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Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
okay my try with spoopyness now XDD
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: what whyy xDDD this is cute!
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
pretty nightmares :DD
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
vens freebs will be really creepy though :P but i love creepy avis so pretty! ^^
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@moomin: OMG this is so adorable thank you very much *_*!
Posted in beAn's chibi adventure Posted 5 years ago
@Bean: it was terrible..... the problem is i have neurodermatitis on my hands.... so i dont may work as a florist anymore... well so now they want me to go in retail and i say no i want go in an office bacause retail sucks as hell...... so i need to fullfill this very stupid 6 weeks..... i already make them some years ago and it really was stupid... you just sat there and wait until the time was over and in the end you got your formula..... it was so senseless really..... i told them that and they just yeah we still need this..... this day i almost slaped an woman XD
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i read a book there was a cat names Miss Tinky.... i think this was also pretty adorable! or Lori is cute :D
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i gave all my cats the names..... my parents always think they are cute =)) i have a Luna, Lilly (lisbeth) and Mittens
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@moomin: ahh i see =) i think you will be have a good time =) such shows are always pretty spectacular ^^
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: how about Oreo, Chico, Lissy, Lisbeth, Honey, Marmelade, Miss Tippy, Tinky, Bell, Bee?
Posted in beAn's chibi adventure Posted 5 years ago
@Bean: here you need to make an "umschulung" if you already have trained for an job. I was 3 years a floristic trainee and got my job diplom.... so before my pragnancy i had a big fight with the job center why i didnt make an new apprenticeship as a office worker.... in the end they say i need to go to another location to make a 6 weeks training that they could see that i can make the diploma as an office worker..... gosh here its pretty complicated as well but after the pregnancy thats my destinaton for the next years..... i just hate the job center workers *rolls eyes*
Posted in beAn's chibi adventure Posted 5 years ago
@Bean: than youldnt you learn office now? like a late apprentisship?
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes pls post picks and ping me i just love furbabies so much! i also have 3 ^^ 2 tabbys and a black one ^^ what name will she have??

@moomin: oh i never heard of tbh =O wich kind music they make =)?
Posted in Party in the Valley and Goodies? Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: *squuueeeks* a kitty >w< what is she like? tell me!

@moomin: oh cool wich concert you will seeing?? i love concerts :3