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Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: i dont will get any XDD its just three and a half hours than iam back... iam just so unmotivated because i already saw all seminar themes for my job section
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: naw dont kick me xD i just go because my boss ask me for going with her because she dont wanted to go alone xDD i know her xDD
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: haha thank you i was taking a nap now! how are you? i need to go to an seminar soon.... i dont want too iam a bit lazy xD
Posted in A Moon Worshipers Shop (buy/sell) Posted 5 years ago
@SnakeWeaver: may i pls buy clown and summer crane for 1250 volts pls =)?
Posted in Hey Voltra iam back :D Posted 5 years ago
so my weekend is over and here iam up to chat!
we went to a children circus this weekend and had a birthday party and we started with the game nii no kuni 1, it was an awesome weekend with my BF!
Posted in are you dressing up for halloween? Posted 5 years ago
In Germany is dressing up for adults Not common yet but next year i will dress up my Baby as a little monkey :frizz-celebrate:
Posted in Veng's anniversary party! Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: naw hun today noon to afternoon i have Time again, :)
Posted in Voltra's 2nd Anniversary! [RAFFLE DONE!] Posted 5 years ago
*rolls in* hi Thread!
Posted in What song always gets you hype? Posted 5 years ago
Equilibrium-waldschrein you hab find it on my profile but i think it wouldnt catch you
Posted in I am last poster on all active topics. Posted 5 years ago
Yeah timezone is the Key
Posted in Meet Lola our new cat Posted 5 years ago
Aww she is sooo smol
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: ohh do you have her now? What you finally called her?
Posted in Bella Cant be online... Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: yes but it all starts with a wall:) whats up to you this weekend?
Posted in Lineart Freebs Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: Froggy bebe! Yes you should do this :D