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Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: naw i Love structure to walls so it need to fit the character as well :)
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yeah me Not i use walls like the character of the Person who lives in this room xD
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: walls is a good thing the walls in sims4 are pretty boring though
Posted in i demand everyone look at my boy Posted 5 years ago
He is an angel omg kitty
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: oh nice :)) what else you so? Yes i have and i got some but i want to buy the most items myself :)
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: aww how cool i love the sims4 but i just use mods Not cc tbh :) yes on voltra i still want some cuddly stuff so i need to Post alot to get a bit more currency:) what did you create? Hair?
Posted in Howdy! Newbie here! Posted 5 years ago
@Elaunie: hi Welcome on here ^_^
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: my bf is at work noow bored~ iam searching for items to buy atm. What are you up to?
Posted in Mousy's Market -Updated 12-7 Posted 5 years ago
Nevermind xDD
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: never;) i See what you did there xD
Posted in Veng's anniversary party! Posted 5 years ago
Sorry double post ><
Posted in Veng's anniversary party! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: Gym is awesome!!! Do you normal rounds or do you have a cours? I think it calls that in english but Not sure xD i have cramps an my sister in law told me i look like iam pregnant in 9. Month so iam Not happy atm
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
And iam online... xD
Posted in Veng's anniversary party! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: oh i know today morning it was a little quiet too but thats the price for living in europe! Iam visiting my BF we will have mummy and daddy time together :frizzhappy: nothing to do for you today??