Jolly's posts
Posted in Bamboo toilet paper, guys
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bamboo toilet paper, guys
Posted 5 years ago
In light of everything going on, one youtuber I watched mentioned Reel, a website that offers these monthly subs to receive packs of toilet paper, made of BAMBOO.
Maybe I live under a rock but I never heard of this. They advertise that it feels the same, but it obviously harms no trees in the process.
Thought I'd share, I felt mind blown here xD
Have any of you used bamboo toilet paper before? Or have you used Reel itself?
roflmaklfjsfj its sold out too, go figure hahahaha

Posted in I got free cash
Posted 5 years ago
That reminds me of when I was a kid, my mom was sick so she gave me a $20 bill to go get something at the near by store. It was just outside the neighborhood, so a 5 minute walk.
What I bought was cheap, but I accidentally left the change on the self-serve register
I didn't realize until I got home and was going to give the change to her. She was like its okay, its okay. But I felt SO BAD.. still do xD
I hope whoever got that free cash used it well xD

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Poor again, bye :D
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Do you think "Hell" is a swear word?
Posted 5 years ago
I feel that it really comes down to what the person/s you're talking to believe in and how much you respect them (if you're talking to someone directly). If you don't believe in hell, the word might mean nothing to you personally, but to someone more religious in that area might find it more uncomfortable to hear it spoken carelessly. Usually depends on the context too and the individual's view points, obviously. But yeah, I wouldn't just blurt it out to anyone I'm talking to if I don't know how they'd feel. But to my religious bf who I know doesn't care, I say it a lot xd
But yeah, that's just my opinion and how I choose to use it. Everyone's different~

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
I still drink soda almost daily, but I slowly cut back more and more xD
replacing it with jumex nectar drinks and water. Its been very helpful.
But yeah anxiety is a whole other game~
I totally get that.
Forgot to come back to this thread for a minute xD and yes, hopefully! I'm still stupidly excited for the game, even if they do add microtransactions.
But yeah, I've been home for a bit now, but if anything I just ended up more unproductive than I was in school lmao
After all that whining, I still did nothing.
I totally get that. I was insanely afraid of driving for so long. I'm turning 28 soon and only JUST began to drive about 6 months ago ;v;
Wasn't my first time trying but yeah, spent a lot of years waiting in places for rides or walking a few miles to get somewhere/home.
Food does make waiting easier for sure xd

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
nonono! -tosses salt over shoulder- IT CAN BE SAVED!
Yeaaahh ;v; I only stretch when something hurts, then I just dont think about it anymore.
But yeah, also drinking water can help flush out the toxins in your muscles. Works better after a massage, workout or stretching. But any water any time is always beneficial for making your body feel better!
Its actually significantly helped with my depression since I drink water more often than soda now >>
I have no following so my RLC are slow rollin' ;v;
Had one this month though, it was a huge delight <3
Just gotta keep up with marketing yourself wherever possible

Posted in Bored & stuck on campus
Posted 5 years ago
"I'm sure that Nintendo wouldn't ruin something like AC" sounds like famous last words LOL
We need to knock on every wooden thing to erase that jinx, ohno :vanora_xd:
I do too. I'm always telling clients to stretch and be good to themselves, and yet here I am jumping out of bed and running without a single stretch P:
It doesn't even take that long for most of them, but we always forget! haha
I feel that. I have one piece i started in mid february for some group challenge I had going on. Not even done inking it lmao
The rest are all personal things, except for one online-currency commission. I tend to slack a little on those since they dont feed me ;v;'''
But I try to finish in a month's time. I'm a deadline kinda person