Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: A grilled cheese sounds amazing right now.
I just went outside and planted plants that I've been putting off for a while.
Sorry I disappeared on you. I keep getting up and doing things. My husband asked me to do some research on the computer, and now I'm trying to find silly things away from the computer, because I don't wanna research yet. XDD lol
I just went outside and planted plants that I've been putting off for a while.
Sorry I disappeared on you. I keep getting up and doing things. My husband asked me to do some research on the computer, and now I'm trying to find silly things away from the computer, because I don't wanna research yet. XDD lol

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: Good Afternoon/ Morning here. <3 How've you been?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: OMG! NOT FAR OFF! my car is slightly bigger, and you see in that image the pink lining on the bottom, that's the exact same color as my car. lmao!!! It's fun seeing my 6'2 guy drive my little pink car to his very manly job. c:
I grew up with older parents, so once the household was down to me, they would say "if you're going to watch cartoons. watch the good ones please." and they'd change it to boomerang or .. something tv. I can't remember the names of old tv stations. OH... uh, Me TV. I think. -shrugs-
We might want to look at migrating back to the hangout thread sometime today or soon, anyway.
I grew up with older parents, so once the household was down to me, they would say "if you're going to watch cartoons. watch the good ones please." and they'd change it to boomerang or .. something tv. I can't remember the names of old tv stations. OH... uh, Me TV. I think. -shrugs-
We might want to look at migrating back to the hangout thread sometime today or soon, anyway.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: My peaceful morning has thoroughly been broken. XD busy-minded kids, doggy snuggles, and phone calls from husband about damage and budget. Husband didn't get to see if the deer made it. Sounds like it knicked the front bumper hard enough to break the headlight. -could've been worse- but still, not what we want/need atm.
I grew up watching Rocky and Bullwinkle. c: <3
I try and drive my little car only in-town. It's, imo, an oversized golf cart.
I grew up watching Rocky and Bullwinkle. c: <3
I try and drive my little car only in-town. It's, imo, an oversized golf cart.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: You made me think of Rocky and Bullwinkle. <3 lol. That was the point, I think.
I'm in a weird mental spot too. XDD lol I actually got some peace and quiet this morning. My son slept in. o.0 That rarely happens.
My husband is still a new driver. He's on a learning curve. //sigh I'm just glad you drove the truck this morning and not my little dinky car, a deer would total that.
I need to order some papers out of state before I get back to the DMV for more 'wait and see if I can go in' walk-in.
I'm in a weird mental spot too. XDD lol I actually got some peace and quiet this morning. My son slept in. o.0 That rarely happens.
My husband is still a new driver. He's on a learning curve. //sigh I'm just glad you drove the truck this morning and not my little dinky car, a deer would total that.
I need to order some papers out of state before I get back to the DMV for more 'wait and see if I can go in' walk-in.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: C: I enjoy a good pun. I laughed. <3
KBB saved our butts when my husband 'totaled' our car. Okay, he hit a rock. The rock hit the oil plate and the engine got wrecked. XD We used KBB to fight our insurance on how much our car was worth, even with a bad engine. I love KBB
When I think of totaled, I think of all the cars I've seen in ditches that rolled a few times or the time someone played chicken with a moose.. the moose won, but also died. That was legitimately a mess. Also very confusing because I've seen moose walk away from car accidents more than not. Like 4 times out of 5.
OH gosh, I'm reminded that I'm not done playing with the DMV. oTL Our local offices are 'closed' but also open. To make an appointment, it's months' out. BUT, if you know they're open, you can wait out front and they'll let you in if there's a spot available between appointments. Walk-In, but not.
I'm already on my second cup of coffee. It's a strong coffee brew.. just wish I had whipcream.
KBB saved our butts when my husband 'totaled' our car. Okay, he hit a rock. The rock hit the oil plate and the engine got wrecked. XD We used KBB to fight our insurance on how much our car was worth, even with a bad engine. I love KBB
When I think of totaled, I think of all the cars I've seen in ditches that rolled a few times or the time someone played chicken with a moose.. the moose won, but also died. That was legitimately a mess. Also very confusing because I've seen moose walk away from car accidents more than not. Like 4 times out of 5.
OH gosh, I'm reminded that I'm not done playing with the DMV. oTL Our local offices are 'closed' but also open. To make an appointment, it's months' out. BUT, if you know they're open, you can wait out front and they'll let you in if there's a spot available between appointments. Walk-In, but not.
I'm already on my second cup of coffee. It's a strong coffee brew.. just wish I had whipcream.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I'm up extra early. Our string of financial woes isn't quite over. Husband hit a deer on his way to work. =3= So far sounds like manageable damage.
anyway, Good morning. I stayed up late and woke up early.
I need many coffees.
Congrats on selling your car. I hope that's a smooth transition to the next person. I know with covid stuff, we still don't have our 'new' [used] car transferred to our name due to the dmv being so backed-up right now.
anyway, Good morning. I stayed up late and woke up early.

Congrats on selling your car. I hope that's a smooth transition to the next person. I know with covid stuff, we still don't have our 'new' [used] car transferred to our name due to the dmv being so backed-up right now.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I did a pretty good job doing meal planning on my own last year when my husband wasn't around. I lived 30 miles from any grocery store, so it was about efficiency out there. I can't seem to get that schedule going again, mainly because I think, my husband's food tastes are broader than mine. So I can't just make the same meals weekly anymore. He's getting fat off my know-how foods. OTL
I also need to hunt down the spices and foods my dad used, I miss his cupboard of spices and frozen veggies from gardens' past.
I also need to hunt down the spices and foods my dad used, I miss his cupboard of spices and frozen veggies from gardens' past.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol! I think we have similar habits due to Mom-Brain. XD
Yesterday, my husband reminded me we need to make a Costco trip. We'll be tight on money for a bit, so he's hoping I'll get ambitious and make a menu.
I stink at makin' menus. I've done it a few times before, but to make a menu and to implement it is not in my skillset right now. XD
Yesterday, my husband reminded me we need to make a Costco trip. We'll be tight on money for a bit, so he's hoping I'll get ambitious and make a menu.
I stink at makin' menus. I've done it a few times before, but to make a menu and to implement it is not in my skillset right now. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I am also caffeinating and working on a grocery list for Costco. And also playing with an avatar currently. XD lol
I can tell with my new roomies, it's the girlfriend that Really wanted to move in and get back here to get settled. The boyfriend [my husband's childhood friend], seems hesitant, nervous, definitely not as thrilled about such a big move compared to his lady.
I've heard stories of the guy since my husband and I got together 10 years ago. So I have a vague idea of what kind of person he is and what to expect. However, his gf is a mystery. I got her laughing pretty hard last night, but she's pretty shy.
[[I won't be able to talk about them over the phone or with friends, so I'll probably tell you about them as we move along in the roomie-relationship]]
I can tell with my new roomies, it's the girlfriend that Really wanted to move in and get back here to get settled. The boyfriend [my husband's childhood friend], seems hesitant, nervous, definitely not as thrilled about such a big move compared to his lady.
I've heard stories of the guy since my husband and I got together 10 years ago. So I have a vague idea of what kind of person he is and what to expect. However, his gf is a mystery. I got her laughing pretty hard last night, but she's pretty shy.
[[I won't be able to talk about them over the phone or with friends, so I'll probably tell you about them as we move along in the roomie-relationship]]

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
I have my previous avi equipped in my inventory dressing room. I like this one, but not as much. I finally got my hands on a Seamstress item and wanted to make use of it.
your avi looks like it can tell a wild story. <3 It's got Sass!
your avi looks like it can tell a wild story. <3 It's got Sass!

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: yeah, we definitely lit the fire under their butts to get here. XD Or at least, pay rent if they aren't here yet. They agreed to the rent part of the convo last week. I wasn't expecting them yesterday actually.
Hopefully, financials will sting less in the near future.
I'm sorry about your super 'tin-man' feeling today. Gotta lubricate your body with water instead of oil. lol!
Hopefully, financials will sting less in the near future.
I'm sorry about your super 'tin-man' feeling today. Gotta lubricate your body with water instead of oil. lol!

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Good Morning. I'm going to be needing some extra coffee too.
Our new roommates moved in last night. They came in rather late in the evening. So ended up staying up and catching up with them.
I did thoroughly clean out my little car yesterday. c: There was a lot of kid food in the back seat. =3= and I thought that was bad until I found the lunch my husband had at work that he left in there. [the source of stink]. Been in there a good 2 weeks as my husband only drives my car if his truck is in the shop.
Our new roommates moved in last night. They came in rather late in the evening. So ended up staying up and catching up with them.
I did thoroughly clean out my little car yesterday. c: There was a lot of kid food in the back seat. =3= and I thought that was bad until I found the lunch my husband had at work that he left in there. [the source of stink]. Been in there a good 2 weeks as my husband only drives my car if his truck is in the shop.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: You have been so busy today! :D
@Purpsy: sounds like you might have some bad circulation too in your fingers and toes. :o
@Purpsy: sounds like you might have some bad circulation too in your fingers and toes. :o