Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I have many, many siblings. I got 2 step-brothers. and they're odd. We get along because I grew up with them, but we don't have the closeness of siblings.
I am the youngest, so I got lucky and was spoiled endlessly. lol I had a really, really bad experience recently and my mom asked if she could help somehow and I was like "Haha, send me money -sarcasm mind you-" and I woke up with money in my account even though my sister paid for my bad experience and deserved the money more. XD I sent my sister the money. BUT to be fair, I'm almost 30 and I'm really close to both my parents still, and my step-dad.
Many siblings [as the youngest] was a blessing. However, my 3 eldest siblings would say differently.
Do you have the one sister?
I am the youngest, so I got lucky and was spoiled endlessly. lol I had a really, really bad experience recently and my mom asked if she could help somehow and I was like "Haha, send me money -sarcasm mind you-" and I woke up with money in my account even though my sister paid for my bad experience and deserved the money more. XD I sent my sister the money. BUT to be fair, I'm almost 30 and I'm really close to both my parents still, and my step-dad.
Many siblings [as the youngest] was a blessing. However, my 3 eldest siblings would say differently.
Do you have the one sister?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: you could say that. Sibling struggles is a good phrase for our relationship. She's the only sister I have that I have issues with. xD Her way of life is super abrasive to my own, so we get along best at a distance. On a sibling note, I get to see my big brother in a couple weeks and I'm super stoked for that. C:
@Miss Sandman: oh man, I feel that. e.e' The restaurants around here took a stand and opened against state protocol, they all got fined 250+K for opening their doors against the governor's orders. :T One shut down for good, a few of the restaurants were able to afford the fines and kept open. It's wild.
I do live in a country town though. It's a different mentality than city areas.
@Miss Sandman: oh man, I feel that. e.e' The restaurants around here took a stand and opened against state protocol, they all got fined 250+K for opening their doors against the governor's orders. :T One shut down for good, a few of the restaurants were able to afford the fines and kept open. It's wild.
I do live in a country town though. It's a different mentality than city areas.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Oh Awesome! Oh my gosh, I forgot about mother's day. e.e'
And YAY! You'll have an awesome week at mom's. <33
My older sis is living with my mom right now, so I don't plan on visiting them anytime soon. XD They're a couple of states away anyway. Hehe. I Do, However, need to call them both on Mother's day. c:
And YAY! You'll have an awesome week at mom's. <33
My older sis is living with my mom right now, so I don't plan on visiting them anytime soon. XD They're a couple of states away anyway. Hehe. I Do, However, need to call them both on Mother's day. c:

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: I thought about your last post to me, and how it was recommended to tilt your page when writing cursive. I'm a lefty and I remember being teased because I would tilt the paper 90-180 degrees to write in school. I still do it occasionally, depending on how fast I'm writing. The faster I write, the more the page tilts, the straighter my lines get. lol
I love that you're keeping up with cursive! I wanna see progress pics. :3 You gave us a pic last week, I believe. My sense of days is really flying out the window. I know it's Wednesday because my garbage got picked up today. lol!
OMG! I peaked in your "art Dump" Your art is Beautifully Adorable! I love it! <333
I love that you're keeping up with cursive! I wanna see progress pics. :3 You gave us a pic last week, I believe. My sense of days is really flying out the window. I know it's Wednesday because my garbage got picked up today. lol!
OMG! I peaked in your "art Dump" Your art is Beautifully Adorable! I love it! <333

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I've never heard of Ashwagandha and now I'm googling that. =O This would have been super useful/helpful when I worked 2-3 jobs. lol
Oh this is interesting. I'm so surprised I've never heard of Ashwagandha. huh. I might need to buy it just to keep it on-hand for the future.
I'm not too wired up on anxiety, stress, depression. It's mild in comparison to most days. It's just a lot of big financial blows at once. The failed Trip, The truck, the Covid test-stuff, the Plumbing. We're out of money. :c
Anywho, once the roomies pay up, we'll be able to actually afford the septic piping fix. I'm tempted to go back to work, my husband had to convince me not to. >3<
I just need a couple of days to re-center and re-evaluate priorities. Get finances back on track.
Oh this is interesting. I'm so surprised I've never heard of Ashwagandha. huh. I might need to buy it just to keep it on-hand for the future.
I'm not too wired up on anxiety, stress, depression. It's mild in comparison to most days. It's just a lot of big financial blows at once. The failed Trip, The truck, the Covid test-stuff, the Plumbing. We're out of money. :c
Anywho, once the roomies pay up, we'll be able to actually afford the septic piping fix. I'm tempted to go back to work, my husband had to convince me not to. >3<
I just need a couple of days to re-center and re-evaluate priorities. Get finances back on track.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: This is a problem that will itch on me until it's fixed. So I'll be working on it in a couple days, once my nerves settle. A lot of the stress around this has been financial. Our old roommates moved out a few months back, my husband lined someone up to move in. They brought their stuff and went back to their old place and haven't come back or paid rent in almost 2 months. SO I lost my cool about that yesterday. I wouldn't be so flustered if we had that extra income rn. So I got strict yesterday and Told em' to pay or come get their stuff. [nicely] and they'll be paying this month.
My husband likes these people and wants them to move in with no issue, so he hasn't pressed them on rent. But I will be. -3-
@Miss Sandman: I hope you keep enjoying the job. c: and hopefully you guys will be able to move the truck around soon-ish. I cannot imagine having a restaurant amidst the pandemic chaos.
My husband likes these people and wants them to move in with no issue, so he hasn't pressed them on rent. But I will be. -3-
@Miss Sandman: I hope you keep enjoying the job. c: and hopefully you guys will be able to move the truck around soon-ish. I cannot imagine having a restaurant amidst the pandemic chaos.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Miss Sandman: oh my gosh, that sounds like a fun job. Travelling around and cooking. <3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I am so happy I found a bigger bandaid to our big issue. This plumber gave us a lot of ideas and now we'll have enough time to figure out a solid plan. :0 Amidst this chaos there are other things going on. I didn't realize how stressed I am. whoah. --flops--
-sips my coffee-
-sips my coffee-

Posted in Hello everyone!
Posted 4 years ago
Hey Dread, Long time no see! :> How've you been?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Vixen: Hello~ <3 Your avi is adorable!

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I have now turned into potato for the day. Speaking of potatoes, I'm going to bake some. c:
Is that a "yay going to my moms~ c:" Or like "Dang. goin' to my moms.." or probably more neutral. XD I know when I go to my mom's I'm like -sarcastic yay-
@Wildfire: I got a plumber to my house today, they charged less than I anticipated and got things fixed, the root problem is still a problem, but it's a postponed problem. Which helps since we have zero extra income atm. This plumber was able to work off the one I paid over the weekend, and gave me exact locations, and told me I had a broken toilet. e.e"" FOR NOW, I get to relax and take a deep breath and leave my phone alone for a couple days.
@Purpsy: I have many hobbies~ c: Gardening is new this year as I've never really tried it before. :d Last year, I picked up wood carving. I wanna keep doing that, but I moved out of my dad's and I can't quite afford the tools yet.
I draw, costumes, photography, paint, uh... read.. adventure, play piano, theremin... I dunno, you name it, I've probably done it once. =O I'm not a consistent person though. I get bored doing one thing over and over.
At the moment, I spend most of my time at my computer and parenting. What do you do for fun? c:
@Ava: I added you on Instagram. <3 My page hasn't been posted on in a while, so it's pretty boring rn. I don't imagine I'm going to pick it back up anytime soon too. I like keeping to myself, although I am an outgoing person. lol.
Is that a "yay going to my moms~ c:" Or like "Dang. goin' to my moms.." or probably more neutral. XD I know when I go to my mom's I'm like -sarcastic yay-
@Wildfire: I got a plumber to my house today, they charged less than I anticipated and got things fixed, the root problem is still a problem, but it's a postponed problem. Which helps since we have zero extra income atm. This plumber was able to work off the one I paid over the weekend, and gave me exact locations, and told me I had a broken toilet. e.e"" FOR NOW, I get to relax and take a deep breath and leave my phone alone for a couple days.
@Purpsy: I have many hobbies~ c: Gardening is new this year as I've never really tried it before. :d Last year, I picked up wood carving. I wanna keep doing that, but I moved out of my dad's and I can't quite afford the tools yet.
I draw, costumes, photography, paint, uh... read.. adventure, play piano, theremin... I dunno, you name it, I've probably done it once. =O I'm not a consistent person though. I get bored doing one thing over and over.
At the moment, I spend most of my time at my computer and parenting. What do you do for fun? c:
@Ava: I added you on Instagram. <3 My page hasn't been posted on in a while, so it's pretty boring rn. I don't imagine I'm going to pick it back up anytime soon too. I like keeping to myself, although I am an outgoing person. lol.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
I'm going to disappear for a couple of hours. I got responsibilities I can't ignore. -cry face-
@Anarchist Beauty: I'm doin okay. I got things I can't ignore anymore for today. e.e' uhhhgggggg. I just wanna be a potato with coffee in my little spud hands. How are you? c: How's it goin? I will be back for more chats, I just need to step away before I justify sitting on my bony toosh all day.
@Anarchist Beauty: I'm doin okay. I got things I can't ignore anymore for today. e.e' uhhhgggggg. I just wanna be a potato with coffee in my little spud hands. How are you? c: How's it goin? I will be back for more chats, I just need to step away before I justify sitting on my bony toosh all day.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: Kudos for keeping up with your cursive practice. <3 I have not been dedicated to my hobbies as of lately. e.e' Aside from gardening. XD That's my new focus this year. lol. omg, the neighbor kids came over and were like "HUH You LIKE Gardening DONT YOU?!" and I couldn't help but respond with "No, I hate it." OTL They were too young to understand sarcasm and my porch right now is Full of gardening stuff and plants and pots n' whatever else.
@dragoness129: O00oOOh, I'm stealing a few of those recipe links from your pinterest. c: I'm on a veggie kick this week and I need some new ideas. Thanks for sharing. I did try the zucchini chips recently and I messed them up twice. :T I think they'd be better off in an air fryer than an oven.
@Anarchist Beauty: Why Hello. 'This is the May..' -insert baby yoda meme here-
@dragoness129: O00oOOh, I'm stealing a few of those recipe links from your pinterest. c: I'm on a veggie kick this week and I need some new ideas. Thanks for sharing. I did try the zucchini chips recently and I messed them up twice. :T I think they'd be better off in an air fryer than an oven.
@Anarchist Beauty: Why Hello. 'This is the May..' -insert baby yoda meme here-

Posted in ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats
Posted 4 years ago
@Purpsy: My brothers started me on star wars, and I thought I liked it a lot. But it turns out I'm more enchanted by the costuming than the storyline. lol My husband is invested in the politics of the movies/books and species and whatever else.
-sips coffee as well- I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee and trying to scrape up enough motivation to do more phone calls today and then go outside to do yardwork. e.e'
@Wildfire: That's my next step, find recipes that can stand the freezer for quick snacking. <3 [and are simple enough for me to do ]
My last trip to the grocery store earned me some praise from my husband, I went ahead and bought all his favorite fruits and stuck them in a bowl. He's trying to lose weight and my own normal diet is causing his weight gain [without realizing it].
I needed to work on something other than the headache plumbing. omgosh. I got a local septic guy wanting to give me estimates and help, but he hasn't called about a meetup time and 2/3 of my bathrooms aren't working. =0
@dragoness129: It's that spring/summer vibe of well-being. <3 Our bodies are ready for sunshine and watermelon and garden food. :}
-sips coffee as well- I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee and trying to scrape up enough motivation to do more phone calls today and then go outside to do yardwork. e.e'
@Wildfire: That's my next step, find recipes that can stand the freezer for quick snacking. <3 [and are simple enough for me to do ]
My last trip to the grocery store earned me some praise from my husband, I went ahead and bought all his favorite fruits and stuck them in a bowl. He's trying to lose weight and my own normal diet is causing his weight gain [without realizing it].
I needed to work on something other than the headache plumbing. omgosh. I got a local septic guy wanting to give me estimates and help, but he hasn't called about a meetup time and 2/3 of my bathrooms aren't working. =0
@dragoness129: It's that spring/summer vibe of well-being. <3 Our bodies are ready for sunshine and watermelon and garden food. :}