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Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: are they also fun? i prefer to play ds ^^
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: aww the good old rennie XD i never use it because it isnt strong enough ^^
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
@milkdaddy: aww how nice! I knew it after 4 weeks because i didnt got my Period. Why do you think you might be pregnant?
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: oh its like minigames :D
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i never heard of any of those. Wanna explain? :D iam at work atm
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
@milkdaddy: iam in week 23 so iam 6 months pregnant ^^ you can try almond milk this should help! for me it dosent work but i had a reflux before pregnancy aswell ^^

@Totalanimefan: do you try some homespun remedies?

@koneko: yes thank you i slept well after they finally work at 1 am XD
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: than i wish you luck.... we will see how it will be for you too! and yes greed, capitalism, money, industry. thats all what counts, it isnt as extreme like in the us under trump but a problem here as well!
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
great friends i send out the trades =))
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: this is so right! its so sad for you in the us.... clinton wanted war trump is dumb as s*it. i hope they will get you soon a new election system. in germany we also have going some peaceful riots on.... because our politicans dont do enough for enviroment they just think about how they get the most money out of the situation, wich is makig me really mad
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: OMG your avi is card captor sakura *___* *pets*
thank you very much the problem is the only medication that works has a slightly poison in it but my midwife told me if its the only thing that helps than i should take this. she said a happy mama is a happy baby and the poison isnt that harmful.
how are you today :D?
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: really...... honestly i was shocked as i heard trump get the president of the us. i though he is just a stupid capitalism mogul who just cares for himself....... coming out hes even dumber than this. i hope he dont will get elected again because if the us destroys the enviroment the whole world is f***ed up. as a only human you feel so helpless v__v
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
.....for my heartburn medicine to work.... i want to sleep but as some of you know heartburn sucks!

(preggo life is painXDD)
Posted in Hello, finally. Posted 5 years ago
@Rare: welcome dear and nice that you finally decide to post :D you will find so many items you want and posting is the best way to get the volts for them ^-^
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@Tsundererra: global warming is in hot discussion in germanys politic atm but they just talk and dont do anything -__-* its really pregnant how warm germany got over the past years. we almost have south europe klima. iam so glad this fall will get chillier than the last years because i hate the heat. and yes sleep is so much better if its chilly but not to cold! ^^