Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Thunder Graphics {open}
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Awesome, and don't worry. A lot of people haven't been getting their pings it's strange.
Umm, do I send the trade now or do I wait until after?

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: One more roll before we call it a night.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
((I'll make it a habit to read back every now and then to avoid messing up.))
Kaneko smiled, listening to his soft voice. He even sounded tired still. "It's alright, we can lay here like this as long as you'd like. I hope you're having a good dream." She watched him move closer and rest against her. Her free hand reached over and softly ran its fingers through his hair, soothingly. What had she done while he slept? "Well I ordered some food and ate. I got you a little something.. I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry but it didn't seem fair that only I would eat. It's small, but well it's really good and it's good for you so it's a good deal." Kaneko answered, her dark eyes watching him in admiration. She never once thought she'd ever be close like this to anyone before. Much less a vampire. But she was her happiest when she was with him.
Kaneko smiled, listening to his soft voice. He even sounded tired still. "It's alright, we can lay here like this as long as you'd like. I hope you're having a good dream." She watched him move closer and rest against her. Her free hand reached over and softly ran its fingers through his hair, soothingly. What had she done while he slept? "Well I ordered some food and ate. I got you a little something.. I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry but it didn't seem fair that only I would eat. It's small, but well it's really good and it's good for you so it's a good deal." Kaneko answered, her dark eyes watching him in admiration. She never once thought she'd ever be close like this to anyone before. Much less a vampire. But she was her happiest when she was with him.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint was quiet and remained still. He focused on his breathing and looked at her. He watched what she was doing with curiosity. If he knew anything about palm readers it was that you never spoke unless you were spoken to. And you always had to tell them the truth, you couldn't lie. If you lied, they'd know and it usually pissed them off. So Clint waited patiently. He wondered what she was seeing. Looking at her face, he noticed her eyes were different. She was zoned out. Really focusing on his future for tomorrow. It was impossible to tell if she was seeing something good or something bad. Her face was expressionless but that only made this whole thing even more exciting.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
((Did he? Hmmm, I can't remember but now that you mention sorta rings a bell. Oops. Sorry! ; n ; ))
Kaneko looked down at her hand which was now being held by Allen's. It brought a smile to her face, he knew she was here and it looked like he was happy that she was. Her hand gently squeezed his hand in reassurance. She wasn't going anywhere. Not without him anyway. They were a packaged deal, where she went, he went and vice versa. "Good Evening sir Allen. How did you know I was here?" She asked and carefully lay down beside him, her hand still holding on to his. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?" His eyes were still closed, he was probably very comfortable. She knew that feeling very well.
Kaneko looked down at her hand which was now being held by Allen's. It brought a smile to her face, he knew she was here and it looked like he was happy that she was. Her hand gently squeezed his hand in reassurance. She wasn't going anywhere. Not without him anyway. They were a packaged deal, where she went, he went and vice versa. "Good Evening sir Allen. How did you know I was here?" She asked and carefully lay down beside him, her hand still holding on to his. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?" His eyes were still closed, he was probably very comfortable. She knew that feeling very well.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint listened to her speak, she was worried about him too? That was surprising and sweet actually. No one ever really told him that they worried about him. He was sure they did but it was nice to actually hear it for once. Maddie wanted to peek into his future and he was both excited and worried. What would she see? Was he going to die? No, but maybe something bad would happen to him at work tomorrow. Maybe not. He coudn't be too sure. Slowly, he finished up his dinner and sipped his milk. He would let her, because he trusted her and he believed these things. "Okay Maddie, you can sneak a peek." He said, holding out his hand to her as if it were a palm reading.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
"I wonder what you're dreaming about... Do vampires even dream?" Kaneko asked herself in a quiet whisper. They probably did, they were human after all. Well, sort of. They were once human, that much she knew. Kaneko thought about what Allen had told her, he had been turned by his master when he was close to death. So before he was even a vampire, someone had hurt him and left him for dead, but who? Her father? No...her father only hunted vampires. If her father attacked Allen before he was even a vampire then her father had made a huge mistake. Unless it was someone else who had left him for dead. So many thoughts swirled in her mind but she was never any closer to an answer.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"You'll be fine with being alone here for a few hours?" He asked. Clint wasn't treating her like a child, he just was worried. After what happened when she slept the first time, he was afraid of leaving her alone. But he also didn't want to be the guy to watch her every move. He needed to trust her. She should be fine as long as she stayed here. No one would find her here and if anyone did decide to stop by, all she had to do was lock herself away in her room and answer to no one. "S-sorry if I seem nosy. I just don't want to be at work and then something bad happens to you..." He admitted finally.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko was now wearing her shoes again, felt nice to have shoes on again. When she entered the room, she saw that Allen was still fast asleep. Looking at the food she had for him, she set it on top of their things carefully so it wouldn't fall sat on the edge of the bed and watched him sleep. He looked comfortable. It didn't look like he was having any nightmare which was good. She did sometimes wonder if his master would somehow come back. She found it hard to believe but all her life she hadn't believed in vampires until she met Allen and she slowly found out. So what was sopping that man from coming back? Was he truly dead?

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
"That's good. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy a nap. It's been a long day, so it makes sense that you would be tired." Clint began, smiling at her when she complimented his cooking. "Thank-you, that's really nice of you. Good to know you agree. Warm food just tastes better when it's about to rain or get cold out." He said and took a small bite of his pasta then. She mentioned him working tomorrow and he nodded then sipped some milk. "Yeah, I have to go to work tomorrow. It might be a busy day, it might be a slow day. Usually they are slow days though. But...even though all I really do is get messy in there, it's still a really good paying job." He explained, and wondered why she was asking. "Why do you ask?" He asked her softly.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko was at the front door, she was looking out the window for the delivery person. She had ordered some Greek food. She was starving but she had ordered an extra salad with chicken and feta cheese for Allen when he woke up. Hopefully he'd like it. Her stomach growled and she nervously stepped out of the house, closing the door behind her. She told the guy that she'd be outside near the road waiting. She was waiting out there for what seemed like an hour before the person showed up. "H-hey..." She said quietly, rubbing her arms nervously. The male looked at the manor behind her and looked at her suspiciously but he didn't say anything. He just wanted to leave. "Boa?" He asked, and when Kaneko nodded he held out her order in a bag. "That's going to be a total of $25." He said to her. Kaneko looked in her purse and pulled out the required money then handed it to him and took her food. "Thanks. Sorry for making you drive all this way." She said quietly. "It's fine, thank-you and have a nice rest of your day." The man said, heading back to his car. "You too!" She called and practically ran inside the house. She closed the door behind her and locked it then walked to the end of the stairs. There, she took a seat and began to eat her food quietly by herself.
When she had finished, she busied herself looking around the bits of the house she was allowed to explore. She took in all the details, listened to the creaking of the floorboards with the steps she took. It was a neat house, and she could only imagine how beautiful it must have looked when it was just built. Smiling to herself, she later went to check on Allen.
When she had finished, she busied herself looking around the bits of the house she was allowed to explore. She took in all the details, listened to the creaking of the floorboards with the steps she took. It was a neat house, and she could only imagine how beautiful it must have looked when it was just built. Smiling to herself, she later went to check on Allen.

Posted in A Saedistic Art Spin! (Auction Over!)
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Listening to stories is quite nice we agree.
We just don't like stepping on the actual grassy areas because we don't like the idea of stepping on dead people?
It's a silly thought we know, but it's just something we don't like. We usually sit on the concrete edge.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Clint poured Maddie a glass of water then looked at her when she spoke. "You fell to sleep?" He asked, worry written all over his face. "A-and...did you sleep well?" He asked curiously, taking his seat at the table then. She must have slept fine since she didn't look to be in a panic. Still, he couldn't help but worry. "I made pasta...I hope that's okay." He said, poking at his food a little. It was a habit of his. "It has chicken and shrimp on it. I wanted something warm today since it looks like it might rain again any day now." He explained. He probably didn't need to explain, but he felt like he should anyway.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Kaneko looked back at him and nodded. "I promise to stay out of the opposite wing Allen. You get some rest and get better." She suggested. Hopefully the remedy would take effect pretty fast. Maybe she could use this time to read the books, or she could explore the house and take in all the little details. She smiled. Yes, that sounded like fun. Besides, she'd never see this manor again so she wanted to take in what bits she could before they had to leave. "If you need anything, just call for me. But I'll check back in a few just to make sure you're okay." Kaneko promised.