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Posted in Asian Movies Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: no he says no because he is a scaredy cat =))
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
lilly just atm XD

@KairoSama: yes show us because tabbies are awesome and cute and magical ^-^
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: aww omg she just lookes like my lilly >w< i love tabbies so much!!!
@vengeance: but stalking is a good thing ven you just need to see this finally XD
Posted in Asian Movies Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i know you find this one also in the play store of ps4 but my BF told me just "NO" xD
Posted in Asian Movies Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes i think that game i saw recently and i really like this though XD iam afraid of dolls but this gave me the kick! and well its a nice methapher to be a brocken doll *nods*
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: aww she sounds totally adorable this is awesome she knows when you have migraine =O >w< mittens knows iam pregnant and try to bound with my tummy all the time >w< i love if cats knows you so well ^^ do you have a pic *_*
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Uncledaddy: aww thats sad but yeah its also importand =) its great you want a furbaby! do you wan to rescue one or are you looking for a special breed?
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 5 years ago
@Buffasaur: aww thank you!! ^-^ yours is cute as well! ^^
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Priestess of Pie: this is awesome that he walked in and stay XD and its a good thing you rescued one of your kitties =)) its the same for felicia she walked in and stay we just can say she must be around 6 years old she was an abadoned cat.

@Kozi: thank you!!! i love them too >w< lilly is actually lying next by my side and sleeping >w< do you have kitties?
*stalks the thread *
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Priestess of Pie: yes i saw the sig but pics are always better ;D awww the little blep and both are so fluffy *___* are they special breed?
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
@Uncledaddy: why you should not?? =)
Posted in You love cats you get cats! Posted 5 years ago
yes my babies are cuties but well every cat is just so individuell and gorgeous! ^^