Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: I go on series binges, where I go into an obsessive act of reading everything in one series, finish them [or up to date], and move onto a new series. e.e" I have a hard time going back and continuing a series once I moved on.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: My dad's place has random outages. mostly because of wind issues. The wiring in his house is all sorts of whack. While I was living there, he had an outage in a bedroom and we went to flip the switch, but the switch labeled bedroom turned off the kitchen. e.e" He brought home an electrician friend that said he'd need to re-wire basically the whole house in order to make it make sense. The place was built a hundred years ago.
@Another Movie Addict: I found and bought The Cinder Spires, assuming it was part of the Dresden Files. I haven't read it yet, I've been going through tons of fantasy/comedy lately.
I'm not sure if I'll read the new Dresden files. I enjoyed them, but I've moved on and read quite a few series since then.
@Another Movie Addict: I found and bought The Cinder Spires, assuming it was part of the Dresden Files. I haven't read it yet, I've been going through tons of fantasy/comedy lately.
I'm not sure if I'll read the new Dresden files. I enjoyed them, but I've moved on and read quite a few series since then.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: lol! It's been a few years since I read the series, I saw there was a new series off branch from the dresden files that I haven't started. I'm proud of myself for recognizing Dresden though. lol
@Wildfire: Oh my gosh! I'm glad you got to relax in the evening. <3 Sunshine helps so much. Last year, I had problems with power outages and burned out sockets a few times. I understand your pain. D: I didn't lose my coffee pot in those battles though.
@Wildfire: Oh my gosh! I'm glad you got to relax in the evening. <3 Sunshine helps so much. Last year, I had problems with power outages and burned out sockets a few times. I understand your pain. D: I didn't lose my coffee pot in those battles though.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: So far, so good. I woke up and could close my jaw, so the tmj is lessening. :) I just need to keep doing the physical therapy for it. How are you doing? Did yesterday get better?
@Another Movie Addict: Your siggy makes me think of a book series I used to read.. uhm, Dresdin Files by Jim Butcher.
@Another Movie Addict: Your siggy makes me think of a book series I used to read.. uhm, Dresdin Files by Jim Butcher.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago

Good Morning.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I'm not a fan of keurigs. I hope you find something you like.
I have a coffee pot with a reusable filter. I love my coffee pot. I kind of prefer my french press, but it seems like I only take that out during special occasions, like a back-up.
I have a coffee pot with a reusable filter. I love my coffee pot. I kind of prefer my french press, but it seems like I only take that out during special occasions, like a back-up.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I hope your morning gets slightly better! <3 Did you find your french press? I was just talking about mine this morning with my niece.
I woke up with my tmj being worse than yesterday and yesterday was bad. So, I need to get through this school day without snapping from pain.
I woke up with my tmj being worse than yesterday and yesterday was bad. So, I need to get through this school day without snapping from pain.

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
-pops in-
I'm so glad it's friday. e.e"
I'm so glad it's friday. e.e"

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: awe thank you for that. <3

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
Awe! Yay, ya'll got to page 300! <3
I wish I could have helped/chatted more.
I wish I could have helped/chatted more.

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Music definitely hasn't been explored. My husband played his Scandinavian playlist in the vehicle and my niece zoned out and kept asking "what is this? what kind of music is this?!" It was cute and shocking. At 14, I was well versed in music genres. I was already going to scream concerts and going to metal events with friends -shrugs- I'm glad she's exploring.
@Totalanimefan: I'm really late on replies. <3 and this thread is super quick. :d I might be afk for a bit.
@Totalanimefan: I'm really late on replies. <3 and this thread is super quick. :d I might be afk for a bit.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Yes! exactly. and other eery feelings. My hometown home was/is still a fascinating house. Doesn't look like much from the outside, once you step in, there's a totem and you overlook two stories. Beautiful home and weirdly designed, so there are some dark corners. Definitely can tell the place was built for a wealthier family in the 70s.

Posted in Snowy Investigation (Evolving Item Hangout)
Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: im thankful it's Friday too! Weather here is a bit foggy as well. Cloudy, gloomy today. I still want to go on a walk today even though it's chilly.
@Wildfire: my sister kept my niece on the same playlist at their house. Adele, Sia, etc. Pop culture stuff.
My husband and I love unique music. So if we're indulging in music, we play mongolian throat music or edm, etc. List goes on.
@Wildfire: my sister kept my niece on the same playlist at their house. Adele, Sia, etc. Pop culture stuff.
My husband and I love unique music. So if we're indulging in music, we play mongolian throat music or edm, etc. List goes on.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: oh absolutely! That house was/is beautiful. It still makes me feel uneasy when i go home to visit. Lol