Koah's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: we would need to test going out of state, but coming back, no. My husband is a little iffy, but if I reject this offer from my sister- she tends to get fluster-headed and annoyed and makes peoples' lives harder. <.<"
Welp, I just introduced my teen niece to Swedish music and appearances and now she's enamored. Her mom has never taught her or explained their roots. So I explained to my niece that her bloodline comes from Sweden, whereas, mine is more Norsk. Her mom's dad was from a Swedish family.
I got a teen loving Sweden and a child loving on Iceland.
Welp, I just introduced my teen niece to Swedish music and appearances and now she's enamored. Her mom has never taught her or explained their roots. So I explained to my niece that her bloodline comes from Sweden, whereas, mine is more Norsk. Her mom's dad was from a Swedish family.
I got a teen loving Sweden and a child loving on Iceland.

Posted in how is everyone doing!
Posted 4 years ago
Congrats on the new place! That's exciting! :>
Not a whole lot is new on my end. I got a spring break vacation planned, and that's about it.
Not a whole lot is new on my end. I got a spring break vacation planned, and that's about it.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol, I'll let you know. It would be cool to go to Florida.
Truthfully, I don't like the idea of risking getting covid just to have a week away from home. If my husband has to stay home from work for 2 weeks, we could be pretty well screwed financially. D: We're livin' in weird times.
Truthfully, I don't like the idea of risking getting covid just to have a week away from home. If my husband has to stay home from work for 2 weeks, we could be pretty well screwed financially. D: We're livin' in weird times.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Well, It seems my sis is trying to buy plane tickets to take us to a beach resort somewhere. :O A private condo type thing.
I might try and talk her out of it and just take my niece on a comfy road trip.
My sis wants to feel useful/helpful with all this transition and wants to spoil us and her daughter for this situation. :T
I might try and talk her out of it and just take my niece on a comfy road trip.
My sis wants to feel useful/helpful with all this transition and wants to spoil us and her daughter for this situation. :T

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Oh my gosh ! I can imagine! <3 One of the chapels we visited in Europe had human remains built into the arches. It was nuts! It had beautiful stain glass windows too. I won't forget that place. :p
My sister is trying to plan a spring break getaway for me and the kids and my sister will tag along. :O I'm not sure what to expect when my sister gets a travel bug up her butt.
My sister is trying to plan a spring break getaway for me and the kids and my sister will tag along. :O I'm not sure what to expect when my sister gets a travel bug up her butt.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: When my family and I went to Europe, we spent a week in Denmark during Christmas and then did a very touristy thing and explored castles through Europe for another week. I can't remember names anymore. It's been too long. I just remember scenery, objects, and random things.
My mom brought me back later and stayed in Denmark again with a family friend. Spent a lot of time in Denmark. lol
Good Morning. <3
My mom brought me back later and stayed in Denmark again with a family friend. Spent a lot of time in Denmark. lol
Good Morning. <3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: It is ridiculously expensive. e.e" That's amazing you went to Rome! :)
I've been to Europe twice and I enjoyed both experiences, I just wish I had ventured out more. Especially now that I've been invested in my family history.
I've been to Europe twice and I enjoyed both experiences, I just wish I had ventured out more. Especially now that I've been invested in my family history.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol. I mean, Norway is a pretty cool place. lol. The language is fairly easy to learn as well. My adult goal is to move to Norway for a few months, once all my kids are out of the house. I don't know if I'll stick to it. But that's what I'd like to do.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol! I was hoping my son would go "oh! Norway!" Because my blood is from there. lol. I mean, My great grandparents, All of them. I've been learning norwegian for a couple years now on my own. So I can read norsk, but having it spoken to me, I lose track quickly.
... I need to get a passport. e.e"
Good Morning~ <3
... I need to get a passport. e.e"
Good Morning~ <3

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I am doing better, the initial stress is wearing off and I'm in that adjusting period where I'm realizing this is more permanent than I anticipated.
My son is matching my niece's sass. which, to me, is comical. Because he treats others how he is treated. XD
My daughter is kind of over the novelty of having an older girl in the house. She went from wanting to get dressed up and played with, to wanting space.
I just did a world countries assignment with my son, and now he's obsessed with Iceland. lmao.
My son is matching my niece's sass. which, to me, is comical. Because he treats others how he is treated. XD
My daughter is kind of over the novelty of having an older girl in the house. She went from wanting to get dressed up and played with, to wanting space.
I just did a world countries assignment with my son, and now he's obsessed with Iceland. lmao.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: lol! I very much wish I could send her off to have those amazing experiences. <3 She's a good kid, she's just 14 and demanding teen attention.
I'm hoping this weekend, she and I can go find teens somewhere where she can introduce herself. She really needs friends.
As you could probably guess, her mom controlled her friend group as well. right now, my niece has 1 friend that is 4 years older than her. They chit-chat but don't have that teen-angsty friendship that you typically see with this age.
I'm hoping this weekend, she and I can go find teens somewhere where she can introduce herself. She really needs friends.
As you could probably guess, her mom controlled her friend group as well. right now, my niece has 1 friend that is 4 years older than her. They chit-chat but don't have that teen-angsty friendship that you typically see with this age.

Posted in How many snowflakes do you have?
Posted 4 years ago
I have 21. :O

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: Her mom doesn't realize being busy at this age can be damaging. I'm definitely worried, but there isn't much I can do aside from insisting on breaks where my niece can chill out, read, watch tv and go in the hot tub.
yoga has become a chore for my niece since it's been a weekly thing since she was a toddler. :O
Anyhow, This morning is going well. I didn't sleep well, so my tmj is flaring up again. e.e
yoga has become a chore for my niece since it's been a weekly thing since she was a toddler. :O
Anyhow, This morning is going well. I didn't sleep well, so my tmj is flaring up again. e.e

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: I'm listening to my niece's job as a spokesperson. It's a bit overwhelming to me because she's so young. oh man. They're super focused on her insecurities right now. she's dealing with it like a champ.. right now. but .. I don't know. I feel off-putted by this.
Her mom lined up after-school job stuff. which adds to unnecessary stress.
This is my only safe place to vent about her situation. :T
Her mom lined up after-school job stuff. which adds to unnecessary stress.
This is my only safe place to vent about her situation. :T