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Oh and congrats!
I got a whoppin 145, bet you're jealous now lmao

Yeah which is why I'm not a big fan of online past me.
Not that I think anyone would dig that up cause I'm relatively unknown

Oh! I haven't heard of it, I'll have to look it up. The art looks good

Yeah.. I think that people shouldn't be a prisoner of their past when it comes to what we say on the internet forever ago.
We should all collectively agree that we're all idiots at some point in time xd

Which anime? I wanna watch something!

Everybody lived it
No one likes to talk about it HAHA

Wish I could give you a handful of my snow

I read the first two thoroughly. Today's one I kinda.. skimmed. But my brain was already fried from taking tests xD

That's the thing, I wasn't mean to be edgy on there, I was just incredibly ignorant and lived with my head in clouds. It's just embarrassing so I wish I could delete it all lmaoo including the dinos say love in rawr xdxduwuwu nonsense :vanora_xd:

Yeah! and I can just get them by playing the sim game as well. They're short enough and provide me a nice little break from studying hormones lmao

I nuked my original account cause I wanted to delete it. Wiped all the items off of it and such.The first years I used the site I was a jackass (problem child) so I kinda wanted that history to drown away ;v;'' But I still log on my mule account to check out the AF forum. I used to hang in there the most when it was insanely active back in the day. freebie hangout threads were so fun to host

I have yet to really start my letter hunts today.
I really wanted to make a doodle thread too but so much work landed in my lap in the past 24 hours ;v;

haha gaia
totally tried to get back into that site earlier this year. just couldn't

Hello hello
how's the letter hunt going you guys? c:

Posted in happy springtime birdies Posted 5 years ago

the birds are singing

the flowers are growing

just kidding

its actually snowing


Posted in Date Unlock: Vontell Capala Posted 5 years ago

Well, somebody can't take a fart joke, can he

jk though, this is such a charming character
and quite witty to be able to write a poem on the spot like this

Posted in The Bulletin Board ❀ ACNH Hangout Posted 5 years ago

homework is still devouring my soul, but I can take a break to reply now lmaojsdlfhfd

Omg I do that in games too lol I don't read particularly fast, but I push buttons fast, and sometimes when I didn't want to and skip dialogue by mistake.
When I really sit with a game consistently, I can get pretty good at them. But most of the time I get distracted, stop playing for months, then when I go back i kinda forgot the vibe of the gameplay so I get worse at it.

But yeah, I agree some people are just naturally good at games. I envy those who can play any genre ;;

Any amount of peaches is good for me >v<
1 tree or 3 trees, either way I'll make them multiply when they grow! Expand my tree farm. I swear I tried making an organized one too, but its probably gonna look like a confused mess lmao

Posted in Don't think I've ever had this many orders... Posted 5 years ago

Haha gotcha xd
My mother raised me really strictly when it came to most things, but especially money. If I had my own 50c for the mall candy machine, she'd still say "no put it in your piggy bank" for years

Sad 6-year-old Jolly with no candy bananas

But yeah, that's why I suck at actually spending money much of the time lmao
Unless I get so depressed that I forget that I care about saving

Today's class ended up so much worse :vanora_cry:
Half of the class was just intro, then we're given like an hour and 20 minutes to watch two videos (one is 30 minutes long, the other 5 minutes), read a long ass article AND read an also long ass case study. I'm a slow reader :vanora_cry: One of the videos sounds like its audio was recorded through a melon and I'm somehow supposed to write a page-long summary of it. It's only a 5 minute video instructing a pin-and-stretch of the hamstrings--wtf do I say in so much length :vanora_cry: When I brought this up the instructor is just like, "yeah welp, I couldn't hear it either but couldn't find anything better"

3 page-long summaries, 1 quiz (but this one is due in 9 weeks so its whatever), read chapters in 2 text books and that article and case study cause I haven't finished those, write papers on my 1-year goals and separately, my 5-year goals and organize a folder. Then draw on the back of the folder how I see myself. Oh yeah and also one of the online 10-question quiz things.
All this on day 1 and I want to cry cause I also have RLC orders to complete

Too much at once just shuts me down. I always finish, but I don't absorb any of it, even if I was doing it in the classroom. There's just TOO much.

Posted in The Bulletin Board ❀ ACNH Hangout Posted 5 years ago

No worries! I'll reply in like, 4 hours XD about to jump into my class call~