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Posted in Heey I feel like... Posted 5 years ago
@Saeyra: thats right xD but to get startet is often really hard ^^
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: they are all sad at some point xD
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: oh okay i was surprised xD ^^ yeah wall-e is really nice as well with a nice meaning! totally recoment this or if you dont watch it yet you should watch baymax ;_; such a cute and great and sad movie!
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: really you never watched a disney movie??? you can also try inside out. that was a fun movie :D
Posted in Heey I feel like... Posted 5 years ago
@Saeyra: damn thats sad dear =D yeah here its dark and rainy too but i love this so much :) how are you besides the tiredness??7

@Kozi: oh dear iam so envy usually i think i had today like 3 pot of coffee ^^ i soo feel the coffee. the one cup today morning was also really delicious my dad knows what he is doing with coffee *nods*
Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y Posted 5 years ago
@Flytrap: yes understandable you just dont may give up if such a thing happen okay? this will happen anyone anywere as well. and there will be a new oportunity some day =)
Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y Posted 5 years ago
@Flytrap: yes it is dear. even if you get fired once for this you feel really bad *nods* but everything gets better with more expirience i can tell you! ^^
Posted in Heey I feel like... Posted 5 years ago
... that i take a shitload of sleeping pills. ( i dont take any ) i just have migraine today. do you know this numbing sleepyness??
and chat with me to make me stay awake pls i dont want to sleep the whole day xD
Posted in I'm so mad at myself y a y Posted 5 years ago
@Flytrap: hey flytrap! the slow work i totally understand i also feel like i never can catch up at work but sometimes you just cant get faster its not possible
Posted in 1 hour before bedtime Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: its an classic ^^
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: than i just will say that you see what the future will bring ;D i have really poor mental health as well but after 5 years theraphy and good medication iam here happy in love as a borderliner and expacting a wonderful lil girl..... i also never though this would happen because i always say that i dont deserve any of this but iam also happy i never give up on dreaming of a better life =)

but spoopy things are the best =O
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: yes thats okay unless your happy with... i cant imagine get married too because i have the feeling m bf will have a kid with me but he probably never will me ask to marry him ^^ thats okay i cant force him to! and i have a good buddy who is thinking the same.... he has just bunnys not cats xDD

ahh i see i thoiugh it was wierd because the husky dont fit the creepy theme though
@Xaria: oh well i will see because today i have migraine. usually than i use uch days for the household and resting ^^ what do you for a living? :D
@Xaria: than you definetly should sleep xD i have free today^^ i just looked at the crossword and though nooooo because as a non native english speaker its hard though