Jolly's posts
Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

thank you! I really hope so |D
etsy seems to be the more popular one. But I think the fees are a bit more than storenvy from what I read?
s'why I was thinking of going with that one but I'm no too sure what I'll do just yet.
I'll make final decisions when I actually have product to sell~

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

@q t e a p o n:
nsfw filters never hid everything back then . idk maybe they're better now, but with them on I'd still be seeing vajayjays all over the place xD
But yes! That's exactly what I like about twitter. It does have a more wholesome interaction to it in my experience and the algorithm isn't perfect either, but I can still discover artists really easy and see everyone I follow.
I forgot it existed until about a week ago, I kind of turned it into a "moving planner" so now its all boring adulty XD
But I have a toyhouse where my characters are now. Got my green boy on there too

She is a wolf gal, and she has this amazing husky that becomes her muse as well. Convention hopping, print and merch selling is all pretty much her full time job. She'll also get into contract work. Her husband helps with supporting this financially to make it all possible to start with, and by now I'm pretty sure she's making a decent living off of it.
Lmao nice! I tried setting up a business paypal account before for RLC but it confused me too much xd
maybe its not that hard and I was just being dumb

Posted in Mug pizza
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, like mug brownies. I do like those when they're done right <3

Posted in Mug pizza
Posted 5 years ago

true, might be a bit weird xd
but it looks really cute. I'm sure people who reaaaaally like pizza would love it (like my bf)

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

@q t e a p o n:
I got sick of the algorithm on deviantart. Couldn't just open the front page without nsfw images all up on my screen. And usually I'm literally at work or in a public place when I scroll media >>
twitter just shows me stuff that I follow mostly and what they interact with, which is very rarely bothersome. That and I find the simple layout better for me.
Yeah I had Seo and Valz. I still adore those old characters and draw them from time to time <3 Even use Seo's name for my art stuffs now days.
Yeah! Here she is
She has a really fun style ;;
do I really need to have a business paypal to use storenvy or etsy?
aren't those like... costly :vanora_sweat: thought you had to be a proper business to make one.

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Yes just watch me become a charm (and maybe pin) hoarder of my own designs
Over time, that is. I'm only a retail worker after all..

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

@q t e a p o n:
HAHA I know what you mean, I'm always feeling like my twitter will die off if I don't post for a while.
But its my favorite platform to keep all my doodles so I tried to follow all the people I was following on DA previously. Think I've been following you on there since my ernya days XD
That's pretty good though! My sister makes loads of enamel pins to sell at conventions. From the times when I helped her unpack them or pin them to cards for shipping, I think it's pretty normal for a couple of them to get a little bit whack. She ends up selling most of them so it doesn't cut into her profit too much

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, I just get too paranoid about making the wrong choices since I know I have no experience with this side of things. So I spend too much time comparing them all.
I just gotta pick one and go~~
Though ngl I did have a thought about making voltra themed charms if they permitted it
How fun would that be!

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah etsy also takes a cut of sales. I think it said 5%
plus 20c per listing (if there's multiple items in a listing, you pay 20c per item, but only as they sell) and then whatever transaction fees. And listings have to renew every 4 months which isn't terrible.
bigcartel might be better for starting out though. I'll look into that too, thanks!

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Just stalked up your shop and holy poop I love it lol
I don't know the characters but they're so cute!
Are there any fees to putting listings up on storenvy? I've never sold online, but was probably gonna use etsy since I was more familiar with that
And thanks! They're so fun to make >>
probably the best base I've done

Posted in Mug pizza
Posted 5 years ago

Apparently microwave mug pizza is a thing and you guys didn't tell me


Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah thats what I figure. I started with the currently most liked character of the game so maybe people will find interest
maybe not and I just get to keep a little crystal exarch charm for myself ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I guess if I practiced that more I'd probably get the hang of making "sets" of things.
Even with regular arting I never really do that unless I make a base
The most I've done is this:

OC's in halloween costume lmao I was so dang proud of it

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

Ah, I didn't think of that.
Well, guess my boy's crystallized cheek is gonna be on the wrong side on one half xd
Oh well~
Man, kudos to you for being able to keep a consistent style for that! My chibi styles at least are all over the place. I don't like the style that I naturally drew for the longest time, so I keep trying to alter it here and there. Change up the eyes, change the body size, ect. Then I get bored and unsatisfied.
I might start making some in my normal drawing style >>

Posted in I ordered my first acrylic charm
Posted 5 years ago

omg lmao that's a great and horrible idea. I ordered mine to be double sided but I just... mirrored it xd
I see! They're all so cute ;;
Idk if I could manage to make that many consistent looking ones. If I did, I'd probably pour it all into more ffxiv characters