Jolly's posts
Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
What is relax?
How does it work?
Yeah I always kick myself for being still too much. Its a weird workaholic side of me. Even if I dont have any homework or work work to do, if I stay still for any amount of time, I get really anxious. Like, I need to be drawing, or playing a game, or something that isn't nothing haha

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
Already finished homework; not much since there are like 3 weeks left of these classes.
Ate leftovers from the assembly yesterday, fixed things wrong with bf's laptop that I have with me. That was too fast to figure out, so I ran out of things to fidget with.
I could be doodling right now.
What are you getting up to today?

Posted in I get a week off in April, so--
Posted 5 years ago
its a little funny, but right after talking about this, my class this morning just covered flus. So now I have a much better idea xD
still not sure if I've ever had a flu, not since I was old enough to remember anyway. But I do get more acute bronchitis, colds or hay fever when I get sick.

Posted in What time of day are you mostly active here on Voltra?
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I get a week off in April, so--
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I get a week off in April, so--
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I get a week off in April, so--
Posted 5 years ago

I've been needing this so much, physically and mentally. I'm so unhealthy where I live, and I hate it too, so any time I travel I feel sooooooo much better and have more energy. There's no altitude where I'm going so I can breathe again~ besides pollution but we have that here too lmao
Going to my homeland, Florida, so I can show my bf where I'm from and also eat up some nostalgia :vanora_heart:
I'm so ridiculously excited. I love travelling, even if its just going home again
After this, no more travel until I save up to move. so I gotta soak up this trip as much as I can!

Posted in smoll art shop
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Item Suggestion Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Online clothing stores
Posted 5 years ago
Oh, thank you for that list! I already have a few "do not buy from" websites in mind. They pop up on my fb ads all the time, like Dresslily, Shein, and Wish. Reviews all suggest they're very hit-or-miss. Mostly a miss lol
I prefer paying for experiences too--probably where most of my money has gone for the last several years. But I like buying a new apparel item every so often xD replacing my old worn out clothing.
@miss sandman:
I think we have h&m? I'm not too sure xd
Weren't they more of an expensive store though?
@runner available:
Rainbow has some good reviews too, thank you c:
Seems like a good one to add to my list~
Haha yeah I ended up risking it and buying these on amazon

free returns so, figured it could be worth a try ;v;
Shoe stores where I live are plenty but they don't carry hardly any boots? The boots they do carry always have huge ass heels.. xd

Posted in Online clothing stores
Posted 5 years ago
I'm really finicky too. I like a lot of things but then I'm like... but do I like them enough to spend money xD
And I also get too timid to wear some things I like cause I hate receiving attention on it, even if its positive. But I also hate dressing like a slob
@kitalpha hart:
In US sizes, I can go from 6 to 8.5 just in women's, cause that's how drastically they change per shoe company. It's absolutely ridiculous and why I have no idea how people make online shoe shopping work out lol
I know how to slap a ruler on my foot but I don't know how to wrap my noggin around the sizing charts. Can't we all just go by inches and centimeters?

Posted in Online clothing stores
Posted 5 years ago
Not sure if I've asked about this on here before, but I'm on the lookout for clothing and cheap store recommendations xD
The only sites I trust so far that aren't expensive (typically) are amazon and yesstyle. The latter tending to have better quality for cheap I love them.
Do you online shop for clothes?
What sites do you use?
And how do you measure feet? I need boots
Style doesn't matter, I also like to just make a discussion out of everything. It's fun to see what you like too c:

Posted in Viscera Cleanup Detail
Posted 5 years ago
I only own/played the christmas version of it. Dead elves everywhere and such. Tried to go for 100%. I spent a silly amount of time stacking presents and stools on a table to try and reach the very last splotch on the high ceiling. I ended up getting motion sick because it was taking so long and I was jumping so much :vanora_xd: