowing about the situation he was currently in. For all he knew, maybe they'd want to hurt her too if they knew about her. What if they were part of that cult Maddie had mentioned? It was possible. There wasn't a way to know who was in a cult. They didn't look any different than regular people. That was a scary thing to think about, but it was the truth. The person at the cash register was probably in the cult too. Okay, now Liam was just freaking out a bit too much. If these people were in a cult, he didn't think they'd go shopping here and if they did, he didn't think they'd try anything since it was a public space and there were witnesses everywhere. With that in mind, Clint could relax only a little.
He looked towards the store again, worried. She would be fine. She had survived this much. Yes, but how much more could she take? The more she survived, the angrier these people chasing her probably got. He thought back to what she had told him. Her readings, people were upset at her because of her readings. No what was it she had said? It was made to look like readings but they weren't. When she touched people, she could see the bad in their future. So of course when it came true... "They think she cursed them or something, hence why they hate her." Clint groaned. Getting the cops involved in this wouldn't help, they'd call her crazy and that would be the end of it and he didn't want that to happen to her either.
He looked towards the store again, worried. She would be fine. She had survived this much. Yes, but how much more could she take? The more she survived, the angrier these people chasing her probably got. He thought back to what she had told him. Her readings, people were upset at her because of her readings. No what was it she had said? It was made to look like readings but they weren't. When she touched people, she could see the bad in their future. So of course when it came true... "They think she cursed them or something, hence why they hate her." Clint groaned. Getting the cops involved in this wouldn't help, they'd call her crazy and that would be the end of it and he didn't want that to happen to her either.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: It was a sad day for many people we are sure. D:
Hmmm, perhaps he was? That would be pretty neat no?
'Fame' Is also a catchy song. Our sister loves it. Though, we're not sure is she's still a huge fan. :/
What other musicians/groups do you listen to?

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Our father is a fan of Bowie. Us...not so much. However, we do enjoy his music from time to time. 'Major Tom' is one of our faves.
It was such a shame when he died though. Even though our father didn't show it, we could tell he was upset.
We brought home from school that day, the newspaper with the story of Bowie's passing and our father cut the story out and saved it somewhere. ; u ;

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko quickly nodded. "A shirt? R-right...I...right I'll get you one." Carefully the girl made her way out of bed and tiptoed around the bed towards the large wardrobe. For a moment, she was reminded of Narnia, the mythical place inside a wardrobe. Thank goodness it was mythical, she'd hate living there. Her feet were careful about where they stepped, not wanting to disturb the shards of glass that littered the floor. Opening the wardrobe, her eyes widened at the different array of shirts hanging there. Just waiting, collecting dust. Forgotten. This wouldn't do at all. Picking out a white one, she turned away and walked back towards Allen. "Here you are Allen." She said, carefully helping him put it back on so he wouldn't hurt his wound. "Very nice." She commented, her hands smoothing out the fabric a bit. Kaneko smiled, momentarily admiring the details in the shirt, sighing in contentment. "Is there anything else I can help you with sir Allen. I'd offer to make tea but well...I'm afraid we don't have water." She noted quietly. "Oh, we should also pack up the clothes you wish to take as well before we forget." So much to do, what to do first though?

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: They are very shiny!
You wanted to draw it? You should have tried. We would have loved to see it.
That hair though.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Well it's nice of you to offer help. We appreciate it! :3
By the way, we like your post gif. The Goblin King will always have our heart.

Watched that movie a few times now. It's a classic.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Hmmm, that you are. Just by one year, but we suppose that is enough?
Io didn't specify how much older this person had to be. So you should do just fine. :3

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko was far too comfortable right now as she listened to his patient responses to her onslaught of questions. It was good to know he wasn't in pain at the moment but he said hungry wasn't the word. "Thirsty?" She whispered in understanding. Oh dear, what should she do with that? Should she offer him her blood? He wouldn't take it, she knew he wouldn't and part of her was relieved. She was afraid it would probably hurt and that nothing good would come from being bitten. He sounded in so much pain when the older one had bit him. A hand flew up to her neck and she gasped, snapping out of her thoughts when she heard his question. Was she hungry? " I should be fine for a while longer. I am more worried about you. Is there anything I can get you? A-anything I can do to help?" She asked. Kaneko figured she could survive a little longer without food but she was going to have to eat something eventually. She hadn't really eaten anything yesterday since it was all just spent preparing so okay, maybe she was pretty hungry. She'd hold off a while longer.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint drove down the street towards the section of the town where there were many clothing boutiques. His eyes cast a sideways glance in her direction. Maddie was busy admiring the panoramic view of the town. He wondered what sort of clothing she liked. Focusing his attention on the road once more, he didn't see her as they kind of girl who liked to dress up. She seemed like a tomboy. Had she always been that way? What was she wearing back when they were kids? Jeez, he couldn't remember that far back. He didn't think she was wearing a dress, but maybe she was. It was years ago though, it wouldn't matter if she did or didn't. People change over time. Her taste in clothing would have changed anyway. "So you're going to have to trust me on this. You need to buy clothes so I'm going to hand you my card. I'm going to trust you with it. There shouldn't be any issues so you'll be fine and don't try to fight me on this, please." Clint said softly, making a turn towards a plaza littered with shopping boutiques. "Here we are. I'll wait for you outside like we agreed on." Clint parked the car and unbuckled his seat belt then stepped out of the car, closed his door and walked around to open her door for her. "Here. Use this to buy your clothes." Clint instructed, pulling out his wallet and pulling out a card for her to take.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: You are fine, you have nothing to apologize for.
We don't eat pork. Or fish. But we enjoy Turkey, Beef, and Chicken. <3
We just went to Io's tent and they told us:
"Seek the advice of an older person in your life.
They have the experience to solve your woes."
That was...interesting.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Ohh okay. It must be tough but you're doing a wonderful job and we all do appreciate it. We are having fun chatting with you as well. Normally when we log on, there aren't any people we can talk to so this is a nice change. :)
He did? Oh we don't think we'd be able to give up red meat. Beef is too good!
He told us something about love, but we forgot what it was. Oops. lol
Yeah, no one likes clowns.
Female clowns are adorable though and not creepy at all so we are fine.
Her design is very adorable. We approve!

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Oh right you're part of staff so you're working while trying to have fun. We didn't think of that. Oops.
But at least you're able to have some fun regardless.
Our favorite so far is Io because they don't talk as much. But the clown was rather funny with their dad jokes.
(We don't very much like clowns thanks to 'IT' buuuut we appreciate good humor.) :)

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Agreed! :D
They are pretty neat we think. They sure make posting all the more fun as well.
By the way, what are your thoughts on the current event?