Koah's posts
Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
It's just me and Merynia...
@PrincessStarr: -kisses forehead-
@Ruby: You will be avenged.. or I will fall trying.
@PrincessStarr: -kisses forehead-
@Ruby: You will be avenged.. or I will fall trying.

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
@Ruby: Don't tempt me with a good time.
@PrincessStarr: I'm so sorry, us Ernya folks were supposed to stick together. T^T
-squeezes you and ruby in a dramatic...- WHHHHYYYYYY?! CRUEL WORLD! -shakes fists at the sky-
@PrincessStarr: I'm so sorry, us Ernya folks were supposed to stick together. T^T
-squeezes you and ruby in a dramatic...- WHHHHYYYYYY?! CRUEL WORLD! -shakes fists at the sky-

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
/rolls again/
-Throws snowballs, trying to avoid Ruby specifically.-
-Throws snowballs, trying to avoid Ruby specifically.-

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Wildfire: OH, Sorry about that, I seem to skim over questions sometimes. Merynia just sent me a big handful of snowflakes. <3 So that should get me another 2 items with my own snowflakes, and I think, I should be caught up.
So I just went to the shops with my new snowflakes, and I need about 100 snowflakes now to get the last item. I'm surprised by how quickly I fell behind this event. But I see why I didn't post much, my RL got very busy, very fast.
Social media is really weird, I took about a year hiatus- i didn't post much of anything and that really cleared my mind and put things into new perspective.
@Merynia: Thank you for the snowflakes and Thank you for thinking about my health. <3 I'll need to carry around a water bottle more often while living here.
I'm glad sunscreen has different smells now.
lol, When I was a kid, my mom couldn't put it on me because I'd gag from the smell of it. haha! I don't know what it was about sunscreen but I hated it.
So I just went to the shops with my new snowflakes, and I need about 100 snowflakes now to get the last item. I'm surprised by how quickly I fell behind this event. But I see why I didn't post much, my RL got very busy, very fast.
Social media is really weird, I took about a year hiatus- i didn't post much of anything and that really cleared my mind and put things into new perspective.
@Merynia: Thank you for the snowflakes and Thank you for thinking about my health. <3 I'll need to carry around a water bottle more often while living here.
I'm glad sunscreen has different smells now.
lol, When I was a kid, my mom couldn't put it on me because I'd gag from the smell of it. haha! I don't know what it was about sunscreen but I hated it.

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
-pelts Ruby even though she's out- lmao

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you~ :p
-Throws a snowball-
-Throws a snowball-

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
@Kent: Do we continue rolling the 7 die?

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
My social medias keep popping up "On this day Last year, or 2+ years ago" And it's snowy road conditions that I used to drive daily. I played a game on my Snapchat last year called "Find the lake" with my friends. So I took random field photos and had my friends try and point out where the lake is. lol!
Most of my friends failed.
But my SC, just popped that up this morning and said "This time last year" and it was a dozen photos around my old residence of fields and lakes. Completely blanketed by snow.
Most of my friends failed.
But my SC, just popped that up this morning and said "This time last year" and it was a dozen photos around my old residence of fields and lakes. Completely blanketed by snow.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
Lol, I don't typically play forum games. So I feel like I'm herpin-derpin over there. HAHA. Ruby is on messenger with me, and I was like "eh Sure, I'll play.... Now what do i do?!"
I definitely need sunshine or depression and down-moods take over my life.
When I moved to my new state/town, the temp was 100+ ( F ) It was an immediate culture shock from the last 10 years of living in snowy mountains.
So far, I don't mind not having snow, but it definitely feels strange.
Oh what a cool view! <3 Thank you for sharing.
I definitely need sunshine or depression and down-moods take over my life.
When I moved to my new state/town, the temp was 100+ ( F ) It was an immediate culture shock from the last 10 years of living in snowy mountains.
So far, I don't mind not having snow, but it definitely feels strange.
Oh what a cool view! <3 Thank you for sharing.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Warm-up Zone ┤▒├ Come chat & play games by the Fire! :3
Posted 4 years ago
@Merynia: I love the quietness of snow. <3 Poland must be beautiful!
@Wildfire: I only managed to get 3 items, although I'm closing to getting a fourth.
@Wildfire: I only managed to get 3 items, although I'm closing to getting a fourth.

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you~ <3
. -hoards snow for round 2 of snowballs-
. -hoards snow for round 2 of snowballs-

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
Do I continue to roll? c:

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
-throws a snowball- [ I think this is right o3o" ]

Posted in Last Minute Event Art Shop & Snowball Fight! Game Thread [Over]
Posted 4 years ago
I think I understand how this is played. So hopefully I don't make silly mistakes. o3o"