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@Xaria: i really love the face and the hair is fancy as well ^^ i just woke up because we have workers in the house and iam trying dont fall asleep again atm xDD i also have headache today. yeah me is browsing too! ^^ and i ate breakfast.
@Xaria: hello :D aww an autum coloured one sounds so nice! wich items you will use? =) and thank you! how was your day? ^-^
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago
hello unicorn thread! someone up to chat??? ^-^
he hey if someones up to chat pls ping me dearies :D
Posted in Waiting...... Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: no because renni dosent have this indrigents my gaviscon has..... usually i need to take pantopazol but this you dont may take if youre preggo...well the us is wierd with medicine though its such an mild medicine and you still dont get it there
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: first thing sorry i fell asleep yesturday right away xDD
aww but you dont know what the future brings! i understand its hard to find love again after your heart was brocken multible times but i always say who knows what comes =)
i was looking for the promt list last night and one day is husky.... and i was like whyyyy husky???
Posted in mi quest / come chat w meee Posted 5 years ago
@milkdaddy: no prob =) have fun collecting more dear!
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: yuss maybe you will have this feeling too someday and think about me xD
how can you be so energetic dear? you definetly should show your art here ^^ iam curious if it will get an inktober contest on voltra
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: no its not uncomfortable =) for me it feels great because it shows that the baby is doing well ^^ it feels like your bowel is moving or tickling from inside! ^^

inktober....... sounds great this year i should participate :D i would love to draw something with a pumpkin head ^^
@Rare: idk thats so cute ^^
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: is very tired counting? xD no iam pretty comfy atm wraped in my blankets with my baby is kicking :D how about you??
Posted in Lock please Posted 5 years ago
now i want a coffe at 00:31 am because of this gif xD iam tired as hell xDD lord
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: i was just like..... wtf i was watching and now i watch like his 10. video xD
Posted in Selling some items! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: if you want to get creeped out really hard watch a video where he is with his GF than both staring at you while he plays the piano XDD