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Posted in I finally decided not to go ;A; Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, it really blows! But the family I was going to stay with has a little girl and I'd die entirely if she became ill cause of whatever airport crud I might carry.
All ethical morals say >> DONT GO << :vanora_cry:

I'm glad most people are at least able to get flight credit and cancel for now. Best not get locked down in another place!
Posted in I finally decided not to go ;A; Posted 5 years ago

I know, that meant something ;A; thanks for the concern!
I'm not in any panic over the virus but yeah.. I'd just feel like such an asshole if I promoted any of its spread.
Peoples' health aren't worth ignoring over $200
Posted in Enjoying.... Posted 5 years ago

I plan to simply chill at my home as much as I can :vanora_xd:

Although my college is so smol, like only 30 sudents, so I still have to go to classes for now. I've just been running around campus all day playing computer tech for the dean and instructors. They're trying to set up online classes for those who are stuck at home with their children, and also for potential near future if we have to close.
Posted in I finally decided not to go ;A; Posted 5 years ago

I decided not to go on my trip to my home state, florida :vanora_cry:

Although expedia says it will waive any fees for me to reschedule within 12 months, the site wont load when I try. Probably too much site traffic.
its also giving me no option to cancel right now (so I can't even get to a point where I can check for a credit refund or something)
I wont know if I lost my $200 or not until probably 72 hours before my flight happens, since that's when they are asking people to hold off on calling until that point. Too much phone traffic and all.

I am more sad about my dollars than missing the trip itself, cause I am kind of expecting they probably wont let me have any form of refund cause I dIdNt GeT iNsUrAnCe.

This is what I get for booking a flight without properly assessing reality--that this virus could spread as fast as it has. And my delay in realizing that even if we can handle it, the sibling I'd be returning home to would not survive if she caught the virus. I can't risk her health after almost losing her about 5 times in the past two years. This isn't out of panic, just... ughhhh I'd feel too much guilt and selfishness if I went on this trip! It has been eating me up SO MUCH inside just thinking about going T___T

but yea
just came here to hang my head in defeat. The virus ate my vacation.
Also to reassure those who were concerned for my well being if I DID go--I'll be safely tucked in my home playing animal crossing instead. And job hunting in vain. Cause mine is like... 0 hours some weeks. /criesinpoor but there are no jobs in this world's state
Posted in Choco + PB chip cookies Posted 5 years ago

I FORGOT to take a picture of them when I made them
so this is actually a picture I took many years ago when I made them for a family in England :vanora_xd:
The ingredients for them were mostly the same.

if any of you wanna make some, I apologize for my american measurements:

1 cup butter
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/3 teaspoon salt (about? I just make a tiny pool in the center of my palm, but I also have small hands)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cup self-rising flour (if it isn't self rising, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda)
Then add peanutbutter chips AND chocolate chips

Bake at 375 Fahrenheit for about 8 minutes. But watch them the first time and adjust the timing, its different in different ovens and climates!

Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

Thanks! I love him to death lol

Hmmm, not specifically. I either call his full name or "Sweet baby budgy boy" xD
or "hey you"
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

Me too, a happy budgy is a happy me xD

His name is Hraesvelgr
I literally named him after a dragon in ffxiv. xD

He is also blue!
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

Oh I'm certain of it. My instructor also talks about her budgy to me. Their personalities can be pretty big.
Mine definitely must have picked up my grumpiness and stubbornness xD
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

He seems to have already xD
Before he was fluffed up and kept his neck shrunk down, waddling all weird like
making me worry
now he's standing and singing like normal while stuffing his face with millet treats lol
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

They really are. He already displays certain attitudes when he wants something, and I find it quite hilarious.
Crazy little feather dragon, he is
Posted in Bamboo toilet paper, guys Posted 5 years ago

@amber lynne:
Thanks so much for the info! I would've thought that bamboo would be better for recycling and chopping less trees.
But it is very true that humans aren't the only ones to protect ^^;
Posted in Bamboo toilet paper, guys Posted 5 years ago

@amber lynne:
Are they really? I do feel like this deserves more research as to where the TP brands get their bamboo from exactly.

or we really should just use bidets lol
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I checked on him again just now and he looks just fine.
Maybe he knows he'll get food and treats faster if he acts dramatic lol
Posted in My budgy scared me! Posted 5 years ago

The other day I went to refill his food and snacks. I gave him a bit extra on the food part cause I knew I'd be too busy to keep up these last two days.
So I go and check on him now and his feathers are rather unhappy looking
I come up to the cage to talk to him and see what's wrong, and he runs up to me and cuddles into my chest.
I see that he still has some food in there, but its about time to refill it anyways. I open the jar that stores it and I only get one scoop into his dish when he jumps down onto my hand and starts frantically eating.

Gosh this killed me, like, did I almost starve my bird to death?? My mother was harassing me about it which didn't help.
I saw his dish was almost half full, so I thought my timing was fine, but I read online after words that budgies don't empty their dishes cause there are types of seeds in the mixes that they wont eat. So to pay more attention basically.

Now I gotta study closer at what he's tossing out and what he's eating ;;
I'm so sorry my sweet budgy boy
this has never happened before~