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mmmm I keep looking at this deep tissue percussion massager that I want
but I dont neeeeeeeeeeeed it


Ooo grats on the upgrade!
I do wonder if that is the "biggest" upgrade for it though. In all the older games they usually had 2 upgrades that they go through.
Just have to see

Kinda hope/wish the coffee shop appears too..

Hiii I'm back


I should also play animal crossing. havent checked on it today >>

mmmmmm did someone say roast
I love beef pot roast

Posted in happy springtime birdies Posted 5 years ago

That sounds about right haha
The world starts getting so excited about spring time weather and you just kinda get sucked into that like

wait no
that's not here

Posted in happy springtime birdies Posted 5 years ago

Didn't see your reply until now
But yeah! I live in CO, so snow this time of year isn't unusual at all.
Everyone here (including myself) always seems to forget this though and get surprised every time

Like I said above, its pretty normal here xd
80 F one day, 10 F and snowing the next.

I do really love when it rains instead like today <3 smells so good

Late but dude, your coloring is so goooood~

Pretty sure I was 16 when I read it?
But my understanding of relationship jazz was very nil at that age haha

Actually, those "weird turns" might've just been me being too young to grip some of the concepts xd

I was such a miroku fangirl as a kid
idek why I hate that pervy character trope XD

Nana is another golden one <3 I only read the manga and it started taking weird turns at a later point, but I still really enjoyed it

now that's where my favorite open/ending music is o:

I should make some fanart of that show, was so good

I thought I saw two black roses bloomed. Maybe they were purple, idk xD they were real pretty.
I should get into growing other flower colors, I used to do that a lot in new leaf

I didn't uproot any flowers so they'd grow back, but I did pick some roses for a recipe I have :D
the rose flower crown.
I also picked one purple mum cause it was cute, tossed it into my hair XD

Yes, I need to update my gardens xd