Jolly's posts
Posted in I found some soap!
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah it is. Character illustrations

Posted in I found some soap!
Posted 5 years ago

That's good! Stores are getting more chances to stock up again now that people are more obligated to stay home (not that most of them listen, but at least it isn't as bad as before).
I've been getting enough RLC orders to keep up my bills recently and it's been making me tremendously happy. There's one person that I'm on the third order from him already, and he's the actual sweetest client I've possibly ever worked with.

Posted in It's so hot already
Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
Same, I woke up in the middle of the night overheating.
My bed is just a pile of sheets on the floor, since a mattress wont fit. Living in a small space for the time being.
I almost rather sleep directly on the carpet its so hooooottt

Posted in It's so hot already
Posted 5 years ago

Y'know it would've been nicer if this all happened when it was snowy season
stay inside, drink hot cocoa and watch the whiteness outside.
But no
covid wanted a summer vacation
Its 9am and I'm already sweaty
in just a tank top and thin trousers ;;

Posted in Worst night in a long time.....possible triggers
Posted 5 years ago

Feeling alone suddenly can be very scary when it hits. I usually fill that void by finding a bunch of youtube shows or streams to binge. I avoid movies cause they tend to tap into my emotions too much. But having a youtuber or streamer just talking at the camera/me can sometimes feel better than sitting around with no voices in the room at all.
I wish I could give you a hug and a pile of cookies.

Posted in Mathematical Million: The 1 Million Page Thread - Open to all!
Posted 5 years ago

I'll have to spam later, my hand is suddenly super pain >:|
laying on floor grumpy that i can't play video games (jk but im resting)

Posted in Been watching ghost shows lately, bf is paranoid
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah we've been watching it together, which is why he gets more paranoid lately xd
He basically is Ryan
Yeah, pretty much. I try to keep an open mind to what others believe, and think about "what if its true?" but I think I'll always be on the fence about it.
I've also had some odd experiences that my older sis shared with me. I would always try to ignore it and assume it was nothing. But then she'd drag me out of the room to go tell our parents lol

Posted in Worst night in a long time.....possible triggers
Posted 5 years ago

I'm so glad to hear this <3
I've been a victim of something similar, but I was so fortunate that two friends of mine showed up to bail me out of the trouble. They gave me a root beer and some advil and let me cry in the back seat of their car as much as I needed to.
Friends and kind communities like this one are incredibly helpful when we go through tough times and our hearts ache. Surround yourself in that kind of wholesome care and bask in it. But don't try to cover up your feelings either, allow yourself grief, but always remember that tomorrow will be better.
I never once looked back and my tomorrow ended up much better--and safer. Just took a little time <3

Posted in The Math of a 1 Million Page Thread
Posted 5 years ago

yes you're right! I can never think of what to post about xd
even my hangout thread died in a couple months lmao

Posted in The Math of a 1 Million Page Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you for putting this all in a format that I recognize and understand when I read it
I feel less dumb than when I look at a modern child's homework and see their math is in all these new formats I've never seen before :vanora_xd:

Posted in Worst night in a long time.....possible triggers
Posted 5 years ago

I know its been a bit since you posted this, I really hope you're doing okay still and that no one else got physically harmed. I'm also proud of you for stepping away from that person and I hope you can find the strength to move forward. With each day, after each sleep, I do pray that you find more peace with yourself and life with your son, who sounds like a wonderfully supportive kid.

Posted in Been watching ghost shows lately, bf is paranoid
Posted 5 years ago

omg I definitely would.
I was about to say, we're both quarantined in a small room so there's nowhere to hide. But I still manage to scare him all the time still :vanora_xd:
crushed a water bottle earlier today and thought he'd pee himself
My older sis is also a scaredy cat like he is. So this has been a lifelong entertainment for me lmao
I love them
Haha aww, that's fair! I only get squirmy when people on tv start talking scriptures or whatever for rituals to ~speak with the dead~
but that's when I mute the tv. I may be a skeptic, but I ain't gonna test my luck with demons just in case !
@miss sandman:
Me tooooo
I used to always watch ghost huntery shows with my family when I was a kid lol
was our thing back then. I met someone on one of these avi sites who did that stuff for a living too and kid-me was all starry eyed, like dam they're cool

Posted in Hex - Concept sketches and such
Posted 5 years ago

My progress slowed a lot cause I got a couple of RCL orders to do >v<
Almost done with the last one. Then onto inking the pages I have already!
In the meantime I colored this random panel just cause x

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

They're probably just a child. They sound like one. Younger kids tend to have an awkward time navigating sites sometimes, especially if there's any attention disorders involved haha
I wouldn't take it seriously, at least they aren't saying anything rude